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I didn't hear anything else from Leah. I try to push my concerns about our relationship to the side. I'm sure we can solve it tomorrow.

Around 5 the door bell rings. This must be Beck. For a moment I had hope for it to be Leah. I open the door and it is indeed Beck outside. She looks happy as she sees me. I also get happy. She has a few bags with her.


"Let me help you with that." I say and help her get the bags inside the house. She comes in and we carry her stuff upstairs. I show her around in the house a bit. She seems to like everything. I wish Leah would be here. I wish I could introduce her. Maybe she wouldn't hate Beck. I wish I could hold her hand and let her kiss me.

We settle in the living room and have a cup of coffee together. Beck tells me about her moving plans and her first experiences at Chelsea. I'm happy for her. She really seems to have made the right decision with this move. I'm also glad I will have a friend near by then.

"Where is Leah?" Beck asks as we change the topic.

"She won't be here tonight." I hesitate for a moment.

"Why not?" Maybe I should tell her. She could be a friend to talk to about this. I don't have anyone else.

"To be honest, we had a fight and she left." I sigh. I still feel disappointed.

"Oh no. Why? What happened?" Beck asks. At least she cares.

"She wasn't very happy that you will stay here with us. She is a bit jealous." I say. A bit is an understatement. Leah is so so jealous.

"Doesn't she trust you?" She asks. I ask myself that. She probably doesn't. She said that she thinks I will sleep with Beck. I would never do that. I didn't even think about sleeping with anyone other ever since Leah kissed me. My brain was occupied by her from that moment.

"I think she does but she is just insecure because we used to have sex." I say. That is what I want to believe.

"Then she really needs to calm down. She can't chain you to her. You can still do whatever you want." She says and she is right. I'm not in the wrong here. Leah should just calm down.

"Yeah. I will talk to her tomorrow."

"You shouldn't think about her tonight. Don't worry about it." Beck says. Probably true. I want to forget my troubles for a while. I just want to have fun with a friend for once. Leah doesn't get to be jealous. I spend almost every minute with her for 6 months. She gets all of my time so it is only fair that someone else also gets some time. Just one evening.

We have dinner together and actually talk about a few things. I like how this is going. We both have a wine as we eat. We laugh a lot. I really like the dynamic we have today. It's more like friends. Right now I'm glad Leah isn't here because this definitely wouldn't be so relaxed if she was here.

After dinner we both take a shower and change into something more comfortable. We will spend something like a girls night now. We sit on the couch together.

"We should play a game." Beck suggests. Sounds good to me. I don't even check my phone anymore to see if Leah texted me. She didn't anyway.

"What game?"

"Truth or drink. We ask a question and if you don't want to answer it you have to take a shot." She explains. I missed playing games like this. I did this a lot before I met Leah. Leah somehow calmed me down from that party lifestyle. I do miss it a bit.

"Okay. I'm in." I nod. We will definitely be drunk by the end of this.

"Do you have any liquor?"

"Yeah. Wait." I get up go get the bottle and some shot glasses. We have that bottle of tequila here for a while and we never opened it. Leah doesn't like it and I didn't feel like drinking alone.

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