Will To Live

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If I clean my room do you think I'll find my will to live?
It's been lost in the piles of laundry I forgot to fold
And hidden under empty cups
And I think I remember seeing it on my desk somewhere

But I can't seem to make the trip out of the bed.

I'll check again the next three tomorrows
And after that I'll check some memories of you from years ago
But I haven't found anything there since our last conversation

I once looked for it in my mother's arms and found that she was looking too.

Maybe I'll find it when I brush my teeth today
Is it hidden in the water that flows down the drain?
But if not, I'll pray again
I'll try again
I'll cry to god one more time
I'll bargain if I must, what can I give?
I'm empty handed and rotten inside and I have nothing to offer so forgive me if I beg.

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