Chapter 96

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(A few days later)

It was the night before the wedding and the entire family was running around in circles not knowing what was going on. Tonight was the rehearsal dinner. The last dinner before the wedding tomorrow. It’s tomorrow after that it’ll all be over. I got dressed to head to the venue to practice one last time. But this time we were practicing with the flower girls and everything. I pulled into the parking lot, parked my car. I got out where everyone else was. “Hey” I said to Seth. “Hey. How you feeling” he asked. “I’m good” I said. “You ready for tomorrow” “No” I said. “Hey I know it’s hard but it’s the way it is” “I know but it’s just so hard to stand there and watch them get married knowing that it was supposed to be me and him up there but it’s ancient history I’m pretty sure him and Emily were meant to be” I said. He looked at me with pity on his face. “Ok guys let’s practice” the wedding planner said. Everyone made their way to the end of the isle. Claire and Alana sprinkled imaginary flowers down the aisle as they walked. Seth and I proceeded to slowly walk down, followed by Jared and Kim, Rachel and Paul and the others. We went through the vows and how we were supposed to exit the area. Great we got everything in order. Everyone went back to their respective hotels to get ready for later tonight

(Later that night)

I sat at my dressing table getting ready for tonight. I was doing my makeup and fixing my hair. I opted to go for a smoky eye and I made my hair extremely straight. I sat there running my French tipped nails through my long hair. After about 30 minutes I was done. I went to my suitcase and took out my red dress I had been saving this dress for a special occasion. I was going to pair it with some black Louboutins. I was going to wear little jewelry, only a bracelet on each hand and my earrings and red clutch. I got off the chair and slipped into my dress. I pulled it down a little to give it some length. I got my shoes and put it on, I finished my outfit by putting on my jewelry. I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked up and saw Trey standing behind me in the mirror. “Damn baby” he said. “You look amazingly gorgeous tonight” He turned me around and pulled me closer to him. “Is this dress easy to get out of as it is get in” he asked. I playfully slapped him across the cheek. “That’s for me to know and for you to never find out” I said. “Come on we’re gonna be late” I grabbed my clutch and proceeded outside to the car. Trey was right behind me, I could feel him looking at my ass. We drove to the venue of the wedding, they were a lot of cars out front. Tonight there were only to be family members and close friends here. We walked in and took in everything I saw there were a lot of people here. My family, Sam’s family, Jacob’s family etc. I quickly spotted Seth and went to greet him. “Hey” I said. “Hey” “How are you” I said. “I’m good. You look great” “Thank you” I said. “What up my nigga” he said giving Trey the gangsta shake. “Nothing much” Trey said. “You coming to the wedding tomorrow” he asked. “Yup” “I’m gonna go find mom ok” I said. “Ok. See you later” he said. Trey and I walked through the dinner looking for my mom. A waiter passed with a tray full of champagne, we both took a glass off of it. I saw my mom standing talking to Emily’s mom. “Hey mom” I said. “Hey sweetheart. You look lovely” she said giving me a kiss on both cheeks. “Trey. How are you” “I’m good. Mrs. Clearwater” he said. “Oh please boy, call me Sue” “Ok Sue” he said. I looked over to the right and saw Charlie, my mom’s boyfriend and Bella Swan’s father standing here. Why is he here? “Charlie” I said moving my eyebrows at him. ‘Hi Leah. How you doing” he said. God I hate the fact my mom and Charlie are together it’s so disrespectful. “I’m Charlie” he said to Trey. “Trey” he said shaking his hand. “Nice to meet you” “Trey, Charlie is a friend of the family. We’ve known for a very long time and he was my dad’s best friend and he doesn’t find it somewhat disrespectful that he’s courting his widow” I said. “Leah” “Sorry mom, just calling it like I see it” I said. “Well we gotta go we’ll see you guys throughout the night” I said walking off. Trey caught up with me. “What the hell was that all about” he asked. “Nothing” I said. “Why were you so mean to that guy” he asked. “Long story” I said. I walked around the room with Trey to find Rachel. I found her at the bar. “Hey” I said. “Hey girl. You look great. I love your dress. I think I might go get me one” “Hey Trey” she said. “What’s up Rachel” he said. “Hey baby. I’m gonna go to the men’s room ok. I’ll be right back” “Ok” I said. He gave me a kiss on the cheek before leaving. “So how are you feeling” Rachel asked. “I’m ok for now” I said. “But I don’t know what’s gonna happen tomorrow there’s gonna be a lot of tears being shed mostly from me” “I can’t believe this in the next 24 hours Emily is gonna be Mrs. Sam Uley” “Yeah” I said. “Believe it” “Dinner is served” they announced. Everyone hurried to their seats. I headed for our designated table, I saw Trey didn’t come back from the men’s room yet. He came up behind me out of nowhere. He pulled out my chair for me. We all sat down and ate. I had the lamb with vegetables dish. It was pretty good.  After dinner we talked about the bride and the groom and the preparations for the wedding. Emily’s sister, Victoria went up to the mic to say something. “Ok I just wanna say that when I met Sam for the first time. I noticed immediately that there was something special between the two of you. It was the way you guys looked at each other I could tell you were really in love and I had no doubt in my mind that you guys were gonna get married. So sis here’s to you I wish you and Sam all the best” she said before sitting down. What Emily’s sister said cut me deep. Everyone was talking about how Sam and Emily are really in love and all that BS. This is it. The night before no going back after this. Sam and Emily are getting married tomorrow. The love of my life is getting married to my cousin. I know what you guys are thinking I’m still mulling over Sam but there is always going to be a part of me that’s going to love him and vice-versa. The speeches continued after that.


