Chapter 1

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I closed my eyes, feeling the tears trickle down my face, as I swiped the blade across the skin, making a cut on my wrist. Another day, another cut. God knows how many of them I had made over the years. I heard some footsteps outside my room, making me throw the blade into it's box and throw on a hood ie, not bothering to wipe the blood off first.

"Vida?! Vida, where are you??" My best friend, Sydney, called out in a sing-song way.

"I'm in here! Just give me a minute and I'll be out!" I called back, hiding the catch in my voice with a cough.

"Shit." I muttered under my breath.

I had blood all over the sleeve of my hoodie. I picked up a bunch of clothes lying in the laundry bag and winced as the cut burned under the pressure of the clothes. But I deserved the pain. I was a nobody, who was probably going to become a boring old doctor with 5 cats, and not a singer. Even my own parents didn't believe in me. But I didn't want to think about that.

I opened the door and walked out, trying not to seem suspicious. Sydney had been my best friend since we were jumping around in our diapers, but even she didn't know about my habit. I made it a point to always wear full-sleeved clothes when in public, and also to act happy in front of them. She just thought that I liked full-sleeves.

I hated them. But they hid the scars, so I HAD to wear them.

"Hey, so you ready to go?" She asked me. I was completely confused, and it must have shown on my face, because she then added," shopping? For my birthday dress? Hello? You suggested it!"

And then I vaguely started to remember a promise I had made to her on her previous birthday that I would help her pick out the next birthday dress. Damn.

"Oh, yeah, yeah, I remember. I'll just go change, we'll go then?"

I was already walking up the stairs by the time she was done stuffing her face with the red velvet cupcakes I had made the night before, and nodded at me.

I ran up the stairs and into my bright blue bedroom. You'd never know that someone who is depressed lived in that room. Flowers everywhere, bright turquoise wallpaper and bedspread, etc. Like I said, I tried my best not to let anyone know what was going on with me.

I opened my closet doors and picked out a long sleeved black sweater with white stars on it, dark blue jeans and black converse. I pulled my hair up in a high bun and left the room, picking up my black backpack, with the union jack studded on it, which had my car keys, phone and emergency book, just in case these shopping trips got boring. 

"Let's go, biatch! B-t-dubs, you're out of cupcakes. A leprechaun came in and ate them." Sydney was sitting on my couch, doing nothing, which was weird for her.

I laughed and said, "Yeahhhhhhh Sureeeeeeeeeeeee. That makes a LOT of sense, Hun. C'mon, let's go. I'm driving."

"Fine by me." She got up, struck an awesome supermodel-ish pose and walked out. I laughed a little. She made me forget about all the stuff going on with me. I tore a peice of paper from the book lying on the dining table and wote on it:


I'm going out. Be back by 10.


It's not like she would care, considering how drunk she normally was, but I didn't want to give her another reason to hit me. Yep. My mum hit me. My life is great, isn't it?

I hopped into my car. Sydney was already in. I turned on the radio and my favorite song ever, Whta Makes You Beautiful came on. I know, I don't seem like the kind of girl that liked one direction. But they made me stop cutting. At east, for two months they did....


"You know what Syd, I'm gonna go and drink a mikshake while you pay for your stuff, 'kay?" I was exhausted. It had been two hours since we had gotten to the mall and so far, Syd had bought something from EVERY DAMN STORE. -.-

"Fine with me! Ill be there in a---OHMYGAWD THAT DRESS! I HAVE TO TRY IT ON!" And with that, she was gone. I sighed. Shopaholic much?

I walked out and looked for a place where I could buy a milkshake from, because I was craving a chocolate milkshake SO BAD. I finally spotted one, and got my DELISH choc mishake. I walked out of the place, expecting to find a bench or something while I waited for Syd. I was just about to sit on one, when I heard a splash, and I felt something wet, sticky and frutiy-smelly trickle down my hair. WHAT. THE. ABSOLUTE. FUDGECAKES. 

"WHAT THE ABSOLUTE FUDGE?! WHO DID THIS?!" I looked up, expecting to find someone leaning across the railing of the floor above the one I was on, but saw no one. Instead, someone from beind tapped me on my shoulder and said, "I'm SO SORRY ABOUT THAT. Can I buy you a...hat, or something?" I turned around, and I saw HARRY FUDGING STYLES. 


A/N- Ooooohhhhh what's going to happen?! I'm sorry if this chapter is insanely late, I wanted the story to be perfect, and then I kinda forgot about the trailer and stuff, because I just started 10th grade, so it's kind of hectic! But anyways, thans for reading, I'll be uploading REALLY soon, so be sure to check back! :D xx -Vidushi

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