Hanging out, finally

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"So, what should we do?" Soul said as he went and sat on her couch. "Uhm..." Krista said trying to think. "Oh what's this?! Soul said picking up a piece of paper. "Idiot. That would be called paper. Can you say that for me sweetie?Pa-Per." Krista said sitting down next to him. "I'll try. Pepper!" Soul said excited. "Getting close honey. That's pepper, we want paper. If you say paper I'll let you pick a prize." Krista said smiling at him. "Hmm. Pa- no pep- no. Oh oh paper!" Soul said happily. "Look at you smarty!" Krista said sarcastically. "So for my prize?" Soul said smiling. "I said you get to pick didn't I? Pick anything you want." Krista said looking at her socks. "Alright. I pick a kiss from you." Soul said scooting closer to her. "Nice try buddy." Krista said patting his back. "You said anything." Soul said pouting. "Yeah by anything I meant nothing." Krista said standing up. "Where you going?" Soul asked. "I'm going to go get a metal bat to hit you with" Krista said walking to her closet.

Krista grabbed the metal bat out of her closet and walked back into the living room. "Uh Soul? Where'd you go?" She asked looking around. "Boo!" Soul yelled as he jumped out from behind the couch. "Wow." Krista said with no emotion. "Loosen up." Soul said walking over to her. Krista stuck her tongue out at him. "Wow so now you want to make out?" Soul said smirking. "Pervert!" Krista yelled as she hit him with the bat. "Ow." Soul said rubbing his head. "I'm so sorry!" Krista said as she rushes to her fridge. She came back into the living room with and ice pack for his head. "Are you okay?" Krista said feeling bad. "Other than being hit in the head with a bat yeah." Soul said chuckling. "Not funny, I feel awful." Krista said frowning. "Don't worry about it." Soul said putting the ice pack on his head.

"Hey Krista what time is it?" Soul said a couple hours later while they were hanging out. "Uh. Good question." Krista said as she got up to look at the time. "Woah! You're not going to believe this. It's 4:00 in the morning." Krista said surprised. "Wow I guess I had so much fun I lost track of time." Soul said laying down on the couch. "Yeah, guess we better get going to bed. Ugh I got school in the morning." She said brushing out her hair with her fingers. "Yeah." Soul said as he yawned.

Krista walked to the door and opened it. "Alright, better start heading home." Krista said not looking at him. A minute later she looked over at him and saw that he was passed out on her couch. "Oh okay, I guess you can sleep here. No biggy. See you in the morning." She said rolling her eyes. She turned all the lights off in the kitchen then went back in the living room. "Awe he's kind of a cute sleeper." She said sitting on the coffee table across from him. "It's like I've known you for a while when we've only known each other for a couple hours. I wish I could know or not but I may have a small crush on you. Of course I can't tell you yet but it's true. I might be developing a crush on a guy I just met. I hope I'm just tired and it will go away in the morning. Man I wish I could cuddle up next to you right now. I also wish I wouldn't of passed up the chance to kiss you earlier. Oh well..." Krista said smiling at sleeping Soul. Well at least she thought he was asleep.

SoulXKristaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon