Chapter 5

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**The next morning**
Oh yeah I have a cloth brace on my ankle so it is fine now.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I woke up looked at the clock 7:00am another day, maybe this one will be beter. Hopefully!
I got up showered and all that stuff I chose to wear... Oh yeah I forgot my mom has this party at the house I honestly don't know for what it's either a block party or for work I think a block party. So I chose to wear...
My new floral dress with a tie thing on the back like a shoe.
My floral doc martins {boots}
I curled my hair parted on the left side and put a flower crown on I thought I looked good (don't wear makeup).
I was just missing one thing though... the bracelet my uncle gave me before he passed away he had cancer and it won be he still lives on in my heart I think about him everyday. I miss him so much he was the kind of person to always put others before himself. To always be happy. If I had a wish it would be for him to be here with me I wouldn't ask for anything else. He never hugged anyone so I would hug him just for a reaction and if he got mad I would hug him longer. He was my happiness he always if he got a puppy he would name it diesel I've always wanted that too. Now I find myself tearing up sitting on my bed. Then I her my mom yell from downstairs, "Brandi, be ready in 20 minutes!!" Oh my glob I spent forever getting ready. It's already 10:00 wow 3 hours. Whatever.
**10:30 am**
I finished my food and went upstairs to get my phone. I went back down and just as I was about to sit the doorbell rang. "Brandi go see who it is to day is the block party so be polite." mom yelled from the other side of the house. "Okay mom!" I was actually happy that we are having this party thing because it is summer and if there are kids my age then maybe I can make friends instead of being a loaner at school. haha. I opened the door, "Hello, I am Brandi, it's so nice to meet you and I love your earrings!" I'm such a nice person.hehe. "It's nice to meet you too I am Sheryl Munch and these are my kids, Hector, Haylie, and Jace." Hi they all said in union. They are triplets that must be fun! So I let them in and I got a text... from Hayes. Hayes?
H- Hey B, we are all gonna come by your house for the block party!

B-Oh cool, you can come over whenever you want! I need some people I know here.

H-Oh we are coming now like literally I'm in your driveway! Hehe.

B- Coming to the door! Cya in a sec!

H-Okay B cya in a sec!
I open the door to see the Grier's on my doorstep. YAY! I greet everyone with hugs and they all come in. They are so nice I mean they brought COOKIES!!!! ER MA GER!! Nash also told me all the guys are coming over later. Oh boy. Then the doorbell rang again I opens the door and nearly tackled her... Gabby. Let me tell you about Gabby. She was my best friend since we were 4 so 11 years and we lost touch for a year. I have missed her so much turns out that she lives in the house across the street in front of mine. when she told me I screamed so loud you could hear it in Austrailia. Haha. But no one was around we are in the treehouse in my backyard on a beautiful tree. We caught up on life and then Hayes was wandering around and came in the treehouse. Gabby is so outspoken, crazy, funny, and loud at times. She says hi to random people on the street. So when she saw Hayes she instantly knew who he was, she was trying to be all cool and she was like "Hey, I'm Gabby, you're Hayes Grier?" Hayes said "Yeah hey Gabby and B, sorry didn't mean to interrupt. But all the guys are down the street they are almost here, Nash wanted me to tell you." He said it shyly though. "Okay thanks we will be out in a few minutes." He was probably nervous because Gabby was there and she is gorgeous! No joke! She has short brown hair, brown eyes, wears glasses, and has the prettiest face. She is awesome but can't ever forget that she is hella weird. haha. ER MA GER!!!!
I LOVE HER!!!!!!!!
So I hope you liked this chapter it is dedicated to one of my best friend's GABBY!!! Wooooohoooooo!!!!
She is awesomenessssssssss!!! So yeah I love her. Oh yeah check out her book New Beginnings. by Hachetlouise!!!!!
So yeah bye until next time!!!!! Love you Gab and Lisa!! 💜💙❤️

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