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I held a gun up at the person I was assigned to assassinate, the guy was trembling and begging to not get shot

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I held a gun up at the person I was assigned to assassinate, the guy was trembling and begging to not get shot.

"Spare me, please I won't tell anyone!"

The guy said, his promise was faker then his accent.

I didn't say a word as the guy pleaded and sobbed for his life, I have no clue why my boss wanted me to assassinate this guy.

"Do it Scarlet, the coasts clear and the get away vechle is ready." My coworker said from the walky-talky on my vest.

"On it" I said before pointing my gun directly as the guys head.

The guys eyes widened as he pleaded and begged, more sobs were being echoed in the empty parking lot.

I kept my finger against the trigger before shooting him.




I shot the guy thrice before picking up the bullets and placing them in a bag for it to be destroyed by my boss as I started running to the getaway vechle that was located at the back of the parking lot.

My heels could be heard echoing against the parking lot as I ran to the getaway vechle.




My heels kept hitting against the floor until I saw the vechle, a van with tinted windows, I smirked and ran to the vechle before my coworker opened the door and I hopped in before she tossed me some clothes as I got onto the backseat and started to change my work clothes that probably had some blood on it.

"You did good today girl." My coworker said as I let down a smile before stuffing my bloodied work clothes into a pouch for it to get cleaned in the company as I checked out the dress my coworker gave me.

The dress was a simple dress with poofy sleeves while the skirt reached my knees. it was a cute cream colour and had roses all over it.

As the getaway car kept moving from my other coworker who was driving, me and my coworker who was also my bestfriend, Luna. Were talking in the backseat.

Later on after many turns and different pace of speed the car ended in a halt, we reached the company.

I got out of the car while holding the pouch, the bullets and gun hidden inside the pouch with my work clothes as me, Luna, and my coworker made our way into the company meeting as the other employees were in discussions, meetings, trainings, or breaks.

I made my way to my office room as I saw Luna go to hers which is coincidently right in front of my office room, I walked up to some technology our boss installed where if you were to put clothes inside it would've cleaned every trace of the clothes, it could also be used for items which was handy, beside it was a crushed to destroy anything like bullets, I removed the bullets from the pouch and kept it between the crusher while putting the clothing inside the machine, pressing a button to let it start as I dropped my pouch to the floor and started to pack my things to go home and check on my little captive.

I made my way to my office room as I saw Luna go to hers which is coincidently right in front of my office room, I walked up to some technology our boss installed where if you were to put clothes inside it would've cleaned every trace of the cloth...

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I kept banging my tail against the wall, desperate to try to pull it off. This usually never happens and I would've escaped weeks ago if it weren't for these handcuffs and awkward position in this tub, normally I would've escaped long ago or my people would've found me by now. But I'm guessing they are still searching for me, maybe it could be because I'm in water or maybe my tail hitting against the wall for signals to my people are too weak? Maybe they can't hear it? I don't know why they've not come yet but they would probably not know I'm here. 

As I was deep into my thoughts Scarlet unlocked the door and entered the bathroom, wearing another dress that matched my tail while holding a plate.

Everyday was kind of similar, she'd come home and check on me later with some food while wearing a dress that matches my tail, feed me and give me water before brushing the fabrics against me or running her hands against me or my tail. 

She was the only smart captive that has used handcuffs, usually from the stories my people give me when they return from being captured they say how the humans used net and rope, sometimes even chains. But never told me anything about handcuffs.

Maybe I'm just the first one who had cuffs against them but she clearly doesn't know who I really am, yet. 

I realized that every time I just wanted her to come into the room she trapped me in, I don't know why I just want her to be here, maybe its because I've been trapped here for weeks now in a tub while being cuffed? Maybe I just like her company? I have no idea if I'm being honest.

I spent majority of the time thinking as she kept trying to annoy me or something by moving her hands against my scales, arms, shoulder, or abdomen. I feel like she probably likes to annoy me like that which kind of works.

After a while I watched her leave as a small whimper left my lips, I don't know why I whimpered at her leaving. I shrugged it off as I watched her lock the door before I tried to get comfortable.

After squirming in the tub I finally found some way to shut my eyes and dozed off to sleep.

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