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The sun shined spreading it’s light. Anjali and Ishika acted low. As per the plan they will be here to get them before 11 am. They saw the clock hit 9 am. The installed spy already dosed Lorenzo early morning to avoid him waking up. Aniket and Ronak were ready to act as per their plan. Ronak came inside the manor sneakily after spreading the smoke everywhere.

Anjali and Ishika saw a little smoke out and stood up to escape. They opened the door and found everything empty. Ishika had the key of main gate and they were about to unlock it when they heard loading sound of pistol. They turned and saw Lorenzo aiming at them. Aniket opened the main gate as he noticed it was unlocked by key from inside.

Ronak was standing behind Lorenzo as he already came in from back door with the help of spy to look after the girls escaping without difficulty. Lorenzo walked towards them and was about to pull Ishika’s hand when a sound of bullet was heard. Everything went silent. Ronak pulled the trigger hitting Lorenzo near chest. Lorenzo laid on ground with blood oozing out. Ronak ran towards his sisters and hugged them both protectively. Aniket signalled him to take them out.

Ronak made them sit in car and waited for Aniket. Aniket came out with a man covered in black. He instructed to take the dead body with them. Ishika’s breath was shaky and she was sweating with the word dead body.

“ I-Is h-he d-dead?” Ishika stuttered and Aniket nodded.

“ Maine waapis kisiki jaan leli.” Ishika murmured with tears collected in her eyes.
( I again became a reason for someone’s death.)

Ronak heard and immediately cupped her face. He wiped her tears with his thumb and kissed her forehead.

“ My dear princess you are not the cause of his death. He deserved death. He was the reason of so many girls death. You provided justice to those girls. You are a saviour.” Ronak spoke softly and hugged her.

She sobbed a little. Ronak caressed Anjali’s hair too making her feel at ease.

“ Ishika di you are too kind to feel bad for his death. You have nothing to do with them. We are going home back. Mom and dad are waiting for us. Especially their first daughter who was missing almost for a month. Be happy and let go that scaredy girl which was trapped. We will go back with our cheerful Ishika di.” Anjali said and Ishika nodded wiping her tears.

“ And I will go back with my two naughty sisters.” Ronak chuckled squeezing their cheeks.

Aniket smiled at them looking at them from rear view mirror. He visioned that his sister soon will get justice. He was near to accomplish his goal he thought unaware of the secrets still lurking behind. The destruction still attached to them which will come back to bite them. They reached home and tomorrow was their flight to India.

Aniket was frustrated which didn’t go unnoticed by Ronak. He went to library following him.

“ Is everything fine?” Ronak asked walking to him.

“ His dead body is missing and Nico is hiding. We will get Nico somehow because of all the evidence against him but as Ishika said it’s Nico who is the culprit. Lorenzo if not dead will cause problems since he is the heir of their company. There is no stain on Lorenzo.” Aniket exclaimed sighing.

“ But Lorenzo is dead right?” Ronak furrowed his brow.

“ Yes but his dead body is missing what if a breath is still there in him. Not to forget they are like lords of Italy. Politicians are hesitating to help in searching Nico which means Anjali is not out of danger yet.” Aniket said and sweat formed on Ronak’s head.

“ I am taking my sisters back to India. They won’t share the breath the same air as Italy even a minute.” Ronak stormed out.

Aniket rubbed his temple and a thought crossed his mind. He made up his mind to go back to India too and manipulate Italian politicians by involving Vijay as Vijay is a mob boss of Russia. Vijay has a good bond with Russian politicians due to previous mob boss passing his title to him. Once they manipulate the Italian politicians enough getting Nico out of hiding will not be a big deal. Not to forget he has helped Vijay many times to escape from cops and authorities making his background clear and making sure no one can link him with mob boss of Russia known as “ VK”.

HIS OBSESSION (Book #3 Love Series)Where stories live. Discover now