Chapter 3 Sandy's Return

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 This Life Is Not My Own

by LadyDawn

Picture at Right is: Sandy >>>>>

Chapter 3 Sandy's Return

James was going crazy with worry trying to find Sandy with no luck. She had vanished and no one knew anything about it, or they weren’t talking. What could have been in her mind that was so bad that she would disappear for over a month and not call?

Sandy was hiding out at her parents house back in Florida telling them that James did nothing wrong, just she was having second thoughts and needed a break from him and her mind was all messed up. All she did was cry most of the time she was down there and talked to one of her cousins she was close to. Friends she really didn't have never made or trusted there.

Dawn was feeling so over joyed, she finally had James away from that crazy bitch. Life was good.

Several months passed when the phone rang. It was Sandy she wanted to talk.


Yes James was happy, “I will get her back with me again.” James yelled out to no one in particular.

Dawn was upset, hell no I must stop that idiot before he ruins my life.

One month later Sandy walked through the door to our house and the pause button was released.

James quit his job as a manager at a burger flipping business, then went to work at a really great job as an engineer about one hour and thirty minutes away from home. The pay was great the hours away from home were long but they were only Monday through Friday.

The weekends were for partying with friends,

James had his friends

Sandy had her cousins

Dawn had her insanity to keep her company.

Along about the third year of Sandy's return there came a little bundle of joy. Sandy was pregnant, and had just told James about it.

James POV

OMG I'm going to be a father wow I am so happy. Why don't I feel it deep down inside like I should? I hope it is a little boy so I can raise him to be like me, and teach him all about cars. I really want to be a good father, I hope I don't screw this up like I do everything else in my life.

Sandy's POV

WOW James took that really well. I thought he would be mad with us not being on our feet all that well right now, but he seams to be doing OK with it. I must say I think he will make a good father. I hope I have a little girl, that I can teach everything to, not the way I was brought up with 8 other children to watch, feed, and clean. My parents never wanted to teach me anything. I know I can do better. I don't want a boy right now they are too much trouble.

Dawn's POV


This can't be happening to me! What has that damn slut gone and done to herself now. I will never get rid of her now.


And so the plot thickens.

A boy is born.

James is happy.

Sandy is somewhat happy, though just for James.

Dawn is, ----- well we will not talk about her for now, least not till the fire dies down.


James is working eight hours a day with traveling three hours a day round trip for work and while he is home he is playing with his little boy and loving on Sandy. They seam to be the perfect couple on the outside.

On the inside James is very troubled.

He is having those dreams again every night, though they seem to start up just before he goes to sleep now. Dawn is making him wish he was a woman, and to wake up being one too. They are becoming very troubling to him.

His dreams are all the same.

Dawn comes out in her sexy way and story after story unfolds, the life “she” wants to live for James to see. It always ends with Dawn looking down between her legs and crying.

Sandy finds James crying many mornings and doesn’t understand why and he won't tell her either. This has been going on ever since she has came back from Florida. Sandy is starting to wonder if he has done something while she was away and it is bothering him.

James has been stressed out a lot lately, with the job, and the long hours, and getting up to help with the baby. This may be what is bringing on all these stupid dreams he is having so he believes but just one look at his son and he is so happy again. Life is good and he loves Sandy so much for giving him a son.

Dawn is still in shock, though she has to admit, that little guy with his red hair and green eyes and all is kind of cute, in his own way. But she still hates that slut Sandy.


And Life Goes On

The little boy is Seven now and Sandy comes up to James one day after work. She has something to tell him.

Sandy's POV

Oh good James just got home. I must tell him about the new baby. I made him his favorite meal. Pork chops with mashed potatoes, peas, and gravy. I think I will tell him the good news after we have dinner by candlelight. He dose love to eat that way. I wonder if he will suspect anything is up?

James POV

OH NO Something is up! Sandy has the table set with the good china and has candles out and lit. MMMMMM I smell Pork Chops. Yum my favorite! OK I wonder what she did wrong this time?


James walked in sees the candles and Sandy comes over and plants a huge kiss on him. She tells him to go get cleaned up for supper, it is almost ready and it is his favorite. James puts his lunchbox on the kitchen counter then goes into the bathroom to clean up. Then he heads into the bedroom to change into clean cloths after work.

Sandy sets the food out on the table, all the while smiling that smile she has when she has something up her sleeve. James is nervous to say the least. They sit down just the two of them, and he asks why his son isn't eating with them. Sandy says she has already fed him and he is outside playing with his friends.

They start eating and after supper is done James starts to get up to clear the table when, Sandy grabs his hands and pulls him toward her. She says I want to talk to you about something. It has to do with us. James starts getting nervous and tries to pull away but she won't let him. Sandy then drops the bomb shell on him. We are going to have a BABY.

Dawn's POV


Dawn Passes Out.

Sandy and James both hear a little scream but Sandy didn't understand where it came from or made a comment about it. James just smiled deep down inside he knew it was his subconscious that screamed at him, but it died down so he laughed it off no big deal.

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