As It Was

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 The high school fields are crowded, between the soccer games going on where I'm at, along with a lacrosse practice and other sports on other fields.   Danny's game has ten minutes left, and they are losing miserably  today. The first loss of the season is also a kick in the pants. I was sitting next to the other moms in our camping chairs chatting away per usual when I heard my name.

"Julia! Hi!"

I look around to see who else could possibly be here, I'd know. I stand up and turn to see  Luke's co-worker, Nicole. I've met her a few times now at company parties. She's a really pretty woman. Much younger than myself. Tall with long blonde hair and expensive taste in clothing, even in her active wear, which is what she's wearing now.

"Oh, Nicole, hi! What are you doing out here?"  I let her give me a little hello hug, but  I'm still confused to see her. Usually, it's all parents or families of high school athletes here. I'm pretty sure she doesn't have any kids, certainly not any in high school.

"I just found an apartment around the corner and thought I'd come and get some steps in. This school has a great track!" She says bubby. Nicole is always really sweet. I like her. 

Luke comes back to where we are standing. He had forgotten his sunglasses in the car, and the once cloudy day had now turned to sunny and beautiful.

"Hey, look who it is!" Luke smiles when he sees his coworker and gives a little nod. She doesn't hug him like she did me, knowing that it is inappropriate since they are working together. "Shouldn't you be behind a computer screen or something?" He jokes.

"Haha, you're funny. No, I don't spend my weekends doing that. Especially the project Phil has us on."  They start talking about work shit and I turn around, not wanting to miss the last few minutes of Danny's game. I give them both a little nod and turn around completely to watch the game, not paying attention to whatever work dilemma they are in.

That's when I noticed it. Maybe I didn't think much of it. Or I told myself it was nothing and moved on. Or maybe it was the very first time it happened, and this is how it all started. I glanced back to see Nicole smile at Luke when he talked to her. He made some kind of joke that was funny, making them both laugh, and Nicole leaned into his side a little when she laughed and put her hand on his bicep. Luke froze for a second. That's  what makes me think this was the first physical encounter they had. It really was just an innocent, small thing, but enough to make Luke's whole body stiffen up a little and then take a step back. They eventually said their goodbyes, and I waved to her before Luke and I returned to our chairs.

"I guess she lives right around here somewhere." He says and then gets sucked back into the soccer game."

I really didn't see her as a threat.


"Hey, you good in here?"

I snapped out of my head and looked up at Nate. he's sitting in the chair across from me with leaning forward with his elbows on his knees, observing me.

"Sorry, I must have zoned out."

"You cry when you're zoned out now, love?" Nate raises an eyebrow, giving me his signature emoji look.

"Huh?" I AM crying. I didn't even know it. I was so caught up in that memory that I didn't feel the tears that stained my face. I confusingly wipe my eyes with the sleeve of my shirt. 

"Jeeze. I didn't even realize it." I lean back in the chair a little and look back out at the view.

"You weren't crying because Jonah was being harsh, were you? He's just nervous something will go wrong, that's all. He doesn't want to lose his nursing license."

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