Frozen Burrito

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"I didn't get the chance to tell you this last night, you have a lovely home." Soul said as he put her down at the door. "Thanks." She said as she unlocked the door. Soul went and sat on her couch. "So, what's for lunch?" Soul asked making himself comfortable. "Now I know why you like to come to my house. You're too lazy to make your own. Makes sense." She said as she folded her arms. "No, I love your company." Soul said looking out the window. "Oh really?" Krista asked sarcastically. "Yes, I love your company. You're so sweet and all that stuff." Soul said kicking his feet up. "Uh huh. What you hungry for?" Krista said as she walked into the kitchen. "Food." Soul said. "Very specific." Krista said opening the fridge.

Krista put a frozen burrito in the microwave. "Soul! Get off your lazy butt and get in here." Krista yelled as the microwave beeped. "So? What you make me?" Soul said walking over to her. Krista handed him the burrito and pointed to the table. Soul picked it up and looked at it funny. "It's called a burrito dumby." Krista said as she hit the back of his head. "I know what it is." Soul said pushing her arm. "Yeah, now you do." She said sitting down next to him.

"Damn that was delicious, make me another one!" Soul said giving her the plate. "Fatty." She said grabbing the plate. "I'm not fat! I'm a hungry guy." Soul said patting his stomach. Krista rolled her eyes and did a short laugh while she cooked his burrito. She put it in the microwave for 2 minutes and counted down out loud. "Do you always do that?" Soul said raising his eyebrows. "Yeah. Got a problem with that?" She asked with attitude. "Ooh feisty." Soul said winking. She grabbed the plate out of the microwave and gave it to him. She sat next to him and smiled at him. "What?" Soul asked stuffing his face. "Have I ever told you that I think you're a complete and total idiot?" She said with a smile on her face. "Probably." He said. "Hey Krista, how much do you love me?" Soul said looking at his plate. "On it." She said grabbing his plate to make another one for him. "So, you do love me?" Soul said with a big cheesy smile. "You really are a complete and total idiot." Krista said rolling her eyes and laughing. "Hey you never said you didn't love me. Haha Krista loves me!" Soul said making kissy faces. "I do not love you. Not at all. That's disgusting!" She said throwing an apple at him. "Was that called for?" Soul asked picking up the apple. "I think so." She said smiling. She brought him the plate. Soul picked up the burrito and ate it fast. "Thanks." He said smiling. "Soul." She said seriously. "What?" He said nervously. "You have burrito stuck in your teeth." She said trying to be serious. Soul did a big cheesy smile to show her the rest of his teeth. That's when Krista burst out laughing.

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