(Hell Arc) Chapter 10 - Setbacks of Early Youth

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In his past life, Zora was called Chonlatarn Phayasira (ชลธาร พญาศิระ).

Chonlatarn's youth unfolded as a series of ordinary moments tinged with a persistent sense of longing and inadequacy. Growing up as a solitary figure devoid of exceptional talents or charisma, he grappled with the challenges of school life and the complexities of forging meaningful connections.

Throughout his academic journey, Chonlatarn made futile attempts to carve out a niche for himself in various extracurricular pursuits, ranging from piano lessons to karate classes, from art workshops to computer programming courses. However, his lackluster performance and waning interest soon led teachers and peers to dismiss him, relegating him to the sidelines of school activities and social circles.

His romantic aspirations mirrored his academic setbacks—marked by unrequited affection and unfulfilled desires. Among the objects of his silent admiration were two classmates, Yingprae and Minnie, whose distinct appearances only served to underscore his own feelings of inadequacy. Yingprae, with her ethereal blend of Caucasian and Asian features, exuded an enigmatic allure that left Chonlatarn spellbound. Conversely, Minnie's classic Chinese beauty, coupled with her statuesque height, smooth ivory-pillar long legs, and graceful demeanour, evoked a different kind of longing within him. Despite stealing furtive glances during P.E. classes, Chonlatarn remained invisible to both girls, resigned to nurse his unspoken affections in solitude.

Upon completing middle school, Chonlatarn embarked on a new chapter of his academic journey, enrolling in a polytechnic institute to pursue his passion for computer science. Driven by a fervent desire to bring his imaginative fantasies to life through video game development, he soon encountered the harsh reality of his limitations in mathematics and data computing. Despite grappling with mediocrity in his studies and computer troubleshooting, he found solace in the autonomy afforded by his pursuits, allowing him to explore language studies as a personal avocation. He even game himself a bombastic name called "Kiriranshiro Himeragi" as an alter-ego to portray himself as a larger-than-life movie or character in a video game than that of an ordinary average guy.

During school breaks, Chonlatarn's horizons expanded beyond the confines of his mundane existence as he ventured on educational excursions to Japan and Korea organized by the polytechnic. In Japan, he found himself enchanted by the wintry landscapes of Hokkaido, particularly the enchanting cities of Sapporo, Hakodate, and Otaru.

In Sapporo, Chonlatarn revelled in the lively festivities of the Sapporo Snow Festival, where magnificent ice sculptures adorned the streets, casting a luminous glow upon the frost-kissed surroundings. He wandered through bustling markets, sampling savoury delights such as freshly caught seafood and steaming bowls of miso ramen, the crisp chill of winter invigorating his senses.

Venturing to Hakodate, he ascended Mount Hakodate via the ropeway, marvelling at the breath-taking vistas of the cityscape below as twilight descended, painting the sky in a symphony of hues. Strolling through the historic district of Motomachi, he admired the elegant Western-style architecture and perused quaint shops brimming with artisanal crafts and local delicacies.

Lastly, in Otaru, Chonlatarn succumbed to the town's nostalgic charm, meandering along the picturesque canal lined with flickering gas lamps and weathered warehouses. He explored glass workshops, where skilled artisans showcased the delicate art of glassblowing, their creations shimmering in the soft light like ethereal treasures.

Amidst his travels, Chonlatarn forged fleeting connections with newfound friends, particularly the local women who graciously shared their culture and hospitality. For a brief interlude, he basked in the warmth of their companionship, cherishing each moment of camaraderie before reluctantly bidding farewell to his transient sanctuary and returning to the solitary confines of his reality once more.

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