Chapter 2

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I couldn't believe my eyes. Harry EFFING Styles was saying sorry. TO ME.

"Uh....why are you sorry, exactly?" I looked up at him. He was quite tall, compared to me.

"Well, I, erm, dropped my milkshake on you?" He said, with a confused look on his face.

"YOU DID WHAT?! Why did you?! My hair was bad enough, you just made it worse!" I admit, I freaked out.

" can I make it up to you? You can have my beanie if you'd like." His hands reached up to his head to pull off the dark grey beanie from his messy brown curls, emerald green eyes still looking into my dull dark ones.

"Forget about it. I'm just going to find my friend, go home and wash it out. Thanks for the offer, though." I turned around to go look for Syd, but his fingers clasped around my left wrist.

"Ow!" I flinched. My cut was still fresh. It hurt.

"I'm sorry...but I can't let you go looking like....well, that." He said, gesturing to the mess on my head that was dark hair with a dash of strawberry milkshake. JUST how EVERY girl was doing her hair these days. NOT.

"Fine." I reached out with my right hand and pulled off the beanie from his head, my fingers briefly coming in contact with his soft curls.

I secured it on my head and looked into the blacked out screen of my phone. Good enough.

"Alrighty then, mr.styles, it was a pleasure meeting you! Thanks for the amazing new hairstyle, btw." I added, sarcastically.

"Wait, aren't you atleast going to tell me your name? Ple-" he was cut off by a girl screaming, followed by "OMG IT'S HARRY STYLES!" And before I knew it, he was grabbing onto my wrist and pulling me as he ran.

"RUN!" He yelled when I gave him a confused look, but I caught on.

I started running as fast as I could, following Harry around the mall.

"Come on, get in there!" He said, as he pointed to a broom cupboard. I ran in, followed by Harry.

He closed the door behind us.

"I hope we lost them." He looked at me. I was still trying to catch my breath. I hadn't run in a loooonnggggg time.

"Yeah i-i hope so too. Maybe we-we should just st-stay in here 'till we know when we can leave, yeah?" I suggested.

"Yeah, I reckon you're right, unknown person."

"Vida. Call me Vida." I said, with a chuckle.

"Vida? Interesting name. Short for anything?" He asked.

"Ahhhh nope, not really. My parents were proper retards. Seriously. Our dog was named Trevor." I told him.

Harry burst out laughing.

"So do you live with them? With your parents, I mean?"

" Not really." I said.

"Really? Why not?"

"'s a really long story, Harry. And very complicated. And I'm pretty sure I'll start crying mid-way. Seriously. I'm not even shitting you." I said, with a chuckle.

He looked at me, his green eyes staring into mine. He seemed to do that a lot.

"Is that the reason you cut?" He asked in a serious tone.

"What? I don't cut! What gave you that idea?"

"Don't lie to me, Vida. You flinched every time I held your wrist today."

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