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Krista got home and took a scolding hot shower and got into her comfy clothes. She turned on her radio and listened to her favorite CD while brushing her teeth and getting ready for bed. Krista was so mad she stomped around everywhere she went and slammed doors and cupboards.

She walked into her room after she turned off all the lights and got into her warm comfy bed. Knock knock. "Ugh!" Krista said as she got out of bed. "What?!" She said pissed as she opened the door. "I don't want to talk to you! I think you're a bad person, you're annoying, stupid, and uh weird! How do you know where I live?!" She rambled pissed without opening her eyes. "I just want to-" the landlord said before she interrupted. "Want to what?! Apologize or something? No! No, no, no. You will not apologize because what you did was messed up! How could you even think of showing up on my front porch and dare to apologize. You never fail to offend me do you?" Krista said still with eyes closed. "I came to collect your rent." Her landlord said awkwardly looking at her like she was crazy. Krista opened her eyes and felt embarrassed. "Oh." She said looking at him with eyes wide open. "Rent?" He said opening his wallet. "Yeah right. Uh it was in my purse, let's see. Hang on I'll check the kitchen." She said stumbling around.

Krista walked into the kitchen and looked around and saw Soul sitting at the table with her purse. "Oh hey Soul." She said smiling. "Looking for this?" He said dangling the purse. "Oh yeah I do. Thanks you're a life saver." She said grabbing the purse. Krista looked in her purse for a minute when she realized who was there with her. "Soul! What are you doing? Why are you here? How did you, why, what? No go! Out, now! NOW!" She yelled pointing to the door. "Let's talk." Soul said calmly. "No we will not talk. Can't you see I don't like you right now?" She yelled. "I said talk, not yell." Soul said smirking. Krista yelled, "I don't like you" but then caught herself and said, "right now." "Does that mean you'll like me later?" Soul said laughing at her anger. "What? No! I won't like you later." She said folding her arms and tapping her foot. "Oh, so you'll love me later?" Soul said. "Alright that's enough get out!" She yelled making him stand up. "I can't leave without your rent." The landlord said stepping in. "Do I look like I'm talking to you?" She said irritated. "Yeah, she's talking to me." Soul said which really didn't help. "Soul, get out of this. And out of my house!" She said annoyed. "It won't be your house if you don't pay your rent." The landlord said. "Soul! Why are you still here?" Krista said clenching her fist. "Well why won't you just talk?" Soul said sitting down. "Because it's with you, a major jerk." She said rolling her eyes. "Pay up." The landlord said. "Maybe I wouldn't be such a jerk if you let me talk." Soul said. "I wouldn't think you were a jerk if you stopped talking!" She angrily said. "I want to go, so please pay." The landlord said. "I do stop talking. I just can't until you listen." Soul said getting comfy. "Like I would ever listen to you. You probably don't even know half the words you're saying." Krista said looking serious at him. "What does that mean?" Soul said acting dumb. "It means that you're an idiot!" Krista tried to yell while holding in her laugh. "I need to go to bed. I have a meeting in the morning, please pay." Said the landlord. "Not now!" Krista and Soul yelled at the same time. "Okay, I'll be back tomorrow." The landlord said awkwardly as he stepped out. "Now it's time for you to get out." Krista said pretending to be mad. Soul smiled at her and she burst out laughing. "What's so funny?" Soul said acting insulted. "You win." Krista said smiling and sitting down.

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