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I don't know if she'd accept the engagement or not, chances were so slim

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I don't know if she'd accept the engagement or not, chances were so slim.

I held the contract as I made my way to her room.

It had been like two days since I last told my dad, and this contract was made yesterday and shipped to me few minutes ago.

I held the contract as I made my way to see her, it was an engagement contract.

I entered the room to see her sitting on her desk, clicking some buttons on her computer, oblivious to my presence.

I made my way to her as I placed the contract on her desk.

"What's this?"

She questioned as she looked away from the screen to see my contract.

I didn't say anything as I watched her grab and read the contract, along with the rules.

"Engagement contract? With who?"

She mumbled as she broke her gaze with the engagement contract and snapped her attention towards me.

"With you."

My voice was low, her eyes widened.


I nodded at her words as I felt my cheeks heat up a little bit, I covered it by bringing a hand to cover my face.

I watched her grab a pen.

I thought she'd sign it but she asked me a question.


My heart started to beat loudly.




I brought my free hand up to my face and covered my flushed face.

"Because I might like you, more then I intended too, at first it was suppose to be a mission but it turned into something else."

I muttered.

I watched her give me the pen.

I gripped it and immediately signed my part, but when I held the pen to her she was silent.


She muttered.

"Can a merman and vampire be together?"

Her question got me stunned.

"In what way?"

She was silent before answering.


I looked at her.

"It's quite unlikely for a merman to be with a vampire since both possess different things."

I mumbled.

"Will they still have a chance to be together?"

Her voice cracked.

Why was she asking me this?

"It depends, normally you'd have to be creative and it had to be the traditional way."

"Aaran, what would you do if I told you I was not human?"

My heart started to beat loudly again.




"It would be good I guess."

She stayed quiet for a few seconds before speaking up.

"What if I told you I was a vampire?"

Her voice cracked.

"I would, accept it. But you'd still have to take the ritual if you were to get married with me."

Immediately after that she grabbed the pen from my hands and started to read the rules in the paper, making sure everything was good before signing the contract.

"Wait, before."

She muttered before looking at me and continuing what she was saying.

"When a vampire gets married, they have to only drink the blood from their spouse....its a thing in my family."

My eyebrows furrowed as she added on.

"I need to taste your blood before I sign the contract."

I gulped but bended down as she got up.

I watched her wrap her fingers around my neck, her mouth near my earlobe.

She nipped my earlobe as I shuddered.

She went near as I could feel her breath against my neck before I felt something poking me.

It was her fangs, she slowly kept her fangs in my skin, the moment she made contact with my skin I let out a hiss, she slowly started to drink the blood, sucking the blood and drinking it.

I clenched the edge of her table for support.

I could feel the cool feeling of my blood dripping down as I felt light headed, I think she sensed it or something because she let go and started to lick the blood curling down my neck before going to the bite and swirling her tongue over the bitemarks she made with her fangs, immediately after that her eyes became softer.

"You ok?"

She whispered as I nodded.

She smiled and grabbed the pen from my hand before going to the engagement contract.

"I'm also going to need to add some rules."

She started to write some rules on the blank space.

1. Don't tell anyone about each other's form.
2. Drinking the blood of the spouse.
3. Don't leave the place at night.
4. Don't reveal any workplaces or connections.
5. Don't mention anything to anyone based off our forms and people.

I watched her write down a few more things before she finished and handed me them, I made sure I was alright with all of them before I gave her the pen and contract and she signed her part of the contract.

She was now my soon-to-be wife.

And I was her soon-to-be husband.

I immediately pulled her into a hug once the signing was done as I heard  her giggle and hug me back, we stayed like this for a few minutes, savoring the feeling of warmth between us as I ended up grinning widely while she was giggling.

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