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"It's 9:00 Soul." Krista said yawning."You kicking me out now?" Soul asked sadly. "You can stay, but I'm going to bed." Krista said walking over to him. "Alright. I'll stay on your couch again." Soul said laying down. "I thought it was uncomfortable." Krista said giving him a dirty look. "Eh." Soul said closing his eyes. "Goodnight Soul." She said smiling. "Goodnight Kristi." Soul said with a big smile. "Idiot." She said walking into her room.

Krista took a shower, brushed her teeth, and made sure all the lights were off before she got into bed. Then she fell asleep to the soft sound outside.

"Hey. Krista, wake up." Soul whispered softly shaking her. Krista opened her eyes slowly and it took her a minute to adjust to what was happening. "What do you want?" She asked groggy. "I need to talk to you." Soul said seriously and sat down next to her. "It can wait until morning." She said laying back down. "It is morning." Soul said with a soft laugh. "Yeah, 2:00 in the morning." Krista said putting her blanket over her head. Soul sighed. That made her feel bad so she sat back up. "Alright, what do you need to talk about?" She asked. "Let's go outside." Soul said standing up. "I hate you." She said giggling and standing up.

Her and Soul walked out to her backyard garden and sat on her porch. "Dude, it's freezing out here." She said shivering trying to get warm. Soul took off his jacket and put it around her shoulders. "Thanks." She said feeling a little guilty. "Krista." Soul said looking into her eyes. "What?" She said looking back at him. "Your hair in the moonlight." Soul said in awe. Krista blushed and brushed it out with her fingers. "Your eyes." He said moving a strand of hair out of her face. "Your weird." She said giving him an awkward smile. "Can we be serious for just a minute." Soul asked with half a frown. "You got 60 seconds." She said with a smile. "I'm glad I met you." Soul said looking in her eyes. "I'm glad I met you too." She said happily. "And we've been pretty good friends for just meeting." Soul said grabbing her hand. "Yeah." Krista said looking down at her feet. "Will you, be mine?" Soul asked with no hesitation. "What?" Krista asked in shock. "You know, will you be my girlfriend." Soul asked smiling at her. Krista looked back up at him to see if he was serious or not. She thought about just kissing him instead of saying yes but she was scared to even say yes. She stared back at the floor for a minute while she thought about it and Soul was silent the hole time.

Finally she knew what she wanted to say. She knew for sure she wanted to say yes and by this point she knew Soul was being serious for once. So she gave in to what her heart wanted. She looked up at him, smiled, and then kissed him. "Can I take that as a yes?" Soul said smiling. "Krista smiled and exclaimed, "You can take that as a hell yes!"

That's when all their friends turned on the pretty garden lights they step up and yelled surprise. "No way!" Krista said happily looking at him. "Who's idea was this?" She asked everyone smiling. Everybody said Soul at the same time. "I was just as surprised as you are." Maka said with a small laugh. "Congrats!" Tsubaki said excitedly. Tsubaki gave Krista a big hug. "I told you they would be a good couple. I'm the best at putting couples together. They would of never met if it weren't for me." Black Star announced loudly to everyone. "Uh Black Star." Tsubaki said sweetly. "You had nothing to do with this." Tsubaki said smiling. "Sure I did! I'm Black Star!" He yelled loudly. "You guys are a cute couple." Liz said politely. "Yeah! Are you guys going to have babies now? Awe wouldn't they just be so cute? I bet they will be so cute. If you need a baby sitter I can baby sit them. Oh and when is the wedding? My sis and I will plan it! Right sis?" Patty said a little too exited. "Soul has talked non stop about you since he's seen you. I'm glad you guys are together." Kid said smiling. "Hey Soul." Krista said. "What?"he asked. "What if I said no?" Krista asked smiling. "I didn't really have a plan for that option. I was really hoping you'd say yes while I was planning." Soul said relieved. "I'm dating an idiot." Krista announced loudly then gave Soul a big kiss.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2015 ⏰

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