Chapter 9 Crystal & Dawn - Bond

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 This Life Is Not My Own

By LadyDawn

The Picture to Right is: Dawn >>>>>

Chapter 9 Crystal & Dawn – Bond

The session at Elizabeth’s, well that shocked everyone! Dawn and baby were there together. Dawn was actually holding little Crystal in her arms while she slept. The image was of mother and child, both dressed in black, so precious, so dangerous! They talked for only a few minutes before Elizabeth decided to cut it off. What had made Elizabeth so frightened? Yes what in deed?

Elizabeth’s POV

When the fog cleared, there before me was Dawn holding Crystal. OMG!!!!! Crystal is in her arms sleeping, they look so much like mother and child, they even are dressed alike with black robe and black dressing on baby Crystal. I look over to see James he is in his jeans and t shirt he came in so what give here?

“Dawn?” I question. “Why do you have the baby in your arms?” Not a good answer! “Why did you zap the baby and Sandy when James handed Crystal to her?” I ask her looking for answers now. “What do you mean, you don't want her to touch the baby? It is her baby!!!” I start yelling at Dawn then I catch myself doing that and remind myself that is a bad thing to be doing to this spirit. OK next question. “Do you and Crystal have a bond or are you just connected when James is holding her?” I am not liking any of her answers then she turns the baby in my direction so I can see the baby's face.

*** OH SHIT!! GODDESS BLESS ME *** Look at her little blue eyes! They are glowing like Dawns.

“I must cut this session off” I tell Dawn. She just smiles as does the baby.


The Jamerson family returns home with a new understanding of the close connection between James and baby Crystal. Sandy was told that she should not interfere with this connection. If she wanted the baby, it was best that James put the baby down first, then Sandy could pick Crystal up. The baby was perfectly safe in James hands, more so that with anyone else. Dawn would never let anything happen to baby Crystal, the bond was ever growing.

Weeks, and even months go by, how time flies. Baby Crystal starts walking and talking gibberish like most babies do! Or is it? She is so cute staggering around trying to walk, and plopping down on her little butt every now and then and giggling. Sandy is teaching little Crystal how to talk and doing her darnedest to get her to say MOMMY. Nope no luck yet she is not ready yet. Sandy keeps hoping her first words will be mommy. Sandy is still breast feeding little Crystal along with solid foods, but less often with the breast milk. It is the one time they can be close like when James and Crystal are.

Crystal is now eleven months old Sandy try as she might, but mommy was not the first word out of little Crystals mouth, it was dada. Crystals gibberish slowly disappeared and in it's place was small cute part words, but never mommy. Crystal was showing so much intelligence as well. She would point to parts of her face when you asked her for her nose, or mouth, or ear. If you set her down with her blocks she spelled out words with them. Baby Crystal was a good eater, and was trying to feed herself, also she refused to take milk from mommy! Sandy was sad.

James and Sandy's love life was back again but there was something different, whenever they were intimate Sandy received a shock, though it was just a tingle through her loins, she was getting used to it. Sandy was just happy to have James loving her again, she missed it so!

James was working more hours now that he had a larger family, he had a better position in the company, this new promotion he received meant they could live better and put that new addition onto the house like they wanted to. The house was almost paid off anyway so why not add to it. Jr. was in his first year of Jr. High School and Crystal was ready for her own room, and god only knows they need their room back.

It took eight months to complete the new addition to the house. The Jamerson's decided to invite Samuel & Elizabeth and the family over to celebrate the completion, also a new kitchen and deck were added into this new addition. Yes they went all out this time one new bedroom a new deck out back that James always wanted and Sandy's new kitchen with a pass through window for the deck. They wanted to show it off. Compared to Samuel's house it was small but it was cute, it was a Gray, Cape Cod home with two floors, with an attached garage, though only for one car.

The day arrives for the gathering, Sandy walks outside when she hears a car drive into the long driveway. She calls out to James, who is out back setting up the new BBQ they just bought that morning for the cookout. The baby is being watched by Jr. in the living room and they are playing a child’s board game, baby Crystal is winning! Hum go figure.

Sandy tells Samuel. “Go around back help James he might need it. giggle” Sandy and Elizabeth walk into the kitchen through the new side door. Sandy proceeds to show Elizabeth around the house to all the new additions they just added, when Elizabeth asks, “How things are between her the baby and James?” Sandy breaks down crying. Elizabeth hugs her and sets her down in the chair then sits on the floor if front of her to chat. What could be wrong with Sandy? What in deed? Elizabeth wonders to herself.

Out back James is trying to assemble this big BBQ without the instructions just like most guys do. Samuel walks around the corner of the house to see James, with all the parts spread out around him. He laughs then goes over to offer a hand. “Where are the instructions?” Samuel asks. “What do you mean there are none?” James informs Samuel.

OK they can do this. How hard can it be for two guys to assemble one big BBQ anyway? Two hours later, and 6 beers each, it is working, they are not, but the BBQ is. There are only two parts left over on the ground but hey you don't need them it is working right. MEN!

Elizabeth’s POV

“Hi Sandy! How are you? Nice you have a new entry way. Oh I just love what you did to the kitchen, I wish Samuel would let me redo our old kitchen, I would love a new stove.” I tell Sandy upon walking in. “Sure lets go see the new baby's room. Sandy this turned out lovely and I think this light pink with the blue and white ceiling is perfect. Now how are you and James doing?” I ask. OMG she is crying. I hug her then sit her on a chair, and sit on the floor in front of her to talk. Sandy through her sniffles and tears tells me the baby seems to be rejecting her. Crystal is extremely smart she says, but she refuses to say mommy, OK this is not good. She tells me that whenever James and her are intimate that she keeps getting shocked, though not painfully so. Again not good! Another thing, whenever Crystal and James are in the same room, Crystal's eyes get brighter she thinks. Now I know there is a problem for sure!!!

Dawn's POV

Just like James! Go and get me drunk, that ass! Doesn’t he know what kind of problems that can cause for us when he does that? Maybe I should just give him a little reminder to straighten him up. HICK o0oO! Damn him! ~ZAP~


James jumps and looks around funny, his whole body just tingled like he stuck his finger in a light socket. Dam that smarted. Good thing no one noticed.

“Is lit.” Someone asks. “The food is on the grill” I inform them. I hear back. “All the refreshment and condiments are on the table.” It is my wife Sandy. They are all sitting down relaxing awhile. James is having the time of his life with his new toy. The food is finally all cooked, he, though a little tipsy still, brings a shiny silver tray loaded with food, up onto his new porch, ready to feed every one when he sees his son James Jr. walking Crystal out by her little hand through the kitchen door.

Jr. brings Crystal out onto the porch in a pretty pink sun dress, all in pink she is just so precious!

Everyone is looking at this picture of beauty, isn't she just so cute. Crystal points! Everyone turns to see James, there at the top of the stairs carrying a tray of food, when out of this little darlings mouth they hear,

D A W N ! ! ! !

They turn and look at baby Crystal she is frowning and pointing!

**********************At Her Daddy!****************

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