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I distanced myself from Aaran after the incident, I was way too embarrassed to face him again after him seeing me on him, I retreated to my room everytime I finished feeding him, leaving him in the bathroom all alone, yes he was my captive

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I distanced myself from Aaran after the incident, I was way too embarrassed to face him again after him seeing me on him, I retreated to my room everytime I finished feeding him, leaving him in the bathroom all alone, yes he was my captive. And I did make him my captive because of his beauty. But I still couldn't see him without being embarrassed.

I normally just went to work all the time, and when I went home I would just do my own stuff but ever since he became my captive I went to normally talk to him or gaze at him.

If I'm being honest I have been hearing Aarans tail keep hitting against the wall at night. I usually thought he had trouble sleeping but when I checked the camera he seemed to be purposely doing this. 

I mean who wouldn't? He's probably trying to escape since I did make him my captive.

While I was thinking I kept clicking the keyboard and doing work in my office.

I was probably the one of the only few left in the office considering the offices next to mine look empty, I should probably go home.

I got up and grabbed my stuff before stuffing it in my bag, I offed my office lights and left the office as I made my way to the parking lot.

While walking towards my car I hopped in, once I did I started to drive back home.

I opened my phone to see what my captive was up to, my heart dropped as I looked at the screen and my stomach clenched.

My captive was still in the tub, but his handcuffs were broken on the floor, my stomach felt uneasy as I didn't care about the speed limit. I went home using a short cut in full speed.

My eyes kept shifting to the screen and door, my stomach curled everytime I saw him move, I knew he could manage to break down the door but I kept driving before I closed my phone and started to focus on the road, driving as fast as I could without crashing.

My eyes kept shifting to the screen and door, my stomach curled everytime I saw him move, I knew he could manage to break down the door but I kept driving before I closed my phone and started to focus on the road, driving as fast as I could withou...

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My plan has been working lately, all I needed to do was try to remove my tail but the more I tried the louder I would've been which would probably be bad, I tried to escape the cuffs for weeks and weeks, nothing worked.

I tried to use everything near by using my mouth to hold but wouldn't work since it would have a choking hazard considering my awkward position Scarlet made me stay in during my captivated days, I just need to wait for her to come and free me, then once she does come here I can wait for her to leave the room which would buy me some time before I can hop off and grab the keys she leaves on the counter everytime.

Since there was no pick lock, key, or anything I could use to open my cuffs, breaking it was also hard but I realized I could use my canine tooth as a key considering it was pointy and long, I managed to twist and turn, it was hard but luckily nothing happened to my tooth and I opened the cuffs.

'Forbidden things have secret charms.' is a saying I have heard while growing up, but I never thought it was true since I wasn't charmed by anything, but her? Scarlet...she was different in so many different levels, it was forbidden to feel such things since she was my captivator, but her charm was so secretive, mysterious, and something so...majestic. 

I have seen so many women but I've never seen her. None of them could charm me, but she did. I wanted to escape but I also wanted to stay with her, here.

But it also wasn't right, she was my captivator. Not somebody who I should have some feelings for or to be with, forbidden things have secret charms, that's true for me after I met her. But I just can't for some reason, something's holding me back.

I was changing thoughts one second to another, but it all ended when I heard the front door open.

My heart pounded in my chest.




I froze as the door opened before getting shut and locked from the inside as Scarlet turned to look at me.

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