Chapter 5 Dawn and the Witch

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 This Life Is Not My Own

By LadyDawn

The Picture at Right is: Dawn >>>>>

Chapter 5 Dawn and the Witch

James and Sandy left Salem that night many months ago with more questions that answers.

After finding out Elizabeth was a witch, Sandy wanted to know what she was having, and what was wrong with James. Why was he acting so funny every morning, ever since she came back from Florida.

James was upset at what happened when Elizabeth entered his mind. How could that woman do that to him so easily and who was that other woman? Why am I having these dreams again every night? Am I loosing my mind? This is not normal, I think I need help?!

Dawn finally thought that finally she would get some help with this problem, how to get out of this body she didn't belong in! She had so many question to ask that Witch but James had to freak out before she got the chance to make contact. I hope there is a next time. Maybe she can make contact with this Witch some how.


Their life went on as always.

Sandy started to show from the baby growing inside her. She was over eating and really letting herself go this time round.

James lost interest in Sandy, because she was getting so fat and so out of shape. He really despised women with big floppy breasts, and saggy skin. Sandy was over eating and it was showing

Dawn was so happy that James was having nothing to do with Sandy, she never liked her in the first place, though she does love that red head boy of theirs now he is kind of cute.

James is at work one day when Samuel ,his best friend comes up to him with a strange request. “Can you come to my house after work this Friday, Elizabeth wants to talk to you, without Sandy knowing.” He asks.

James thinks about it most of the day Tuesday and agrees to go. When he goes home that night, he tells Sandy. “I am working late doing inventory on Friday, and won't be available to talk to you on the phone, but will call you when I am on the way home. This is mandatory work something I can't get out of.”

Sandy doesn’t think anything of this late night, seeing as she trust James and he has never worked late before and it must be important if they want him to do it.

The rest of the week James is on edge wondering why Elizabeth wants to talk to him. What could be so important that she would want him to go there alone, and not tell Sandy. This is not in James's nature to keep secrets from his wife, let alone go places behind her back.

Friday afternoon comes, James and Samuel are done work. It is time to head to Salem to see what Elizabeth wants. The drive there seems to take hours instead of just 45 minutes. Once they arrive she is there standing on the porch to greet Samuel with a big hug and kiss and a hug for James.

James is a little set back by her affection toward him. They go into the house and supper is on the table ready for them. After supper is finished Samuel starts clearing away the dishes, James gets up to help, but Elisabeth stops him, she directs him into a room off the living room.

Elizabeth’s POV

I took James by the hand and brought him into my seance room. The look on his face was precious. I have been getting a spirit calling out to me ever since that last time he was here, and I think it was the woman I saw in James. I asked Samuel to bring James home with him tonight so I could talk to James, to see if he would let me try to talk to this woman.

James's POV

I decided to help Samuel clean the table off when, Elizabeth grabs my hand and drags me into this strangely decorated room. I am not too sure I like this. What has she got on her mind.

Dawn's POV

Yes! Yes! Yes! She heard me. I knew if I kept trying to call her she would hear me. This is going to be exciting. I can feel my heart beating.

******** Elizabeth Talking to James ********

Elizabeth starts telling James why she asked him here this night. “It is a full moon out” Something he never noticed. “She is strongest on a full moon” Elizabeth tells James.

James looks at her and asks “How are you strongest? What are you talking about with the moon.”

“As you know I am a witch. I have been one all my life, all women in my family have been witches here in Salem since the 1600's. I have been receiving messages from a spirit wanting to talk to me and I feel it has something to do with you. Now before you turn and run, please hear me out. When you were here last, we did that short connection between us. I felt a presence there besides you and I, it was a woman. Just before you broke it off she tried to contact me, I do believe she is the one sending me these messages. I would like your permission to make contact with her, and see what she wants. In the process maybe help you also to understand your dreams, Sandy told me you were having.”

James thinks about Elizabeth’s proposition, and decides he has nothing to loose seeing as he is all ready there, Sandy knows nothing about it. Why not go through with it and maybe stop the dreams once and for all. James looks at Elizabeth and says “Why not give it a try will it hurt like the last time?” She laughs. “Just try not to get too excited with what you see when we are under and you will be fine.” Was her reply.

********* The Seance Room ********

The room is decorated with colorful sheer curtains.

There are many crystal balls, in different colors and sizes.

Tarot cards, are on a table, next to a collection of colored candles .

The smell of sage is permeating the room.

In the center of the room, a small round table with 2 chairs, covering the table is a purple cloth with 2 white candles and a sea shell.

Looking at the floor a little closer there is a large pentagram painted faintly around and under the center table.

Soft music is playing in the background, and candles are lit all around the room.

The hard wood floor creaks under foot.

In the corner sits a large, thick black leather book with more candles around it.

All around the room are crystals, stones, feathers, and jars of various colors, sizes, contents.

Yes this is the room of a Witch.


Elizabeth leads James into the room, sits him down on a chair, then proceeds to the wall opposite him, picks up a gray bundle of sage, lights it with a match. She walks around the room chanting, waving a feather through the smoke, all the while little bells ring from her ankles. After three times around the room she puts out the burning sage in a sea shell on the table and sits opposite James.

Elizabeth has James place his hands face down on the table, while she does the same on her side. She tells him “Close your eyes and breath slowly in through his nose, then out through his mouth” He feels himself relaxing, clearing all thought from his head. “Concentrate on the sound of my voice.” Right about then Elizabeth transferred her mind into James's mind and they both meet.


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