I know this must be pretty hard for Leah hearing all her family members go up and say these things about Sam and Emily. He’s getting married tomorrow. I’m wondering if Leah’s gonna be ok. I know she said she gave him her blessing but I know tomorrow isn’t gonna be easy for her. But she has me now. I’m gonna be her comfort and her rock tomorrow. If she wants to be held that’s what I’ll do. I won’t push it. Billy, Jacob’s father got up to the mic to talk. “I would just like to say that I felt like it was just yesterday that I watched Sam grew up on a tiny reservation called La Push in Washington and look at you now 3 years into the future. You’re singer, actor, producer, you have a house in Calabasas and everything. I have always treated you like a son and I’m honored to be here for your wedding but I think that there’s one person missing from this equation” he said. Leah immediately dropped her fork. Silence plagued the room. I felt a lot of tension. Leah looked very sad like she was about to cry. Seth had already buried his hands in his face. “I know he’s looking down at us right now and I know he’s happy. He’s happy at how all of us have turned out. Some more than others and I wished he was here for this event but he’s here in spirit and that’s what matters” he said. Leah dabbed the corners of her eyes with the cloth napkin on the table. I held her hand to comfort her. I know this was pretty hard for her since they were talking about her dad. “But enough about that” he said with a laugh. “Sam and Emily your wedding day is officially here. Congratulations to you” Everyone applauded lightly afterwards. The DJ began to spin some tunes and people got up to dance. Leah was still a bit shaken after Billy’s speech. They were playing Be Without by May J.Blige. “You wanna dance” I said. “Sure. Why not” She took me by the hand and led me to the dance floor. I wrapped my hands around her waist and she put hers around my neck. We swayed to the beat. I think this is the closets I’ve ever been to Leah. I inhaled her Chanel No. 5 perfume. She smelled so good. I looked up and saw Sam looking in our direction. He had a very jealous look on his face. I ignored him and continued dancing with Leah. Her mouth came up to my ear and whispered something. “Let’s get out of here” she said. “You sure” I asked. “Yeah” “Ok” I said. I’ll call the driver. Within 15 minutes the driver was there and he took me and Leah back to the hotel. We got in the door and as soon as it closed she slid down and let the tears go. I held her in my arms and rocked back and forth. I just let her cry. I’m gonna have to do more of this tomorrow. “It’s gonna be ok” I kept telling her. She got up off the floor and headed to the bathroom to shower. When she came in the bedroom she was already dressed in her night gown. She cuddled up next to me. “After tomorrow it’ll all be over” she said in a quiet voice. I kissed her temple. “I promised myself I wouldn’t get like this” she said. “Hey you have every right to be like this right now” I said. She wiped a tear from her face. “Don’t worry after tomorrow I’m done crying. Tomorrow will be the last time I ever shed a tear for Sam Uley” she said.


I was in my hotel room with my bridesmaids tonight. We were having one last girls’ sleepover before the wedding tomorrow. I can’t believe it. It’s really here. Tomorrow I’m going to be Mrs. Sam Uley. “OMG I can’t believe it you’re getting married” my sister shouted. “I felt like I’ve been waiting forever for this to happen now it’s finally here” I said. They all started to scream. We stood on the bed and jumped up and down screaming “You’re getting married. You’re getting married. You’re getting married”

Lies, Schemes and Love(A Trey Songz/Twilight FanFiction Story)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt