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Okay, this was fucking awkward

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Okay, this was fucking awkward.

Her sister was looking at me skeptically, what a great start. She literally does not seem convinced as Scarlet looks unfazed but I can tell she is nervous as she is fidgeting her fingers with her other fingers.

"You...are engaged to this....Aaron guy?"

Her sister said skeptically.


I heard Scarlet mumble.

Alright, time to put on a act, great...I was not prepared for this.

"Yeah, that's me."

I say with a signature smile, she looks unfazed as I start to continue talking.

"So, you're Scarlets sister, Amy. Right?"

I say in a friendly tone, I have no clue if its working or not but I just need to seem calm, I extended a hand for a handshake as she skeptically brings her hand and shakes it with mine before pulling away.

Alright maybe she seems unconvinced.

"You chose...this guy as your soon-to-be husband?"

She said as she turned to Scarlet.

"Amy...that's not really nice."

She said as her voice raised, Amy just looked like she didn't care before looking at me.

"What do you like my sister for?"

She said as she was looking at me, as if she was looking threw me.

"I like your sister for who she is, I like her for everything...I  love her for everything."

I mean, its the truth.

I'm not lying when I say anything like that, because it is true.

I probably do have Stockholm Syndrome which is fucking bad, something I should not have but I still do have it, I don't know what to say.

But this seemed to make Amy trust me more as she didn't look so unfazed or serious anymore.

"What is this 'everything' you like about her?"

Amy's question is reasonable.

But the answer is easy when its coming from me.

"Her personality, smile, happiness, everything."

Yeah, that does not sound that good but she seemed to like it.

She just stared at me, before she let out a small little smile.


She said, Okay maybe she approved?

"Alright? Thats all?"

Scarlet says as Amy nods.

"Uh, its 2:50am...are you going to stay over or go home?"

I say, she looks at me and Scarlet before making her decision.

"I'm staying here for the night."

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