Chapter 12

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Jillian's POV
Ugh why did he have to say he doesn't care about me?! I give him everything I could and he decides to open is darn mouth and say that? I mean I know his mom is in the hospital but still! You don't say things like that. I thought it was sweet when Venus and Finn tried to cheer me up but he really made me upset
I grabbed a pillow, burying my face, and screamed, which quickly turned into a sob. I got really mad and got up and kicked one of my lamps. Oops. It shattered, and I backed away quickly. Now only one of my lamps was left. I started to panic. Venus was gonna be so mad. I started thinking and not paying attention to what I was doing when I tripped over my blanket. I tried to grab the bedside table but knocked that lamp over. I hit my head just as all the light disappeared. Next thing I know, I hear Venus calling my name. Everything was numb and spinning. I tried reaching for Venus but I couldn't tell where she was. I couldn't seem to make a noise. I heard them crying, and calling. I finally grabbed a hand. I heard a voice whisper, but I couldn't make out what it was. I squeezed the hand and started shaking, tears running down my face. I also heard someone swear and mumble about glass. I felt strong arms pick me up meaning Lukey poo is back. Wait, I'm mad at him. I couldn't bring myself to look at him. I felt myself being carried then the light hit me. I feel myself bounce around as we slowly go down the stairs. I groan, and finally realize my eyes are closed. I slowly open them. I see Lucas looking down at me in his arms. He was crying too.
"I'm so sorry baby."
I cringe as I'm set on the floor. Why is there blood on Luke's hand?
"Sorry." He keeps apologising
I take his hand and look at the blood, then up at him. I hear the Venus and Finn come down the stairs.
"You stepped on the lamp..." I whisper.
He smiles sadly, "No, baby, you did. And you're head is bleeding." He holds my hand as Venus comes into the room. I close my eyes.
"Oh yea..." I whisper to myself.
Venus steps around Luke.
"Sh-she's bleeding..." Venus says.
Finn gasps, and Luke nods. Venus sits down and tries breathing normally.
"We need to get her to the hospital." She says.
"No dere." I say sarcastically
"You're awake?" Venus asks.
"Yea but I'm sleepy, can I sleep?" I mumble.
"No baby..."
"Why?" I cry.
"I don't want you to never wake up again.." Luke says quietly.
I close my eyes again but smile. I feel my foot being touched and moved around and shout. It hurts. I open my eyes and see Luke trying to pick me up but then he starts crying because he's afraid to hurt me again. I reach my arms up, so he can pick me up easier. Once we get in the car, I feel eyeslids get heavy.
"Baby please..." Luke says.
Venus grabs my arm and shakes me.
"Hey easy!" I snap at her.
"Don't fall asleep.." She begs. I shake my head. I'm not even sure what I meant.
We pull up to the hospital. Yay! So much sarcasm. I was carried inside then layed on a gurney. I keep my  eyes closed. I didn't want to see my friends scared. Next thing I know, this woman is talking to me. I didn't really want to listen, but I tried.
"Ok sweetie we need to take you into surgery..."
My eyes shoot open, "Wh...What?"
"You have a pretty deep gash in your foot..." The lady says.
"You're bleeding, honey. A lot." Someone behind me says.
I get a really scared look in my eye.
"I don't want to!" I start crying.
"We need to get the glass out..."
"Then take it out!"
"That's the problem... It deep inside and we need to get you into surgery."
I cry as I'm wheeled along. They get me into the room and they put the mask to put me under on my face. I feel my hands shaking as I finally close my eyes.

Venus's POV
I was so nervous, I couldn't sit down. Finn was on his phone, reading articles about what to do after we take Jillian home. Poor Lucas was sitting in the corner chair, staring at the floor. I kept pacing freaking out.
"Babe, you need to sit down." Finn looked up.
"No I can't sit down when my best friend is in surgery." I say to him kinda angry.
He flinched, but sighs. "I know, I'm worried too.
"I'm sorry baby I didn't mean to be mean." I apologise.
Because the room was empty, he stands up and hugs me. I hug back.
"I love you." He says.
"I love you too." I say back.
I see in the corner of my eye, Luke, holding himself in his arms, tears falling, get up and hurry to the elevator.
"You think she'll be ok, and him?" I ask.
"I hope she'll be ok. I mean I can't tell they both are heart broken but I hope they don't break up I love  Lillian!"
I laugh at his comment on 'Lillian', as Dylan rushes up to us. I smile but then frown.
"Hey Dylan...."
"Hey guys, uh, what's going on?" He asks.
"Well Jillian stepped on glass. So now she's in surgery so they can extract the glass then stitch the hole up. So they put a soft cast on it." I explained.
He sits down in a chair and pits his head in his hands. "And where's Luke?" He mumbles.
"He went to the elevator..."
"The elevator..?" He looks up.
I nod.
He shakes his head, "Why?"
"I don't know..." Finn says quietly.
He gives us the look.
"What?" I say.
"Why'd he go somewhere?"
"He might've went to the car."
Dylan shruggs as a doctor walks briskly over to us. I stop pacing. He introduces himself, "Hello, I'm Dr. Saper, you must be here for Jillian, correct?"
