Chapter 10

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Venus's POV
When I opened my eyes, I saw the light from the window casting shadows all over the room. Once I got up, I walked downstairs to see everybody up.
"Morning, sleepy head!" Finn said, yawning.
"How long have yall been up?" I asked very quietly and nervously.
"Only about 30 minutes." Luke shrugged.
"Oh ok. Have y'all had breakfast?"
"No, but I'm hungry." Jillian said from the floor.
"Ok. Umm well you wanna go out?"
"YES!!" Everyone screamed
"Ok ok calm down."
"Where to, Cutie?" Finn said.
"Hmm we could go to-"
"Would you quit flirting with her?! Can't you tell I liked her first!" Dylan yelled.
Everyone went quiet, and Jillian's eyes were wide open.
"Umm well man you were flirting with that other girl... I didn't know...."
"Sure you didn't cause you are so air headed!" He yelled even louder making. Jillian and Venus flinch.
"Dude calm down, she's taken, ok?" Luke says.
Jillian started crying, and Luke stood up off the couch. I ran upstairs feeling very uncomfortable. Finn followed me and Lucas and Dylan continued to argue. Once I got upstairs Finn wrapped his arms around me.
"Venus, it's ok, he's just having a rough time." He said
The yelling gets louder downstairs. I get closer to Finn.
"I can't let Luke fight him for me, I'm sorry."
"It's ok baby go ahead beat his butt."
"That's not nice" He chuckles.
"Well fine then go tell him to go calm his butt down then." I say giggling,
"Be serious, I don't want to be mean." Finn says opening the door.
"Ok baby." I say.
When we step out of the room, I can already hear Luke and Dylan yelling and Jillian crying.
Venus runs downstairs to get Jillian.
"GUYS! SHUT UP! You are scaring Jillian and I."
Dylan looks at her, but keeps yelling.
I give him the 'stop' look.
"Ya, go on! Stop!" Lucas taunts.
Dylan stops and look very ashamed.
Jillian keeps crying, and the tension in the room fades. I calm her down and she eventually calms down. Dylan goes to his room and slams the door, and Jillian runs upstairs. I sigh.
"Well looks like we aren't going out but I'm gonna go for a run babe."
"Ok thank you." I hug him and he quickly leaves to go get breakfast.
"Bye babe." I say changing and grabbing my phone and headphones.
Then walking outside to go for my run, I step off the porch and jog down the sidewalk. I hear a couple cars pass by, and I sigh, hoping Dylan will leave Jill alone while were gone. I then start running back home because I was getting tired. I see that Finn is still gone and go inside, Luke sitting on the couch looking out the window.
"Is she okay?" I asked softly.
He shrugs. "She told me to leave her alone, so no, maybe?" He said sighing.
I nod.
"I'm gonna check on her ok...?"
"Ok, give her a hug for me." I nod and head upstairs.
Once I get up there I knock on the door.
"Jill, are you ok?" I call.
"Go away." She says through the door.
"No, tell me what's wrong, please?"
She opens the door finally.
She sniffs, "What?"
"What's wrong?"
She sighs and moves to the side, I walk in and she closes the door.
"Cmon come sit down. Let's talk."
We sit and she wipes a tear, "They fight like my family did.."
"Aw honey." I say hugging her.
She hugs back, and says, "I don't want to be like this, crying, but I can't help it."
"Shh calm down."
"Where's Lucas?"
"He's downstairs."
"Can you get him, I was rude to him earlier."
"Thanks." She says laying down in her bed.
I walk downstairs to get Lucas.
"She asked for you." I says as Finn walks in the door.
I walk to my bedroom.
I hear Jillian ad Lucas talk, and laugh. Finn comes inside and says, "Let's eat!"
I nod and get up out of my bed. We go downstairs, and I get my food.
I eat quietly.
"Is everyone good?" He asks.
"Yea." I say.
"You seen Dylan?" He asked. I replied, "How can you be worried about him after how he treated us?"
He shrugged.
"Well you're sweet." I say
He nods.
"I haven't talked to him."
I say
"Ok babe." He says.
"We need to." I sigh.
I get up and go to the door. I follow you to his door. I knock softly. He opens up,
"Um hey." Finn and I say at the same time.
"Uh, hi." Dylan mumbles.
"I wanted to apologise for earlier."
"No, I should apologize. I was mean, and I hurt peoples feelings."
"It's ok." I say awkwardly.
Dylan pulls me and Finn into a hug. I smile. Finn gets uncomfortable, but Dylan let's go. I let go and smile softly walking back to my room. I could hear Finn and Dylan played video games. I smiled and lay on my bed. I heard a thump from downstairs. I got up and walked downstairs to see what it was. I was scared to be honest it could be a mass murderer. I hesitated but went down the hallway. I peek around the wall. There's no one on there.
"Jilli?" I ask.
There's a moment of silence, then a quiet "Yea?"
I walk over to her.
"What is it?" She asks, looking down.
"What was the thud?" I asked quietly."Um, it's just.." At that moment Luke walked in from the kitchen holding a paper towel to his mouth and rubbing his head.
"Umm Luke? Did you fall?" I ask nervously when I see the blood.
I don't do good around blood.
"Huh? I don't remember?"
"Umm Jillian?" I say feeling my self get kinda faint.
"No it's ok, just calm down."
"Jill I need to know what happened."
She sighs. "He, he kissed me, and I was so shocked a fell forward a bit, and he fell back and busted his lip and hit his head," she rambled.
"Ok calm down. Luke, I need you to sit down ok?"
