Chapter 5

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Harry's P.O.V.

I picked up the pan and flipped the pancake in it with my right hand, while texting Niall with my left. MULTI TASKING, BABY! I hadn't seen him or the rest of the boys since last night, at the club. Knowing Louis, Liam and Zayn, they probably spent some, ahem, alone time with the girls, but Niall? No clue.

To: Niall


I was pretty sure I wasn't going to get an answer today, so you can understand my surprise when my surprise when my phone vibrated as I was NOT used to Niall answering so fast.

I picked it up and immediately got this, I don't know how to explain it, tingly-butterflies-in-my-stomach-romance-novel feeling.

It was her.

From: Vida

Hey Harry! I was just wondering...have you heard from Syd or Niall since last night? Because I have called her about ten times and she isn't answering. I'm kind of worried. -V xx


To: Vida

I'm having the same problem with Nialler....I've tried calling him a gazillion times, but he's not answering.....kind of worried. - H xx

Hmmmm. Weird. She sent me two Xs, in her text. Which means two kisses. Maybe it's a habit. Maybe she does it because I do. What if...


Oh goodie. Another text from her!

From: Vida

Aww shit. I hope they're not in trouble. I might seem paranoid, but Syd has an uncanny ability of getting into trouble every time I leave her alone. -V xx

Wow. Niall and Sydney were basically the same person. The only difference was that Liam always saved Niall's arse from going to jail. Otherwise...meh. Forget it.

To: Vida

Whale, I was going to go look for Nialler, and I have a feeling he's with Sydney. You want to come along? -H

I pressed send. Hmmm. I was pretty nervous about her reply. What if she didn't want to come along? That'd be embarrassing. Bzzzzzzz. Moment of truth. 

From: Vida

Yeah, alright. That sounds good. Certainly better than sitting at home getting insulted by a grade A bitch. Meet you at yours?

YES!! I texted her my address and then shoved my breakfast down. Then I cleaned up a bit and put on a pair of pants, but no shirt. Too hot for a shirt. I flipped on the tv set and sat down to watch E! News, not paying much attention, when a picture of me came on. Probably another rumour.

"So apparently, these days 1D heartthrob, Harry Styles, has a new muse, and she's actually his age!",the lady on the set was saying. And all of a sudden, up came a picture of me running away from all the fans, holding Vida's hand. Awwwww shit.

"According to our sources, Harry dropped a strawberry milkshake on her head, and they instantly became friends. Who knows, in the fututre, we might see more of her?" 

Oh crap. Please let Vida not have seen this. Oh god. 

Suddenly, Beyonce interrupted my thoughts with single ladies. 

Oh crap. Vida.

"Hey! Harry! I'm lost! I have no idea where I am! Do you, by any chance, live at My Little Bakery? If not, I'm completely lost." 

She sounded so tiny and helpless and ...cute. Oh my god, I did not just call her cute. Why would I do that? I don't even know her well enough to like her yet. And even if I DID like her, there's nothing I could POSSIBLY have done about it. Considering-

"Helloooooo? Earth to Harry Styles? You there?" Oops.

"Uh-yeah, yeah I am. How about this? You stay there, and I come get you. Yeah?" I figured it was the better alternative, considering the condition of this place.

"Alright. I'm going to go eat my body weight in cupcakes while I wait. See you in 5?" Her voice said.

"Alrighty." I said, and turned the phone off. 

Vida's P.O.V.

"Alrighty." Harry's voice on the line said. I disconnected and looked up at the bakery's sign. It looked like a nice place. Ah, well. I had a few minutes to spare. 

Walking up to a free table outside, I dropped my bag on a spare chair and sat down. 

It had been barely 7 minutes, when I saw Harry walking down the road in a 'Ramone's' t-shirt, a plaid shirt over it, jeans and shades, hair in a fauxhawk, looking like a supermodel. GOD, he looked hot. NO. NO. SCRATCH THAT. HE DIDN'T.

"Hey! Hope you didn't have to wait that long. Came as fast as I could." He smiled down at me, which was when I realised that we had to go look for Syd and Niall.

"Nooooooooo. Barely sat down,"I said, shaking my head. "Let's go? Where do you want to start looking?"

"Um...I was thinking, maybe Niall's apartment?" He bit his lip.

"Uh...yeah, sure, okay. You think they had a little sleepover, do ya?" I said, giving him the ol' nudge- nudge- wink- wink.

"Hahaha! Yeah, I actually do! Let's go? My car's right around the corner." "Yeah, alright. Let's go! Hope I find her...don't want her to get lost." I said, picking my bag up.

He just chuckled in reply. What was so amusing, I had no idea.


"Okay, I give up. They've either been abducted by aliens or been eaten by a ginormous sea monster. Personally, I think it's the aliens. " I joked, after we walked out of the public swimming pool. Yeah. We went literally everywhere looking for those idiots.

He chuckled a bit ans said, "Well, I think they got swallowed by a sea monster. I  hope they got swallowed by a sea monster." 

"Why would you hope for that to happen?" 

"Well," He replied, "Because then we'd have to steal swords from the museum to fight it off and save them." He joked. I hope. He looked quite serious.

"Keep on dreaming, Curly." I teased. He swatted my arm and glared at me. 

"What? You're not curly? How about-" "NIALL!" I was cut off by Harry shouting.

"Niall!! Sydney!!! What the hell? We've been worried sick about you!! Where have you been?" I was yelling as Haz-Harry said I could call him Haz, if he could call me Veed- and I ran towards Niall and Syney emerging from Sydney's car, looking disheveled and hungover. 

"ARRGGGHHHHH THE SUN HURTS MY EYES!" Sydney shielded her eyes from the glare of the sunight. 

"Here, babe, this will help." Said Niall, giving her a bottle of water which magically appeared, out of nowhere. 

"Ooooh, so we're babe now, are we?" Haz winked at Niall, who just smiled in turn.

I elbowed him in the chest and struggled to hold Syd up, who OBVIOUSLY had a great night.

"Okay, Syd, here's what we're gonna do. We're gonna wash your face, slap you five times, then go home and tuck you into bed, alright? I don't think you're well enough to function right now. I'll call in sick for you at the restaurant." Syd worked part-time at a local restaurant.

"Okay. As long as I'm allowed to sleep."

I think she might not have noticed the sarcasm.



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