I nod quickly. Dylan stands and we listen.
"Is she ok...?" He asks softly.
"The surgery went well, but we found several shards of glass in her feet, legs, and hands. After we removed them, there was some bleeding. We were able to stitch her up and clean the wounds."
I sigh in relief.
Dylan shakes his head again, "So, this was an accident?"
"Yea she accidentally hit the lamp. It fell causing her light source to go out and she stepped on it. Not seeing. Where she was going." I explained to him.
He nods and the doctor continues. I keep thinking about Jilli.
"I'll send a nurse down here soon to tell you where Jillian is staying."
We nod and I text Luke telling him Jillian is out of surgery and she's fine. It wouldn't send, he must be close to the Radiology department. I sigh. We all sit back down and wait some more. "We need to call Luke." Finn says.
"I tried texting him."
"No answer?" He guessed.
"No so he must be near radiology."
Finn sighed and said, "I'll get Dylan to go and look for him with me."
I nod. "If they call me back when you guys get here text me I'll tell you the room."
They nod and take off, leaving me alone. I play on my phone. After a while, a nurse appears in front of me. I look up.
"Waiting for Jillian?" She smiles.
I nod and smile bsck softly.
"Come with me." She waits for me to get my things and follow her.
We walk past a few rooms. I look inside to see road rash, broke feet, and the most bizarre a vase stuck on a hand. I stifle a giggle as we reach the end if the hallway and turn into the room on the right. Room 194. I thank the nurse and go inside. I see Jillian in the bed. She was still asleep. I sat down in a chair. Then I get a call on my phone. I answer it.
"Hello?" I say.
"Hey. Where are you?" Finn says.
"Hey, were in room 194. You find him?"
"Any, uh, difficulties?"
"No... He was just going for a walk and was on his way back when we found him."
"Great see you soon."
"Yea bye baby."
"Bye." I say and hang up.
I see Jillian slowly starting to regain consciousness.
"Hey there, heard you were in the hospital" She said.
"Umm you are silly."
"No, no, remember? You got hurt, do we took you to the hurting place."
"Umm ok..."
"Do me a favor," she mumbled, "tell the president I miss him."
"Will do cutie."
I text the boys saying don't take anything Jillian says seriously she's drugged heavily. She randomly starts histaracally laughing, and I smile along. I shake my head
"When is he gonna be here, anyways? I have a strict schedule." She grouches.
I laugh. She sighs, and closes her eyes. Just as the door opens.
"Hey guys."
Finn wraps me in a hug as Dylan goes to Jillian. Luke sits in the other chair and stared at the rambling Jillian.
"How us feeling?" Finn asks Jillian.
"You're not the president, where is he? He's late." She said looking at him.
"He couldn't make it so he sent me!"
We all laughed, even Lucas. I smile. Well, Jillian didn't. She was to busy accusing him of being a liar, having killed the president in jealousy. We all were laughing so I decided to film it and give Jillian a hard time later. I asked her a question, just to get her started.
"So Jillian what president is serving?
She looks at me, not even noticing the camera. "Duh, it's Blue. He's the best we've ever had!"
I nod,"and the Vice President?"
"Well, Lucifer obviously. I don't see why he isn't at this meeting. He's always been one for being on time..."
I nod. The boys laugh as Dylan asks a question. Jillian answers and we all laugh again well except jells. In the video, I can see Luke watching jillian with such intensity I begin to wonder if he's even awake. The mess start wearing off. I end the video, and we sit in silence.
"How ya doing Jills?"
She shakes her head, "Everything's numb accept for what hurts." She whines
"I'm sorry bub."
Lucas looks at me, and I can tell he's been crying. I was too, but you probably couldn't tell. I get up. Finn mutters something about the annoying beeping of the heart monitor. I sit and walk out of the door. Finn follows, and shuts the door behind him. I sigh
"What is it, Venus?" He asks holding my hand.
"It's nothin..." I whisper.
"You can tell me." He says hugging me.
"It's nothin baby I'm sorry I just can't tell you yet..."
He looks at me nervously, but nods slowly. I sigh and walk to the bathroom. I look in the mirror, and see dark circles under my eyes. I sigh at my face that looks like I've been through war. I dig my phone out of my pocket. I check my messages and see a text from Finn.
You ain't prego right?!
I laugh and text back
Have we ever done it?
He answers quickly.
I text back.
No baby I'm not pregnant.
He texts back.
I didn't see his last text so I walk back to the room. I walk into the room and Jillian is already changed.
"They are discharging me! Beach here I come!"
Lucas stands up and says, "No you need to be off your feet."
"Yea Jillian..." I say agreeing with Luke.
She looks around and realizes she's out numbered. "I want to go!" She cries.
"Jillian we don't need to risk you getting sand in your bandages and wounds." I say.
She nods reluctantly.
"We will have fun though."
"How?" She grumbles.
"We are gonna watch TV and play with the puppies and stuff baby." Lucas explains to Jillian.
