Chapter 3

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"Vida! Open up!" I could vaguely hear someone yelling, their voice muffled. As I awoke, I realised it was coming from the front door.

I ran up to it, opened up, only to find Syd, shivering at the doorstep, two big dress bags(LOL wut?) in her hands.

"OH MY GAWD. We are so late! GO GO GO!" She hustled into the house.

"Whaa?" I asked her, confused.

"Clubbing? With Harry FRIGGIN Styles and his mates?! How could you forget?! We have to be there in half an hour!" Oooohhhhhh. Right. That.

"Uh...yeah, about that. I don't think I can go, Syd. Why don't you go?" I suggested.

"And why can't you go? YOU'RE THE ONE THAT INVITED ME." She was practically spitting fire.

"Alright, 'Medusa'! Let's get dressed." I surrendered. She was impossible.

We walked up, her chattering away about how she wished that one of the lads fell in love with her. I just rolled my eyes. Such a girl.

"Okay, show me the dressed and I'll pick which one I wanna wear." I flopped on the bed and said. This was going to be good.

She squealed and dropped her bags to the floor and said, "I've already picked yours. Here it is!" She pulled out a beautiful black dress, which, knowing my height, would reach about an inch above my knee. Which is not even the best part. Sydney, being the best friend that she is, had gotten me a full sleeved dress. YES!

"I love it, Syd! But it won't fit me. Too tiny. Maybe I'll just wear this?" I said, gesturing to the t-shirt and jeans I was wearing.

"NO! C'mon, get changed, I'll go to the washroom, alright? Alright." She picked up her dress, which I STILL hadn't seen, and ran to my bathroom before I could stop her. 

I started to take off my clothes. I made a point of not looking at my scarred, ugly body in the mirror. I slipped on the dress and zipped up, and to my surprise, it fit me. Perfectly. HOW?!

"Vida-" I heard Syd's voice from behind me.

"Sydney, how does this fit-" I stopped mid-sentence as I turned around to see her, mouth wide open, confused look on her face, the box of blood-stained blades in her left hand.


I rushed up to her and took the box away.

She pulled it back and screamed at me, "VIDA! What the HELL is WRONG with you?! Why would you do this to yourself?! How-"

"Do what?" I decided to play innocent. Maybe Syd was secretly dumb.

"ARE you fucking KIDDING me, Vida?!" She was furious. And not secretly dumb.

"I don't cut. Maybe that's just a box full of...blades that just...HAVE red edges." I really needed to shut up.

She didn't believe me. She walked up to me, pulled my hands to her and pulled up the sleeves, to see wrists filled with red cuts that hadn't healed.

"Then what the FUCK is this, huh?! WHY would you DO this to yourself?! What is WRONG with you?! How-" I cut her off mid-sentence.

"IT GOT TOO MUCH, ALRIGHT? Amanda keeps telling me how ugly and fat I am, how I am absolutely useless. I can't stop thinking about what happened with my mum! I mean, maybe if I had been a better kid, and done everything she told me to, she wouldn't have committed suicide! Maybe, maybe if I had been a good girl, she wouldn't have gone. I just-just want her back! I'm sick of this life! I just want to die!" I broke down, crying. I couldn't take it anymore. It was all too much.

Broken (A One Direction Fanfic) -ON HOLDNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