Chapter 10

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Chapter ten

[Ray’s POV]

“Hey!” I growled angrily. Since living back with my mom I hadn’t felt an ounce of anger, but now I was definitely feeling it and I could feel my inner ‘Beast’ starting to emerge. The teenage girls looked up and I saw their mouths drop in silence; however the boys continued to tumble around in the sand. The sounds of fists hitting bodies and shouts between them persisted and soon one boy was fighting dirty by throwing sand around to distract his opponent.

“Hey watch it!” I heard Seychelles shout out. I turned to look at her and she was spitting out grains of sand from her sweet mouth and I growled. This wasn’t how I wanted the night to end and I was beyond pissed off now. In a few long, angry strides I grabbed the fronts of both the boys’ shirts and tore them apart, lifting them in the air so their feet could no longer touch the ground.

“What the fu-!”

“Hey! Piss off-!”

Both boys were shouting at me but I was way past seeing red. I threw them both to the ground and I could feel my nostrils flare with anger as I slowly stepped towards them. “You’ll be smart to head back home” I warned them quietly as my eyes bore into theirs.  I had always been told back at the base that while my shouting could scare the mane off a lion, my quiet, calm threats would have had a ghost digging back into his grave.

Both the boys stood up with anger etched onto their bruised and bleeding faces. “Who the hell are you!” They both shouted angrily, though I noticed they didn’t step any closer.

“I think the question here, boys, is who the hell do you think you are?” My eyes blazed as I remembered them nearly smashing into Seychelles. Their fight and the anger between the two seemed to have been forgotten as they and their friends stood in front of me; apparently trying to intimidate me with their numbers. I scoffed on the inside. “If you’re planning on ganging up on me, I suggest you move along before I make you move along”

“Ray... I don’t think that’s such a good idea” Seychelles whispered from behind me. Her small, soft hand touched my shoulder but I was too used to having young men thinking they were tough and knew everything just because they could throw a punch. I spent years breaking that nasty little habit of theirs and I had an itch to do that again, now, with these teenage boys.

“These little boys don’t scare me Beauty” I laughed, antagonising them even more. “They might as well pick up their tutus and go prancing back to mommy before their curfew is up”

I couldn’t help it. I felt the familiar drops of adrenaline warming up my blood and if these boys wanted to tumble, then they could go ahead and deal with a real man. Maybe then they would think twice about fighting while they lick their wounds clean. A chorus of profanities were shouted at me and without a second glance over their way I threw my hand out to my left catching the fist of a boy as he tried to punch me without warning. Little did he know I practically had eyes at the back of my head.

“Looks like you want to be taught how to fight like a real man” I murmured.

I tightened my grip over his fist and used it to block the oncoming punch of his friend. I didn’t want to actually hit the teenage boys. I was smarter than that, but there was never anything wrong with teaching them a lesson. I heard a mix of agonised shouts from the two boys and soon both their groups of friends were running at me in a pathetic attempt to overrun me.

The high pitched screams of the girls shrieking for us to stop seemed to turn into background noise as I turned and ducked under kicks and punches being thrown my way. It was twelve against one and... well, it slowly becoming less against me. I revelled in the angry adrenaline that had been dormant for few months now and felt the slightest sheen of sweat dampen my forehead. I used my forearms and shins to block and hit back, without too much force, as each boy attempted to land a fist or knee down onto me and it was easy to see that they had no sort of training in fighting or self defence. It was pathetic.

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