Jillian looks at Luke, and I could tell Luke still felt bad. I couldn't help but smile a bit as Jillian pulled him into a hug. I hold in my awes knowing I will get it later from Finn or Jillian. We had to wheel Jillian out in a wheelchair to the car.
Once we got there they gave us the option of crutches or this cool scooter thingy. Jillian chose the crutches saying how she'd 'at least would still have her dignity while limping around'. We kinda laugh and put her in the car. The whe ride home was silent, accept for the occasional sigh from Jillian as she slept.
Finn was driving so I was checking my phone. That's when I saw it. The text message. I opened it and read it slowly.
I'm thinking in my head what the crap?! Does he not want to have children or something?! I've always dreamed of having a child. A little one to love. I wish he would've told me sooner. Now I was mad. I sit the whole car ride planning.
First, I needed to talk to Jillian. Alone. I definitely needed to be alone. Second, I need to prank him. I felt evil. I sighed planning hat I was gonna do. Finn looks over at me questioningly. I watch out the window. We finally get home and I wake Jillian. I whisper to her.
"Hey I need to talk to you about Finn..."
She groans sleeply but nods. I help her up. She grabs her crutches and wobbles after me. I walk into the office area and lock the door.
"So I've been stressed lately about all the intern applications I've submitted. All of them have been declined so today they declined my last application. I need to get an internship at one of these zoos to make sure I actually get my degree. So I was kinda upset today and Finn knew I was upset so he kept asking. So I finally told him that I can't tell him yet. So he freaked out and texted me asking if I was pregnant and I'm not because when we have which was only once we made sure it was safe... Yea we joke about it having it all the time but that's to try to be funny. So while we were in the car I guess one of his messages didn't go through at the hospital. So now I have reason to believe that he doesn't want mini Mes and mini hims running around." I blurt out quietly.
Jillian stared at me, smiles, frowns, then laughs. I smile.
"So if you don't see me talking to him then there's your reason.
She nods, " I will help, if you want?"
I nod back.
"I kinda wanna pull a prank on him like get fake test..."
She laughs evilly. I smile.
"I'm excited!" She says limping towards the door.
"Should we tell Dylan and Luke?"
She says yes and calls them. Finn was out on a run so we had to hurry. They come running in, concerned. We tell them the story. Luke says he'll help, but Dylan said he would act like a bystander to see if Finn would talk about it to him. I thank all of them and smile.
"Let's get ready shall we?" Jillian sings.
I nod and go upstairs to change into something comfy. Jillian tries to up the stairs too.
"Umm Jells? Let me help you..." Luke suggests to her.
"I need to try." She says focusing.
"Ok..." He responds
She almost falls but catches herself. Sighing, she says, "Fine."
Since I was in my room I could hear everything since my room is the first room. Luke sets her by her room, hugs her, and goes to his room. I change then hear the front door opening signalling that he's back.
I curse, and hurry downstairs. I head into the kitchen and start to make dinner. Finn comes into the kitchen.  "Hey, Venus! What's cooking?"
"Nothin, just making dinner..."
"So you're making dinner, but you don't know what it is?" He teases.
"It's chicken with mashed potatoes and corn."
He nods, "Ok, sounds good."
I nod.
"Go take a shower baby."
"If I really smell that bad. Haha I will." He leaves and heads upstairs.
I smile softly and finish cooking. I text Lucas telling him to go pick up the fake test. He runs out to the store before Finn gets out of the shower and puts it in Jillian's bedroom for now. She grumbles about it, but goes along. 
"Dinners ready guys go sit at the table. I'll go get Finn.."
They gather around the table, and I call up the stairs. He doesn't come so I walk upstairs and into my bedroom which has the bathroom connected.
"Babe dinners ready."
I don't hear his answer. I gently crack the door trying not to look in. As much as I wanted to.(*wink wink*) I can't I'm mad at him.
"Hmm?" He asks softly walking out in some shorts. His hair was wet and he looked very ho- cute.
"Uh, um, dinners ready..."
He nods and puts a shirt on then brushes his hair into his normal hairstyle. I walk downstairs quickly and whispers to the Jillian and Lucas.
"I don't think I can do this much longer.... But I need to get my message through."
"You can do it, Hun. He deserves it." Jillian calms quietly.
I nod softly. Finn comes down, not knowing about the previous conversation. We all wait.
"So, uh, shall we eat?" Finn says awkwardly.
"Yea..." I say quietly.
We all eat quietly. I finish first so I start washing dishes then goes upstairs. Dylan finished next and goes up stairs to my room as well. I grab the test from Jillian's bedroom and walks into my bathroom thanking Lucas for being so kind. I text my prank buddies to get him to sit on the couch, and sit with him telling him that I have something to tell him. I bite my lip when I get back downstairs.
"H.. Hey guys." I say walking into the room, the test behind my back.
I stand in front of all 4 of y'all.
"I umm have so-something to tell y'all...."
"I'm pregnant..."
I hand Finn the test, and wait. That's when he said it.

Hi! Hope you like this book! Uhh yea thanks!
I left a cliffhanger! Now you have to read the next chapter to see what's going to happen. Also comment what you think is gonna happen. Jillian don't spoil it!
Thanks again guys!

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