Chapter 4

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"So, how is it like, being part of the world's biggest boyband? Hectic?" I asked Harry as we walked down the surprisingly empty street.

He smiled and said, "'s kind of stressful, having to maintain a reputation, not letting haters get to you, making sure you don't 'let your fans down'. But it has a lot of plus sides. You get to have the 4 best friends that anyone could have, make so many girls happy, stuff like that." 

I smiled back at him. "That's amazing. Most people would just want it for the fame, the money, the girls falling at their feet."

"Well, that plays a small part." He looked at me sheepishly.

I burst out laughing. "Of course it does."

"On the bright side, I got to be friends with you! If I hadn't been famous, then we would have never had to hide in that closet, and I would have never had the courage to actually talk to you. We are friends, yeah?" 

"NO. We're not. I mean, why would anyone want to be friends with you?" I said sarcastically, then burst out laughing at his pretend hurt expression, then he joined in.

"You know, Harry, I haven't laughed this much in the past 4 months combined." I confessed.

He looked at me, AGAIN doing the staring intently into my eyes thing, and said,"You look beautiful when you laugh. Gorgeous."

I chuckled. "Sure." I said, sarcastically.

"It's true! I'm not lying! Does it look like I'm lying?" 

"I don't have to answer that because I know you're lying. You don't have to. I know I'm an ugly...'Potato', as Directioners call it." I smiled right back at him. I wasn't being attention-seeking, I was just saying the truth.

"Whatever." I said, when he didn't answer. "Tell me more about yourself."

"Well, I am in a tiny boyband called One Direction,-" He started, but I hit in on the arm.

"Not the obvious stuff, you idiot! The stuff I don't know about." I laughed.

"Okay, I have a sister, and I used to have a hamster called 'Hamster', I love my stylist's baby, Lux, like she's my own little sister, I love dogs and cats, Stevie Wonder is a cool guy and I have dimples." He ended this with a wide grin, his dimples prominent.

"Really? I hadn't noticed." I said, sarcastically.

"Now you." 

"I'll tell you one thing about me- I like sarcasm, but I think diplomacy is the best skill a person could have." I told him.

"Really? How so?" He was confused.

"Well," I said, "Sarcasm is a way of making fun of idiots without them realising it, whereas diplomacy is a way of secretly telling idiots to go to hell and making them feel like they'll enjoy the ride." 

He burst out laughing. And it didn't seem like he was going to stop for a very loooooooooong time.

Once he was done, we just walked in silence. Not awkward silence, comfortable silence. He slowly moved his hand toward mine and held it. I almost pulled it away, but then stopped. His hand in mine felt amazing. 

I smiled to myself. I hadn't felt like this...ever. So I didn't know what it meant. But it felt like a growing feeling of warmth spreading throughout my body, even though I was freezing.

"Oh my god, you're almost blue! Take my jacket!" He looked at me and said, taking off his jacket.

"No, no, seriously! I'm fine!" I backed away.

"No, no, I insist!" He pulled off the jacket and put it on my shoulders. 

We walked in silence, hand in hand fo a few more minutes, until I realised that we were in my neighborhood.

"Oh! I live here! Stalker!" I said, playfully.

"More like a coincidence. I've never been to this area." He corrected me.

"Yeah. ANYhooz, this is me."

" live here? In this lonely old house? All by yourself?" He asked.

"Oh, god no. I live with my aunt. She's not home right now." I answered.

"Well, then I guess this is goodnight, m'lady." He bowed again.

"I had an amazing time tonight, Harry. Really. I haven't laughed or smiled this much in months." I confessed.

"Well, I hope we can do this again, soon. Until then," And he held out his hand, to shake mine.

I hugged him instead. "Friends don't shake hands." My mum used to say.

I must have said that out loud, because when we were done, he said, "Your mum was a great lady."

I smiled and said, "I know." Walking towards he door, I turned around and waved at Harry. He waved back.

And when I was done changing and stuff, I got a text from him-

From- Harry

Goodnight, beautiful. :D xx-H

And you know what? For the first time since I was 14, I didn't cut that night.



Broken (A One Direction Fanfic) -ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now