He plops on the couch beside me and keeps rubbing his head.
"No quit rubbing sorry man."
"What happened?" He looks at me.
"You fell."
"I fell" He repeated.
He nods and goes upstairs. I relax after I control my faintness. Jillian sighs and stand up.
"Jells it isn't your fault."
"Yes it is, and now he won't remember our first and probably last kiss."
"What do you mean last kiss?"
"He's not going to want to kiss me again, and I can't even trust myself." She says.
"Jillian he will remember."
"No he won't, you saw him."
"Fine but he will kiss you again."
She shook her head and went to the kitchen. I sighed and went upstairs. Next thing I know, Lucas is in my room. He starts rambling and ranting about going to Macca's. I listened and waited until he was finished and sighed. He was a mess, he actually doesn't like Macca's. I texted Finn and told him that Lucas wanted Macca's. Finn immediately came into my room. He sits down beside me confused. Lucas kept rambling on about random stuff. I ended up videoing it because it was HILARIOUS. Lucas stopped rambling and looked at us.
"So are we going?"
I nod as we get up and head downstairs. Jillian was sitting on the couch. She gently smiled when she saw Lucas.
"Come on guys, we're going to Macca's!"
Jillian looked shocked when we said that.
"Who says?"
She asked standing up. I giggle and look at Luke, who was now staring at the wall.
"Luke, you ok man?" Dylan asks.
Jillian walks over and turns Lucas around to face her.
"Hey..." Jillian says awkwardly.
Luke looks at her then says,
"Can we go to Macca's? It's a food place. I like food...." and so on.
She nods still looking confused, but went to get dressed. When she came back down she was wearing a white T-shirt and leggings. I had on a Coca Cola tank top and shorts. Dylan wore a Baymax shirt and shorts. Finn wore a coca cola shirt and shorts. Lucas, well, Lucas wore a white tshirt with a captain America shield and shorts. Jillian said she'd drive and grabbed the keys. We all w out the door and Lucas twirled in circles. We laughed and Jillian pulled him into the passengers seat. I shook my head giggling and sitting with Finn and Dylan. I sat in between them so they didn't fight. I knew Jillian was still nervous around the two so it was quiet in the jeep, besides Luke's mindless rambling of course. I relaxed as we pulled up to Macca's. Once we went inside, I found a seat with Finn and he sat down so no one would take our seats. I asked him what he wanted, and went up front and stood in line. Next thing I know I see Jillian and Lucas arguing. Jillian palmed her forehead and stormed out of the place.
"Lucas what's wrong?" I said.
"Why are we even here?! You guys know I hate Macca's!" He said loudly.
He clearly has regained his memory. I sighed and told everyone that it was time to go. They sighed and walked out to the Jeep. Once we got in the Jeep, Lucas was confused.
"Why are we leaving, what happened to food?" Dylan asked annoyed.
"He doesn't want Macca's. Lucas you ok with Sonic?" I say, trying to prevent fighting. He nods and looks into the backseat. We all drive to Sonic and order our food. On the way back home, I look at Jillian, still driving. I nudge her basically asking if she was ok. She nodded softly and kept driving. The fact that she hadn't said anything went against her nod. We pulled up to the house and went inside quietly. We all grabbed out food when we got inside and retreated to our rooms. Luke stayed on the couch, and Jillian in her room. I finished and went to sit with Lucas.
"So umm Luke...? Do you remember anything?" I ask quietly.
He shakes his head yes.
"I only remember falling, and that Macca's is gross."
I nod.
"Ok well do you want me to tell you why you fell?"
"Sure, if it's important." He says.
"Well it might ruin your relationship with Jillian."
He looks confused.
"You're dating Jillian." I said blandly.
"I am? Is that why she's mad at me?"
"No but shes upset with herself. You kissed her and it was y'all's firsts kiss. She was shocked so she kinda fell forward. Then you fell back and busted your lip and hit your head. Now she's mad at herself and she thinks it on her fault."
He stared at me blankly, but then I think he remembered because he gasped.
"Oh my god! I have to go apologize." He said quickly.
He ran upstairs quickly to go tell Jillian. I could tell he was kinda upset. I followed him, I was curious. I peeked inside softly and listened.
"Hey Jillian..." He said softly.
"What." She stated blankly.
"Um, I remember what happened... I'm sorry, it's not your fault."
"No it's mine I fell forward." She said tearing up.
I walked away not wanting to intrude. I walked to find Finn and I gave him a big hug.
"What's that for?" He asked hugging back.
"I just- it's just- nothing baby." I said as I keep hugging I him.
He smiled and hugged me back until I finally let go.
"Lets go on the porch!" I say laughing.
He nods and goes to gather the rest of the crew. We all pile out onto the balcony. Luke comes outside moments later with his arm around Jillian.
"Glad y'all made up." Dylan says sarcastically.
If looks could kill he'd be dead because Jillian gives him a look that could kill him. I laugh and Jillian smiles.
"Glad the real Jilli is back."
We all smiled and relaxed on the balcony.

Hi! Hope you like this book! Uhh yea thanks!
Thanks again guys!

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