Goodnight ੈ✩

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Daphnes POV

It is now the night of thanksgiving, we had an amazing day. The babies played all day.

Their giggles and laughs filled the air of the day, they were good too. Never had to be stern or repeat myself. I was thankful they were such good littles today, sometimes they can be little demons when put to play together.

Harmony, Felix, and an asleep Jordy have already left to go home. Joshua and my mom have retreated to their rooms after saying goodnight to us all. Especially little Lucy.

Now we are on our room. Lucy is giggly but also a little sleepy. So are we now that I think of it, it has been a long day of cooking, cleaning, more cooking, more cleaning, keeping the littles entertained. But it was a good day.

Lucy is laying on our bed and babbling to blue as Sebastian and I get dressed. We both just throw on some simple PJs that'll just come off anyway because we both sleep naked.

Once I get dressed I pick up Lucy and take her to her nursery. Sebastian is following behind.

"Mommy, milkies.." Lucy mutters

"Hold on baby, let's get you changed and dressed. Then we can go get some milkies ok?" I replied but only got a whine in response. Sebastian chuckles as we walk into her nursery, he walks into her closet to grab some PJs while I strip Lucy of the clothes she's been wearing since 7am. I'm surprised she hasn't ripped them off herself.

There's been quite a few times where I'll leave her for a few minutes and come back to a naked baby. She gets overwhelmed in her clothes sometimes.

She whines as I take her dirty diaper off. Eventually it turns into cries and the sobs. She takes kicking her feet and she throws blue down on the floor.

"I know baby, I know. Just a few more minutes ok? We're trying to go as fast as we can" I said in hopes to calm her down. But it doesn't work. Sebastian finally pops up with her onesie and new socks. He gives a sad face toward us when he realizes what's happening

He lays the clothes next to her and leans down over her so she can only see him. Sometimes that helps when changing her in moments when she gets worked up

"What's wrong little girl?" He asked. She just continues to cry and pout

"Aww do we have a pouty baby on our hands? Aw such a pouty little baby aren't you?" He teases. I could feel her blushing from the other side of the table. Once I get her fresh diaper on and her socks Sebastian then helps me get her onesie on.
She screams and cries

"I dont know what her deal is, she was super happy on our bed." I stated as I push her arm through one of the onesies arm holes.

"Maybe she wants to sleep with us tonight" Sebastian says

"Well she can, we just need to zip this up first" I said as I zipped up her onesie. I pout at her red teary eyes face. Sebastian puts her paci in and holds it in until she finally suckles on it. He picks her up and wraps her around his hip. I grab blue and her 'blankie' that she loves to sleep with.

We head to our room, Sebastian turns on the electric fireplace while still holding Lucy in his arms. I set her stuff down on the bed and had to brush my teeth and use the bathroom really quick before I lay down to nurse her.

Once I enter her room again, I can see that Sebastian has already turned on our show that we like to watch together. Lucy doesn't usually pay attention nurse her. So we tend to put on our show while we do.

I take off my shirt and bra and lay down in the bed getting myself comfortable and adjusted. Sebastian and lays on top of me and helps me prop the pillow so I can hold her head up properly. She almost instantly latches onto my nipple, she suckles full the room. She makes a happy little grunt before relaxing into my arms.

I sigh at the relief, my boobs were getting quite sore and full. She didn't nurse much today because she's been to busy eating turkey or playing.

Sebastian goes to the bathroom for a bit before reappearing again and popping himself down into the bed. He gets him adjusted before pulling Lucy's legs up and back down over his lap so he can be closer to us. Then he puts her 'blankie' over top of her so she can be warm.

"Did you have a good day my love?" Sebastian's low voice rung

"I did, it was an amazing family day. I'm glad Lucy had fun too" I chuckled as I looked down at a half asleep baby on my chest. Her eyes fluttering open and then closing again, her mouth is still sucking on my nipple, her other hand needing on my other boob.

"I'm so happy I meet both of you girls, you're both my world." Sebastian states.

" You were both my world too" I say happily as he leaves in and kisses me. After a quick kiss, we looked down and both watch Lucy as she softly sucking on my chest. Yes we were happy when we were married, but even happier to have her.

Both of us craved to be caregivers, we needed to be caregivers. so when Lucy came along, it made us feel so much better. More important.

Lucy's POV

I laid there as I sucked on mommy's boob. It always makes me feel better. Her milk taste so sweet too, it makes me happy.

Daddy rubbed circles on my leg as I laid there. I listen to them softly, whispers, and softly talk. The background noise of their TV show playing softly. Not too loud.

Mommy softly rubs her hand through my hair as I lay there. I started to think back when I didn't have caregivers. When I would have to put myself to sleep, when I would have to dress myself, when I would have to feed myself, worry about everything myself, but now I'm here.

I get to spend time with my two favorite people. I get to be a little whenever I want without judgment. I have a cool auntie and a cool uncle. I have my best friend. And of course a new grandma. I even still have my amazing papa who's supportive of everything.

I'm just so happy now, i'm just glad to be here.

"Why are you smiling little one?" I heard mommy is voice. I didn't realize that I was smiling as I was nursing. I open my eyes to meet her.

She giggles as she looks at me which makes me giggle around her nipple.

"Aww our giggly baby is back!" I heard daddy's voice now. I giggled as he tickled my sides.

"Don't tickle her too much. She's gonna spill my milk." Mommy gets on to daddy.

He chuckles before he stops, I continue until there's no more. What? Why is it gone!
I let out a cry which causes them both to look out at me. Mommy realizes and pulls me back from her chest.

" it's ok baby, that boob just ran out. It's good for you that I have two!" She chuckles before moving me to help latch onto her other boob.

I lay there suckling until I feel my Mind slowly fall asleep

Hi loves, thanks for reading🩷

Their Little Princess (Ddlg/Mdlg)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin