Chapter 7 With A Coven's Help

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 This Life Is Not My Own

By LadyDawn

Photo to Right Is: Elizabeth >>>>>

Hush we mush not let Dawn know.

Chapter 6 The Meeting of the Minds

Transference takes place, James drifts off to the twilight, the darkness slowly lifts like the last time. There before him dressed all in black is a beautiful woman with long dark hair and glowing blue eyes, behind her, another woman, Elizabeth.

Elizabeth makes contact with this mystery woman.

The haze clears and before her stands a tall, woman with dark hair down to the middle of her thighs. She wears a dark robe and is facing away from Elizabeth.

In the distance she sees James, his head is turning, as to take in the sight before his eyes. He goes to speak, then notices Elizabeth's slight head shake to say no. He wants so much to ask this woman why she is haunting him.

Once Dawn sees James in front of her, she slowly begins to turn around, but not of her own accord, she see this woman, The Witch, the one person who can help her, Dawn is so happy.

Elizabeth raises her hands to her waist, elbows at her body, palms facing up. She starts chanting quietly as Dawn reacts to it. Dawn turns to face Elizabeth and once they face, the chanting stops. Elizabeth starts to talk in a low sultry voice.

Elizabeth's POV

I am with James and this spirit woman that has been haunting him, she is beautiful, she has been with him for a very long time by her appearance. I will turn her around so we can talk, see what is her reason for being here.

We start to talk,

I ask her. “What is your name?” She says “D A W N” in a singsong voice, her voice is so lovely to listen to.

I ask her “Why?” She says. “She has always been.”

I ask her “How?” She has no response.

I notice she moves with fluidity, like she is floating on air, she circles me once.

Again I ask her. “How?” She looks down and shrugs, this is not my body; I do not belong here.”

Now we are getting some where. I may be able to help James if he will let me. I will try to find out more.

“Dawn?” I question her. “You say you have always been, but you don't belong here?”

Now I am really interested in her answers. “Is there a reason why you and James are together? Like twins embryos that never separated?, Or do you have male and female brain halves in one body? Could it be something like that? “ I ask trying to find out if I am asking the right questions.

OK we are learning a lot now but, looking at James, he is starting to wear out, I must end this soon.

I will have to tell Dawn we will have to do this another time.

Dawn's POV

I see James in front of me. He is really cute, well he has to be look at me. Now where is that Witch? Oh crap what is happening to me? I am turning around, what the!, I am not doing it on my own!.

So that is why! Hi there Ms. Witch, it is a pleasure to meet you!

My Name?

“You may call me D A W N” My voice sings out in a pretty way.

She asks me why am I here? “I tell her I have always been here”

Then she ask me how? I give he no response.

I glide around her, check her out ,this woman intrigue me. She is watching me see what I do.

Again she asks me how? I just look down and shrug my shoulders.

I say in a low voice as if just to myself. “This is not my body I do not belong here.”

How should I answer her? Hum mmm.

(I float back and forth when I think).

“No I do believe we were joined embryos, or two parts of one brain. I know I am one complete being, this before you is who I am, who I have always been. I grew up as James grew up, went through what James went through, know what he knows, have no feelings toward who he think he loves. I just am!.” I tell her in that sweet voice of mine while swaying side to side.

I feel myself slowing down, I must be tiring James's body out, it must be all this nervous movement.

The Witch is telling me she has to stop because James is tiring, we will have to do this another night.

DAMN just when we were getting some where.

********** JAMES WAKES UP **********

Elizabeth is sitting opposite him in the séance room when he wakes up. James wants to hear everything that went on.

He tells Elizabeth that all he could hear was this lovely singsong sound like music coming from the two of them.

Elizabeth thinks for a moment then responds. “DAWN!Her name is Dawn”. …..A period of silence before she speaks again.....

Dawn has been with you since birth!” …....Another long period of silence....

Elizabeth is thinking hard how to put this, so as not to scare him. “She does not know how it happened, just that it did happen. You have sensed her being with you all your life. You are not two embryos that have combined into one, nor are you two minds joined into one. Dawn is a total separate being, as complete as you and I. There are things I can't tell you at this time, we had to stop too soon. She is directly connected to you and was wearing you down with her movements. We should try this again another time if you are willing?”

James is lost in thought!.

Then ask. “How it is possible for him and Dawn to share his energy.”

Elizabeth answered. “That you both are two people sharing one body. She is drawing off your energy to maintain herself just as you are.

James POV

Well FINALLY a few answers. Her name is Dawn, she has been with me since birth, Hum. I do remember having an imaginary friend as a child. She looked so angelic, floating around like that when they were talking. Dawn is a separate being from me? I wonder what she means by that? We are separate but joined. She takes my energy!? Moving inside me while she was talking to Elizabeth!? How is that so I ask? Hum, two people sharing one body, if she says so, I still don’t understand it.


James decides to give this one more try another night but asks, if he should tell Sandy about it first. Maybe they should get together again like the last time.

Elizabeth tells James that it might be best if just this next time they don't let Sandy know. There are problem that have to be worked out first, but she won't say what.

Arrangements are made for the following Friday night after work and James leave.


This went quite well, if I do say so.

I must remember to not pace around so much so we can talk longer.

I didn't know I could drain James so much.


Oh the possibilities.

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