Disobeying his orders

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———— Aaron Hotchner.

Hotch leans over the railing, watching everyone put their things away. I am the exception, I am just sitting at my desk with a file in my hands. Even Spence is getting ready to leave, with his cardigan on and his bag in his hand, hurriedly stuffing things inside. 

"Harper." Hotch calls me by my last name. I turn to him, as do Mily, Spence, and Dave. "Come to my office." 

"Uh oh, looks like someone pissed dad off." Spence jokes, smiling at me. 

"Shut up, Spencer Reid." I smack him in the back with the folder and he pouts. 

"Hey! JJ, Ren hit me on the head!" 

"Guys, behave or I will punish you both." JJ answers, without even looking at us. I pout and make to answer, but Hotch appears again with a frown. 


"I'm coming!" 

I shout back, putting down my things. I grab my sweater and stick my tongue out at Spence, who makes a dramatic, mock-surprised face. I laugh, walking into Hotch's office. He is sitting and looking at me a little sternly. 

"Close the door, Harper." 

"Are you mad at me, Hotch? I haven't done anything yet, I guess." I grimace, but obey his orders to close the door.

"Don't use that tone with me, Florence." He scolds me, authoritarian. "Now sit down." 

"But Hotch..." 

"Florence Harper, get your ass in that chair and behave. Now." 

I stay quiet and sit in the chair, as he tells me. His face is pure severity, dominant and authoritarian. His hands, crossed on the desk, look much firmer than usual, as if they have a lot of strength in them. 


"I didn't give you permission to speak." 

I raise my hands, seeking to calm him with my gesture. He continues looking at me, this time a little calmer. 

"I want you to show me your right arm. Take off your sweater and let me see." 

I look at him for a few seconds. My eyes start to get watery. I shake my head. 

"Am I asking you, Florence? Because I don't think so." I lower my head. He stands up and walks towards me, sitting on the edge of his desk. He doesn't touch me, he doesn't make any move to invade my space, he just stays there. "I need to see your arm to check if you're okay. Could you show me?" 

Obviously, his tone is gentler than before. 

"Yes sir." 

I slowly take off my sweater and place it on the chair next to me. My shirt covers my arms, so I unbutton the right side and roll up the sleeve. Hotch has his eyes fixed on my movements, attentive. On my arm, marked against the brown skin, there are some cuts. Some are bandaged, but most are there, in the air, unhealed. 


"You know what happened, I guess." 

"Oh, a little bird told me." I roll my eyes, and Hotch automatically slaps my thigh. 

"Ouch! What was that?!" 

"I don't want you to roll your eyes or disrespect me." He scolds me. "It is not okay for you to disobey my orders. I am your boss, and your friend, but above all your boss. It implies that you cannot, nor should you, act that way." 

"Yes, sir. I'm aware of that... I'm sorry." 

"Are you sorry? Or are you just apologizing to me to lessen your punishment?" 

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