Chapter 5 🔞

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DAY 35

7:00 am

There is nothing more pleasant than waking up with a great song that makes you begin the day in the right mood. Well, that morning, wasn't exactly that case.

She is hot, she is wonderful, she is talented and you know you love her. She is Freen Sarocha Chankimha and she's coming out with a brand-new album. Me, myself and I, soon available in all the greatest music stores.

You have got to be kidding me.

Becky thought as stretching to reach the radio. She turned it off, already annoyed by that day, but as she rolled her eyes at the small electronic calendar on the bedside table she smiled.

Monday, 24 December it said.

Finally, the last day at work had arrived, she had three wonderful days of vacation in front of her, that wasn't much, she knew, but it was enough time to detox from Freen Sarocha.

And plus, she wanted to spend some time back at home, with her mom and her family.

She had really missed them during all that period, Freen had tried in every possible way to ruin every possible spare moment she had.

She heard the far noise of someone knocking on the door. Becky jumped off the bed and rushed to the door, hoping for everyone but Freen.

"Hi nerd!" Nop said.

"Nerd? You too!?" Becky answered snorting.

"I'm sorry, mocking you is so funny." He said lifting some plastic bags. "I brought breakfast!"

"Oh ok. Love you, come in!"

She walked back inside the apartment.


"Absolutely." He replied. "So, are you excited?"

"Looking forward. Really!"

"Me too. I wanted to say hello and wish you a Merry Christmas since I'm leaving tonight."

"Are you?"

"Yes, I'm going back to Hawkins for Christmas."

Hawkins. The awful place where she had spent her awful youth. That name made her remember every time about Freen being such a bitch to her and about the fact that after so many years, nothing had changed. She was still being bullied by her, just in much more sophisticated, complicated and unbearable way.

She couldn't explain to herself the way she was feeling about her boss. She knew she hated her because she was making her life a mess, but she also was aware of the fact that somehow, she liked Freen and this was even more unbearable.

She was working with the person she hated the most but sometimes, she was enjoying it and that didn't make sense at all.

"Oh, how nice." She said with a little bit of pain in her heart.

"And since maybe I won't see you later, I made you a gift." Nop said handing over a little box.

Becky smiled. "Nop, you shouldn't have."

"Come on, open it."

Becky sighed, feeling excited - she opened it but it wasn't at all what she was expecting.

She stared at it, then she looked up at him.

"Nop, you bought me a knife, uh?"

Nop giggled a bit nodding. Becky smiled even though she wasn't understanding the joke.


"Oh, I just thought it would have helped you."

"With what?"

Blonde Obsession - BeckFreen (Intersex) - CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now