Ch50 - Codes

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AN: I am still not coping very well. This is a really rough time of year for me so I've admittedly been pretty suicidal. I have been trying to use my writing and my art as a way to get through it - I've even been working on my tumblr ask blog (@AskWormySans). The distraction helps, though its getting to a point I might need to look into crisis options.


Error's POV

With Error's goals to dust Ashe made clear, the temperature of the room dropped. The intent in the air was so strong it would have crippled any typical monster, but Error was a god, so he merely flared his own intent in response to the raised agitation, a threat answered with a threat.

Nightmare's tendrils writhed, sharp and deadly, but made no move yet to attack. "You want to dust him?" the dark guardian echoed, likely asking for clarification.

"DuH," Error answered, and the moment that confirmation left his mouth, the three bonded of Nightmare's crew launched themselves forwards with killing intent. Dust, Horror and Killer were clearly unable to restrain themselves from wanting to murder the destroyer for saying such a thing. They were instantaneously wrapped in tendrils so tight they were incapable of moving, causing Error to blink rapidly. He had not expected such a sudden escalation, not realising how his lack of explanation could be perceived.

"Enough," Nightmare hissed at his little group of abominations, and whilst the hostility did not dissipate, it seemed the dark guardian's words were met with compliance. Still, he did not release his crew, tendrils looking a little tighter than usual around Horror in particular.

That was a surprise. Error had never really seen Horror display such unfettered rage, crimson eyelight so engorged that it looked ready to pop. His teeth were even sunk into the tendril, piercing the gooey flesh, but Nightmare made no indication that it hurt. How the hell had Ashe gotten so close to these abominations in such a short amount of time? It was a good thing he liked Ashe, or else this could have been a real problem. Error did not doubt they would murder anybody who even looked at the little creator wrong.

Error frowned. He had no real intention of explaining the intricate reasoning for what he needed to do, but it was clear that if he did not, he may lose the only allyship he had in this damned multiverse. He couldn't risk making an enemy of Nightmare and his gang. Not... because of strategy or whatever. But because they were the most tolerable abominations he had ever met. (He still hesitated to admit he wanted to be part of their weird little family.)

"Bioss! Why the fuck are you restraining us!? That fucker wants to hurt Ashe—" Killer retorted in complaint, the liquid hate of his sockets streaming down his face with such an intensity that it was getting all over his clothes and the floor. The way his exposed soul wobbled and deformed as a sign he might escalate if the situation were not handled quickly.

"Quiet. I have the situation handled," an increasingly agitated Nightmare commanded.

Killer went to retort, but a tendril covered his mouth, a clear attempt to keep him quiet for the time being. He looked incredibly pissed off by that, though his struggles were futile. As expected, really, Nightmare was quite a strong entity, even with how... disbalanced... the emotional state of the mutliverse was. Error would have to bring that up soon, there were some... concerns... about whatever the fuck Dream was trying to do.

The guardian then turned back to the destroyer. "Tell me, Error. You've made it clear you are aware of several bonds in place with Ashe. What makes you think we would let you kill them?"

Error gave a huff. "I DiDn'T SaY I wOuLd KiLl tHeM. I sAiD i WaS GoInG To dUsT ThEM," he corrected as though it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"There's no fucking difference, you psychoti–" Killer growled out. There was a knife in one of Nightmare's tendrils. How the hell did he manage that whilst so thoroughly restrained?

Killer was quite literally thrown through the castle window in an instant, the glass shattering as the skeleton flew through it. He yelled as he plummeted several stories down, but Error knew that the other would be fine. Nightmare didn't do this often, but it certainly was not the first time Killer had been thrown from a window for not listening, and it probably wouldn't be the last either. It probably hurt like a bitch, but at least it'd stop Killer entering the next soul stage.

"FuCkInG MoRoN, ObViOuSLY ThErE's a DiFfErEnCe," Error grumbled angrily, abandoning his coding windows as errors threatened to overtake his vision. He didn't have time for this. He had to hurry up and track down Ashe, not stand here talking with these abominations! His glitches were acting up because of his emotional state becoming more turbulent. Error was never known for his patience.

"Clarify," Nightmare demanded, an additional tendril snaking around Horror. Were they really that bothered? What a fucking pain.

Error threw his arms up dramatically. "I nEeD To AccEsS ThEiR FUcKiNG cOdEs BeFOre a CerTaIn MulTIverSe TrAveLLing AsShoLE shOWs Up!" he yelled out, frustrated.

Nightmare's face crinkled in disgust. "You mean to say you believe having a Creator here will draw the attention of that swap Dream variant? How... troublesome."

Understatement of the fucking century. That abomination was such a damned pain to deal with. Even with all the countless firewalls surrounding this multiverse, that gold freak always managed to worm his way past them as though they were nothing. It was infuriating! Especially when the smug asshole even repaired the code after his intrusion like it was nothing! He couldn't even identify where the prick was getting in from! 

Error had no idea why they were so obsessed with Nightmare (or why they seemed particularly agitated by Dream), but the destroyer was certain that having Ashe here would complicate things even further. Whatever god existed had absolutely fucked up when they made that psychotic destroyer-dream variant. 

And what kind of nonsense fucking name was 'Aurum'? Pompus fucking asshole bitch—

"Error," Nightmare scolded, earning a huff in response. It wasn't Error's fault that thinking of that prick pissed him the hell off.

"cONsIDerInG hOw ClOSe yOu lOt arE to tHis CreAtOR, ItS oNlY a MaTTeR oF TimE bEfoRe tHat ObsSeSseD goLD BitCh tRieS to TakE TheM," he scoffed. "AnD ThEiR CoDe is UtTErLy FucKEd! It DoeSn'T LiSt aNYwhErE aS PoiNt Of OriGin, So tHaT FucKeR COuLD TaKE theM AnD BiNd theM tO hIS MuLTiVerSe - dO YoU kNoW hoW FuCKinG HarD ThAT WoUlD bE To UnDO?"

"But why would that require Ashe dust? You are leaving out major details."

"ThEre Is nO fUCkIng WaY I cAn AcCeSs ThEIr CoDEs UnLeSs thEiR CuRRenT vEsSeL DuSTs. ItS NOt lIKe thEY'lL dIE oR soMEthInG, thEy'D JuST REseT liKe Me anD InK BiTch."

The various expressions of confusion and shock made it clear that this was not common knowledge amongst the group. That... probably explained their more violent reactions. Had they really thought Error was going to just up and kill one of their own? He wasn't that much of a moron! At least, not anymore. He'd stopped trying to murder the gang a few centuries back.

"..YoU DiDN't KnOW thAt?"

Nightmare deadpanned. "I believe it is quite obvious that it is news to us," he let out rather blandly. "Your emotional state suggests you are not lying. However..." the dark guardian stepped close, mouth parting in a terrifying grin. "If you are lying, I will make sure your every living moment is a living nightmare. I will take pleasure in tearing you apart over and over, in–"

Error scoffed. "NoT To iNtErRupT yoUR DrAmTic fucKiNG SpEAcH, bUT TiMe iS FuCKiNG ShoRt aND i DoNT hAvE TiMe foR ThESe TheAtrICs. LeT mE FUckInG TraCk AsHe beFoRE ThEIr cOdEs DeSTabiLiSe AnD KiLl ThEm PerMaNeNtlY."

"The state of their codes is at risk of killing them!? Why did you not START with that!?"

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