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I don't know how long I can last around him

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I don't know how long I can last around him.

He's the reason I always worry, he's the reason I can't focus, he's the reason I can't let go.

He's pretty cute to be considered a 'monster' by society or children.

I was obsessed with his voice, his tail and scales, his face, especially his eyes.

I could never look away from those beautiful chocolate brown eyes that shimmered whenever I would bring in fish, seaweed, and water. The eyes that fluttered shut whenever he slept or blinked, those eyes that screamed so many fucking emotions.

His eyes were everything, it made me calm, it made me feel peace.

I wanted to keep him as mine, it was weird. The past few weeks were weird, turned worse after I made that deal to let him walk free in my house, because of this I seriously can't do the stuff I desire, I like, I want.

It would be too embarrassing if I were doing something I didn't want him to know about and he just hops on his tail into the room, it would be awkward, embarrassing, and very weird to see a captivator do especially after I gave him permission to move around my house with a deal, I secured the whole house by locking the windows and doors, as far as too also add alarms to know he won't escape, because if he does then I'd get a loud alarm, making him go back into the bathroom with stronger handcuffs to secure him.

I didn't know what to say or do if he were to escape apart from trapping him in the bathroom, but if he manages to escape in time, then I'm fucked up.

He'd know the address and could report me to the police, he could call other mermans or mermaids to go against me, he could cause chaos if he were to be set free.

He's cute, I'll admit it. He makes my days happier, calmer, and more peaceful since his arrival.

But I did kidnap him, I did make him my captive, I did do some things he probably didn't like but I still took care of his wounds, his health, and give him food.

I don't know how I would be so stupid to fall inlove with my captive, I have been obsessed with him since day one, wanting him to be mine. I've been possessive of him since day one, wanting no one to see him except me. I turned my attention to him over myself.

At this rate I probably care of him more than I care for myself.

I sighed and went up to the mirror and pushed the tap up, I grabbed some face wash and squirted some of the face wash onto my palm before putting the face wash away, I then kept my palm into the running water, which soon turned into foam after I started rubbing it with my free hand as I closed the tap with my wrist and dabbed my palms filled with foam onto my face before rubbing them in circular motion.

I didn't see Aaran standing by the doorway, leaning against the door way for support while looking at me wash my face.

I didn't notice him as I turned on the faucet and started to wash my face with water, removing any soap that was there before grabbing a towel beside me and dabbing it on my face.

I didn't even turn around, I just put my towel on the hanger and put some moisturizer on my palm before rubbing it against my face.

I did that for a few seconds until my face was moisturized before I wiped my hand roughly against my shirt to remove the cool, sticky like feeling of moisturizer on my hand before I turned around and saw him.

My heart was beating as I didn't realize how long he stood there for, did he watch me? Did he just now enter? Did he see me?

My heart was beating loudly, I think he could have heard it.




Yeah, he could definitely hear it considering he let out a chuckle.

He hopped towards me.

"You were washing your face so weirdly."

He said, do I really wash my face weirdly? This guy's facts are so bad.


"Yes, you know you should just stay under water, it makes your face gorgeous like mine."

Why does he have to brag about his merman life? Aren't I his captive? Isn't he stuck here with me since I did capture him?

This guy's logic is absolutely trash. He couldn't even do anything right with his jokes.

"Nice joke."

I say as my lips twitch into a soft smile on the sides, he looked confused.

"It's not a joke."

He mutters.

"Not a joke?"

I chuckle before adding.

"Won't your finger tips turn different if you stay in the water for too long? Won't your face get dirty from the water pollution?"

With that the room was a bit silent as I looked into his challenging eyes.

"Maybe, but if you are a true merman, mermaid, or what not then you can stay in the water and not need to wash your face."

I chuckled.

"Isn't there oil leakage? Water pollution? Or anything that can give you acne down there?"

I say sarcasitcally.

"Yes, there is but thats unknown."

He says, his voice was smooth.

This guy is really carrying himself and the room whenever he speaks, even if its just us two in the room or house, to be exact its just us considering I'm his captivator and he's my captive.

I'm surprised he actually hasn't tried to escape yet tho, it had been weeks since I last captured him and a few days since I let him go out of the bathroom I originally captured him in, if I'm being honest I expected him to try and escape the moment I let him out but be stayed.

He actually stayed.

He didn't try to run, hide, or get away. He stayed in place as if he wanted too, he didn't leave the house and just did his own things, he actually didn't try to escape.

I thought he would but he didn't, I wonder if he would try to escape soon.

Chances are low of him escaping successfully but he still has a chance.

I sighed and walked out as he hopped behind me, I entered the kitchen and removed a cook book, it had been a while since I last cooked.

"Aaran, you and I are cooking together."

I say before putting the cook book infront of him, to show him a recipe.

His eyes were shimmery and glittery as he had a big grin.

"We're cooking that?" 

He said as I nodded, a big smile came on his face as he hopped beside me.

"Let's begin."

I say before he eagerly tries to get as much as ingredients he can and places them on the counter infront of the cook book.

"Lets begin."

He repeats before I put on my signature apron and he wore a spare one.

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