Chapter 114

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(2 weeks later)

It's been two weeks since Trey and I have broken up and I'd be lying if I told you guys I was ok. I'm an emotional wreck. I have been cooped up in my room crying for the past two weeks. No one has heard from me since. I've been there crying and eating comfort food trying to ease my pain. I can't take my mind off of Trey proposing to me. I can't believe he proposed to me. I never thought a man would ever ask me to marry him. I turned him down but every part of me wanted to say because I love this man so much. I laid there on my bed watching my soap operas and eating a tub of ice cream when I heard the doorbell. I mustered up some energy to get off the bed and answer the door. I opened the door and Rachel stood behind it. "Hey" I said. I hadn't seen Rachel since the dinner and she was one of the people who walked out on me. "Hey" she said. "Can I come in" "Sure" I said moving to the side so she could come in. I went up the stairs with her following behind me. She walked in and was appalled at the state of my bedroom. "OMG Leah did some die in here" she asked. "Sorry didn't have time to clean" I said. I laid back down on my bed and continued watching my soap operas like she wasn't even there. She took the remote from me and turned off the TV. "Leah it's been two weeks since you and Trey have broken up. You need to get out of this room" I didn't say anything I just wasn't in the mood to talk. "Leah come on get dressed we're going out" she said. "Rachel come on I'm really not in the mood to go anywhere and if I go out I'll have to deal with the paparazzi and all of that drama" I said. "Come on let's just go and relax somewhere ok. We could go get our nails done and have lunch together. What do you say" she said. "Ok" I got up off the bed and went to take a shower. I came out and got dressed nicely. I haven't dressed up like this in forever. We took Rachel's car because I wasn't up for driving. We pulled up to an upscale nail salon in Beverly Hills and got out the car. The paparazzi surrounded the car asking me a whole bunch if questions about why Trey and I broke up. Did he cheat on me. Who were these people anyway. How dare they ask me about my personal life. What happened between me and Trey is between me and Trey. I don't have to answer to anyone. I got in the nail salon and sat down at one of the manicurists tables. I haven't done my nails and in two weeks. I haven't been pampered in two weeks. My eyes were starting to get bags underneath them, my hair was starting to lose its shine, my nails were starting to get cracked up, my skin was losing its moisture. Did I really let this happen to myself. I thought about Trey. I haven't seen or heard from him since the night he proposed to me. I can't believe he proposed to me. We were supposed to be happy now there's no chance of that.


It's been almost two weeks since Leah and Trey have broken up. And to tell you guys the truth I have never see my son this hung up over a girl since Helen. He has hardly left his room since the break up. The only time he does is to get a snack from the fridge then he goes back to his room. He has been isolating himself from me and I don't know what to do. I hate seeing him like this. I'm so helpless I mean I'm his mother I'm supposed to be able to fix everything and I can't fix this. I was only supposed to stay for a week but I decided to stay longer because I knew he needed me. I called Forrest and told him he was cool with it. I went to McDonald's because I was feeling hungry and I wasn't in the mood to cook anything. I bought food for myself and Tremaine. I opened and the door and walked in to an extremely quiet house as usual. It's been this way since the breakup. I walked up the stairs to his room to tell him to come downstairs and get him some food. I turned the door knob and went in. He laid there on the bed looking like hell. All he's been doing is eating and watching TV. That's it I have had enough. I can't stand to see him this way. "Hey" I said softly. "Food's downstairs" He looked at me once then looked back at the TV. I walked over to the bed and took a seat. "Baby it has been two weeks you have to get out of this room" I said. "I don't want to come out of this room. I just want to be left alone" he said bitterly. I could hear the pain in his voice he was so hurt. "Baby I know the breakup is hard for you but you need to get up out of this room. Go outside get some air" I said. He somewhat listened to me. He threw the sheets off of him and came downstairs with me. I got some plates from the kitchen so we could eat. He took the burger out of the bag and began to eat. "Have you talked to Leah" I asked. "No I haven't" he said flatly. "You'll get over it ok" I said. I took up the remote to put on the TV. I scrolled thorough the on screen TV guide. There was nothing really to watch on TV so I settled for last night's episode of E News. Guiliana Rancic and Ryan Seacrest were talking about sightings. What celebrities they saw where. I turned up the volume a little bit more. "Ladies and Gentlemen we have breaking news" Guiliana said. "Sam Uley and Emily Young have announced their divorce after 1 month of marriage. This announcement comes on the heels of fellow Pack member, Leah Clearwater's break up with R&B singer Trey Songz. We'll have more on this story tonight at seven" she said. "They're getting a divorce" I exclaimed. "Serves him right" Trey said dipping a fry in some ketchup then putting it in his mouth. "What's that supposed to mean" I asked. "He wanted to break up me and Leah and well he did and look at what happened. He lost his wife in the process" he said. We went back to watching the TV until we heard phone ring. Trey answered and went into the other room to talk I wondered who it was. He came back into the living room to talk to me. "Kevin wants to meet up and talk to me about something" he said. "Ok well I'll go with you" I said. Trey walked upstairs to get dressed so we could leave.


Kevin said he had a business idea for me. I really wasn't in the mood to talk about business but I went any way. The sun was so hot when I walked outside the house. Have I really not come out this house for two weeks. We got to the place where Kevin wanted us to meet him. It was a private meeting room. He gave my mom a hug when we walked in. We took a seat at the large table to talk. "So Trey the reason why I've called you here is to pitch a business idea to you" he said. "Ok I'm listening" "I was thinking with the success of the Passion, Pain and Pleasure album I think we should do a Passion, Pain and Pleasure World Tour" he said. "A World Tour" I said. "Yes" "Now" I said. "No" I said. "No" my mom said. "Honey this is a great opportunity for you. To broaden your horizons and interact with your international fan base" "I don't think a World Tour would be good right now. I mean I have a lot of personal issues going on right now" I said. "Trey your fans have been wondering when are you gonna do a World Tour and that time is now" Kevin said. "How long is the tour gonna be" I asked. "About 3-4months" "I'll think about" I said.

Lies, Schemes and Love(A Trey Songz/Twilight FanFiction Story)Where stories live. Discover now