CH 10

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Its 9am and i dont know how long i slept for i usually wake up around 5am but i guess i was just really tired from yesterday.

I did not see him beside me when i woke up so i just went straight to the washroom.

We r keeping all the rest of the functions next week as everyone was really tired from all the preparations of the wedding.

I headed straight to the washroom and took a nice long bath.

I was supposed to wear a sarree as it is my first day here as a wedded women but i had to go to work so i just skipped on that.

I do not even know how to wear a saree.. so. My sister always helped me wear it and she still can. I haven't talk to her since yesterday so i will try go catch up in her today.

 I haven't talk to her since yesterday so i will try go catch up in her today

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(Aadhyas fit)

I went straight downstairs after getting ready along with my purse.

I saw everyone seated at the dining table having their breakfast. And then i see HIM.

He was coming back from the gym and was damped in sweat.

I went towards the dining table and greeted everyone a good morning. 
Mom asked me to sit and eat breakfast with them before leaving but u was already late for my meeting.

I was just leaving when i remembered that i fogot my charger so i went back to the room to see Ayaan shirtless with a towel wrapped around his waist.

His dark hair falling on his face and him abs dripping with water i was gonna turn back but then i remembered that I am a mafia leader i have no one and nothing to be afraid of so i just went to the bedside table and took my charger while he stared at me in shock.

I holded up the charger and said "i forgot this"

He nodded and just as i was about to leave he said in his husky voice "your going for work right? Be home early and text me when ur there"

I hummed at him and said " i wont leave you and run away with some other guy Mr. Husband" and then winked at him and left.

I saw him smirk before i did leave tho.

I was swamped up with work the entire day and it was finally time i go home.

I was packing up my stuff when someone knocked on the door.

I had no idea who it could be because all of my employees had already left it was just me...

I asked them to come in and i saw VANSH.
(If u guys don't remember him chack ch 4)

I woke up from my chair and took out my emergency gun from my drawer.

"Woah there sweetheart, dont be scared of me before i even say a word" he said while smirking.

I replied "And yet your again wrong vansh. I thought yoy learned your lesson last time. Too bad you escaped"

He replies "It is my turn now aadhya you will suffer now."
I smirk as i say "i doubt i will"

And he lunges towards me while i just move out of his way for him to crash with the wall.

He tries again as i just take my gun out and shoot his arm. He yelps in pain.

I take my phone out and call Gerrard "in my office. Take him to the basement and make sure he does not escape this time ok?" He replies back and then i leave him there in pain.

As i walk out of my office i see a familiar figure standing there. It is Ayaan.

I walk up to hin and ask wht he is doing over there. He says that it was really late and i wasnt replying to his text so he came over here.

And i forgot how caught up i was in work.

I explain it all to him then he sees the blood splatters on my white suit.

"Are you hurt?!" He asks checking if i am. I reply back a no and he knows exactly what happened.  He does not ask me anything further because he knows how it all is. He is mafia himself after all.

I go back with him to the house and the ride is quite peacefully and not awkward.


Well i hope you guys liked the new update after a long time.



word count = 770

Well tysm !?!?!??!?!



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⏰ Last updated: 7 days ago ⏰

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