Chapter 11 When Mother & Daughter Meet

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This Life Is Not My Own

By LadyDawn

 Photo to Right is Blessed Be >>>>> 

When Mother & Daughter Meet

What does it meen when everything you know about reality goes out the window... Witches are real! Witches still dance around the need fire.... Magic is real! ...A child can move objects with her mind! ….. An ancient WITCH can be bound to a man and his child......



Elizabeth originally asked for Crystal to be left home till members of her coven requested the girl attend the.... “Magic Circle” --- The Temple of the Gods” This is the time of the thinning of the veil, the veil between the living and the dead, it is believed to be thin because of the gods passing through it to the land of the dead. It is in a time like this that Elizabeth hopes that Dawn can safely be removed from James. This time is known as:



The night is October 31st. There is a cold chill to the air.... A coven of thirteen prepares for a ceremony like no other.... Their hopes are all high...

The bond fire is lit.... A large circle is cast... Within the circle an alter... Beside it a cauldron.... A large slab of stone; with a dagger atop, before the fire lays... Hugh candles mark the quarters..... Upon the alter, a challis with wine, water, some crystals and herbs, and lastly a sword.


The moon is full, the stars shine, the circle is cast, the participants are brought in. Eleven flow into the circle.... one by one, around the fire they dance till the fire rises. Twelve soles all in black, one in white. All in unison, all here this night. When the dancing stops, and the mood quiets, three more are cut into the circle, then sealed in tight.

As Above - So Below --- The Circle is Closed

All hooded in black one laid down on a slab, the other two will watch in awe, as one parent and lover may die this one night.

Yes this is Halloween, the night of the thin veil, but will it be the last night, on this earth, for which one will survive one man or one witch?


“The High Priestess Chant”

Darkest night with shining moon

Harken to the witches rune

East, South, West then North

I call Thee forth! Oh Hear me Come!

I invoke thee O Mother of us all Help us tonight

Through your power we may save this sole.

I invoke thee bearer of fruitfulness, by the

seeds and roots of life, hear me.

I ask of all the powers of nature hear me!

Be obedient to me! Listen to me...

I raise my sword unto thee bring me your power

Hear my words I command thee!

Awaken all ye into life, bring this sole out from within!

I command thee do my wishes!

Take this woman from within this man!

As I Will ! So Shall It Be !!!


There before thirteen of Salem's most powerful witches, The High Priestess Elizabeth performs an ancient ceremony from a book of an ancient relative. They all watch on as she finishes and goes up to James. She picks up a dagger upon the alter slab he lays, she raises it above her head..... She chants...... then swiftly brings the dagger down into James body!......

Lightning Flashes........ The Fire roars madly......... People scream......... The sounds of the winds are deafening........ The silence... Blackness... No light, no sounds, no smells, totally nothing.




The sounds return, the fire resumes, the candles are lit. James is sitting up with his legs hanging by the side of the stone slab... Sandy is standing in the corner by the caldron, there are twelve other soles dressed in black around the fire. Elizabeth standing before James holding a dagger red with blood! James looks down it is not his blood! They all start looking around, but something is missing, someone is missing! Where is Crystal? Where is little Crystal?

Outside the circle to the East, standing by a standing stone, a beautiful woman all in black, and in her arms is a child, with eyes of blue, glowing against the dark.

************ “Dawn holds Crystal” **************

The End ************ Or is it?


 The Sequel is on HOLD.

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