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"Hey! Krista, over here!" Maka yelled waving to Krista and Soul. Krista excitedly waved to Maka while Soul shrugged his shoulders. Tsubaki and Maka met Krista and Soul half way. "So you guys came to school together?" Tsubaki asked. "Yeah, he slept on my couch sooo." Krista said shrugging. "It wasn't comfy." Soul said. "Well sorry. I didn't invite you to sleep there." Krista said shooting a dirty look at him. "Buy a comfy couch then." Soul said smiling. "Why? I don't plan on you sleeping on my couch any more." Krista said annoyed. "So I sleep in your bed with you then?" Soul said smiling. "No! You sleep in your own bed." Krista said trying not to kill him. Tsubaki and Maka awkwardly looked at each other and said, "You guys argue like a married couple." "Not even close!" Krista said blushing. Soul laughed and said, "Whatever."

"I don't mean to be nosey but why did Soul sleep on your couch?" Tsubaki asked. "Long long story." Krista said as she sighed. "We have time before class starts." Tsubaki suggested. Krista sighed and said, "Alright. He snook into my kitchen like a creep and wouldn't leave until he got to apologize. Well, I didn't want to hear it so I argued against it. Eventually I gave up and let him apologize and for some reason I ended letting him stay the night because we were talking." Krista said slowly smiling. "Krista?" Tsubki asked. "Uh, yeah?" Krista said awkwardly. "Do you?" Tsubaki asked looking at her funny. "Do I what?" Krista said trying to avoid the question. "You know, do you like him?" Tsubaki said smiling. Krista automatically started blushing, "Haha no way, you have got to be kidding me! He's a jerk, why would I like him." Krista said rambling faster and faster. "I'm just wondering, it sort of seemed like it earlier." Tsubaki said smiling. "Well I don't. He's a jerk." Krista said looking down.

"Hey Krista!" Maka yelled after class was over. "Hey." Krista said smiling. "So! We NEED to talk." Maka said seriously. "Uh, okay?" Krista said awkwardly. "So, you and Soul?" Maka said nudging her shoulder. "You have got to be kidding me!" Krista said. "Well? What's happening?" Maka said happily. "He's a jerk." Krista said with no emotion. "Why do I feel like you're lying?" Maka asked. "Because you're a weirdo. Why would I like Soul? I mean he's weird, he's rude, and he is like ugh." Krista said rolling her eyes. "Alright. Well see ya later!" Maka said as she waved and walked away. "Bye!" Krista waved. "Hey Krista, wait up." Soul yelled running to her. "Yeah?" Krista said turning around. "I'm coming over." Soul said walking next to her. "No you're not." She said. "I am." Soul said shrugging. "Soul, I said NO!" Krista said stopping. Soul stopped walking and looked at her. "I'm coming whether you like it or not." Soul said softly. Krista sighed. "Fine." She said rolling her eyes. Soul started walking and when he was a little bit in front of her she flipped him off. Soul turned around while she flipped him off and said, "Stop flipping me off and let's go." Soul said smiling. Krista awkwardly smiled back and put her hands behind her back. She slowly walked up to him and when he wasn't looking she licked her hand and rubbed his face. "I'm going to kill you!" Soul said grabbing her from behind and lifting her up. "Put me down!" Krista yelled kicking her feet. "Apologize." Soul said as he put her over his shoulder. "Never!" She yelled.

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