Chapter 7

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  • Dedicated to Everyone who encouraged me to upload!! :)

"Um. Okay?" This was the only reply my now numb lips could muster. I didn't understand.

Why did I feel like a part of me had been taken away from me?

Why did I feel so possessive about Curls, like I was in love with him or something?

I dismissed the feeling as just sisterly affection, which was how I saw him-as a brother.

Nothing else.

And yet, there was a tiny, almost inaudible voice in the back of my mind, saying Are you really sure that that's all you want him to be?

But I just decided to ignore it and tried to pay attention to Loraine, which, according to the name-thingie on her desk, was her name.

"-and Cara's agency thinks it in her and Harry's best interest to make sure that people don't find out about them dating. This, Vida, is where you come in."

Harry, who was listening quietly, suddenly said, as if woken up, "Woah, woah, hold up. You mean you want Vida to be my beard?"

When I and Loraine both looked at him in confusion, he clarified the meaning of the phrase-it meant a celebrity's fake boyfriend/girlfriend.

"No, don't be silly Harry! Of course not. I don't want her to suffer through that. All I want, is for you," she turned to me, "and Harry to just go along with the rumours that are going around. Don't say anything hinting that you're in a relationship, but don't deny the rumours either. Just go with it!"

She gave me a reassuring smile, and I almost said yes, but Harry intervened.

"What's in it for her?"


"What does Vida get out of this deal?"

"Oh no, I'm fine with this. I don't want anything. You're my mate; I'll be glad to do it."

"No, obviously we're going to pay you a large and appropriate fee. You can be sure of it." Loraine tried to assure me.

"I don't want your money. I just..." I trailed off.

"You just? Name it, and it's yours Vida. Just don't ask for an Orca. Those are almost extinct." She added, jokingly.

I shook my head. I wanted to say it, but stopped. I couldn't. It wasn't going to happen.

I was sure of it.

" this about your music?" Harry asked, his eyebrows raised.

I tried to deny it with a shake of my head, but I guess something on my face gave me away.

I saw no point in denying it any longer, so I threw up my hands and said, "Look, I sent in a demo cd of 5 of my best original songs to SyCo six months ago. I was told that I'd be notified via email about whether or not my demo was any good within the month. I've been waiting ever since, but no one has notified me about anything. I've just been left hanging. I'd really like it if someone here gave it a listen and let me know. That's all I want." I ended the monologue, leaving the two just standing there with their mouths hanging open.

"Seriously? That's all you want? Some feedback on your demo? You're not even going to ask for a record deal?" Loraine was astonished.

But it was true. I didn't want anything else.

I wasn't going to try to blackmail her into giving me a deal - I wanted it based in my talent in music, not my taken if blackmailing people.

"Wow." Was all Curls could muster.

"Well, it's settled, then! Would you two mind signing here and here?" She handed us pens and pointed to some places on two sheets of paper, and just like that, it was done.

"It was a pleasure to meet you, Vida. And, of course, you, Harry." Loraine held out her hand, first to me, then to Curls.

We just shook it, then walked out silently, still kind of processing what had happened.

As we stepped out of the building, I realised, for the first time, that it was raining.

We ran to the parking lot, an by the time we were in the car, we were both soaking wet.

"Okayyyyyy so." And Harry just turned to me with this.

"'Okayyyyy so.'what?" I said, laughing.

He rolled his eyes.

"Okaayyyyy, so what do you want to do now?"

"Um, change into dry clothes?"

He revved the engine at this, and we shot out of the parking lot, splashing a man standing on the sidewalk with muddy water.



But anyway, I'm working on more, this was just a filler chapter. I promise the next ones are gonna be good! Also, sorry if this was really irritating to read cause I didn't have a chance to edit it properly. I'm writing on my phone. Double sowiee. :/


And thank you to everyone who told me to update; you have no idea how amazing it feels to have so many people read and like your work! Or maybe you do...yeah, you most probably do. But wtv. THANKS FOR READING!

Xoxo, Batgirl. :*

Broken (A One Direction Fanfic) -ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now