Chapter 14

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I found myself laying on the soft cocaine white carpet. I dozed off. I sighed as I noticed how many boxes I had left over to unpack. I looked at my phone and looked at all the miscalls I have.

"156 miss calls from Rod" ..."39 voicemails"..."56 texts".

I sighed and locked my screen, and decided to start unpacking some of these boxes. It was nice out so I put unpacking on hold and decided to walk the block with Italy. I put her in her stroller and strapped her in. I missed Chicago. It felt good to be home. I could smell the hot dogs from Mangis on Lincoln Ave. this used to be me and Rods favorite when we we're back home. He always put everything on it and tease me for just getting plain. I smiled as I walked in the small fast food restaurant and stood in line.

I ordered myself what I wanted and took a seat. I faced Italy towards me as I fed her. I needed napkins because Italy was making a mess. "You're the messiest baby I know"! I teased as I walked over to the napkin dispenser and grabbed a couple of napkins.
I bumped into a tall broad figure and dropped all my napkins.

"Oh I'm sorry miss"! He apologized.

"You're fine, it's ok". I insisted. The face looked familiar. I smiled at the recognizable face and placed my hands on my hip. "If I didn't no any better I'd think you were following me".

Jamal laughed. "Janelle right"? He questioned. I chuckled. "Oh so you have amnesia and don't remove my name huh"? I teased. He laughed and rubbed the corners of his mouth with his thumb and first finger. "No, no, not at all you're someone quite unforgettable". He stated.

Was he flirting with me? I mean I kind of like it, but I am still married. But I'm still hurt by what Rod did to me, I should have fun while I'm here at home.

I looked down at my freshly painted toes and blushed.

"Well, I guess I'll get going. It was nice seeing you Jamal". I said as I grabbed the handles of Italy's stroller. I walked back home and noticed my mom had welcomed herself in.

"I'm glad I got the proper welcome into my new home mom greeting". She said sarcastically unpacking boxes. I laughed as I picked Italy up out of her stroller.

"Sorry momma, I just went to Mangis to get a hotdog". I assured her. "And didn't bring me one? Strike two". She said holding up the peace sign gesturing the number "2". I laughed at her cattiness and helped unpack boxes.

We laughed, and finally finsished settling in. So I decided to give La'shay a call since I was back in town and honestly I missed her so much.

She answered on the third ring.

"Hello"? She answered.

We talked for a minute and I told her I'd come over, she gave me her address and got myself and Italy ready, and we headed over. I pulled up to her mid sized home and got out and carried Italy up the three bricked steps in front of her house.

A rang the doorbell and waited for her to answer. We screeched as our eyes met and hugged. It was time to catch up on lost times. I missed my best-friend.


Catching the first flight back home, I sighed as I sat on the plane. I gazed out of the plain window trying to hold back approaching tears. My throat trembled from tension. I don't cry often, but I'd cry a river for Janelle if I had to. All this shot os my fault. I can't blame Janelle for leaving me. I cheated on her, embarrassed her, and humiliated her self-importance. No words could explain how horrible I feel about all of this.

The plain landed and i hit the busy streets of Chicago. Catching a cab I went to the designated assess and knocked and waited. Soon Janelles mother answered.

"Rod, what are you doing here"? She questioned.

"Where's my wife, and my daughter"? I questioned cutting straight to the chase.

"Her and Italy just stepped out"! She informed me. I was leaving, I came here to get my wife and baby back and I wasn't leaving the city of Chicago until that happened.

"Cool, I'll just wait here". I said busting through the door. She tried fighting but I wasn't taking it. I sat on the sofa with my forearms against my thigh and my hands pressed against my face.

Hours past, and I finally heard Janelle come through the door. Italy was pressed against her chest. She was sleeping. My little girl was so pretty when she slept.

Janelle looked at me as if she saw a ghost. "So this what we do now"? I questioned her as her mouth widened from shock.

"So you just leave, and take my baby with you Janelle? THATS FUCKED UP"! I screamed in anger and hurt.

"You need to lower your tone"! She demanded.

"Janelle, get your shit and let's go home"! I told her.

She looked at me confused, and frowned her face. "I'm not going anywhere Rodkevious"! She informed me.

I raised an eyebrow. What did she just say?

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