Chapter Eleven: [Oliver V]

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    A month has passed. Maverick, Ollie, and Milo have done their usual days and sometimes stayed in the student apartments if their teachers canceled classes. The three were seated in the living room, Maverick scrolling through Netflix on the TV, looking for something. Ollie had finished his project, getting a good grade, and was now sketching his boyfriend and friend Milo. Milo was on his phone, eyeing them occasionally.
    Ollie sat on the couch, leaning against the back as he grabbed his notepad and looked down at it, just staring at it.
    Maverick looked over. "Havin' trouble?" He asked. Ollie shook his head, blinking softly as he slowly opened the notepad, examining each of his drawings as his mind traveled. Maverick went back to his movie.
    Ollie hesitated turning the page, like something sexual he'd drawn in a moment of lust would pop out like some 3D pop out art book. Ollie exhaled, opened his phone, and loaded up the picture Milo sent him, frowning as he propped it and started sketching. Maverick stretched, tucking his arms in his sweater.
    Ollie happened to look at Milo, who continued to eye-stalk Maverick. Maverick then yawned, his lip caught, showcasing a sharp canine. He licked it like a cat, before fixing his lip.
    Ollie hesitated for a moment, grabbing his phone again and looked at Milo's profile, tempted to text him but stopped, putting his phone under the pillow. Maverick tilted his head back, stretching out his arms as he tilted.
    "Ollllsss. . ."
    Maverick reached his arms, doing grabby motions. "C'mere wanna watch a movie with you."
    "But . . . my sketches," he inhaled. "Actually, it can wait." Maverick looked at him with a smirk as Ollie got up, pushing the notepad aside. Ollie walked over and pulled him in, Ollie leaned into him, looking at the screen.
    "Wanna pick something out?"
    "Uhhhh yeah sure."
    Ollie reached over for the remote, scrolling to pick a movie. Maverick eyed him from behind, just watching. Ollie examined the movies, frowning a bit due to not finding anything he wanted to watch. Where's all the good stuff? Why's this all boring movies and series. Come on something good pop up! Maverick picked at his nails, mumbling he needed to get them re-done soon. Ollie clicked on something random, leaning back as Maverick hugged his stomach, resting his head on his shoulder. Ollie held his arms, sighing softly.
    Maverick felt bored of the movie but didn't say a thing. Ollie was just as bored, blinking softly. "This movie is shit."
    "Yep. We coulddd, go out and try and rent a movie? Movie theatre?"
    "Mmm, I don't know. Maybe rent a movie?"
    "That could be nice,"
    There was quiet knock on the door followed by a bunch of shuffling. Milo moved, looking over and then at the other two. "Were, you expecting someone?"
    Maverick turned his head, furrowing his eyebrows. "Noo, were you Olls?"
    Ollie shook his head, staring at the door. Oh fuck it better not be my parents. He quickly got up as Maverick got from his chair. Ollie swallowed. "Milo, open the door," Milo got up and headed for the door, looking through a peephole, and then opened the door.
    The girl was about to knock again, making a face. "Oop," Milo looked at her.
    "Hi, I kinda found out this is where Ollie lived so uhhh, I brought him stuff from class, today."
    "Hello, Ollie's in here," he stepped aside.
    Ollie exhaled slowly, holding his hand over his heart as he walked over, shaking his head. "You scared me, Mouse." Mouse, her real name Macy, peeked inside, grinning. She was unfortunately on the smaller side at four foot eleven, with red hair and big brown eyes. Maverick looked at the three of them, fully acknowledging how small the girl was. Ollie remembered exactly that it was Macy's grandfather who gave her such a short height.
    "Oh oh, I brought those cookies you liked," she carefully stepped inside. "Okay you're really tall up close and it's freakin' me out," she stared up at Milo. Milo looked at Maverick, who looked at him. Ollie couldn't help but smile, carefully taking the stuff from her and set it on the kitchen table.
    "We were just about to rent a movie, would you like to join us?"
    Macy blinked a few times. "Me?"
    Milo looked back down at Macy. "Why not." Ollie smiled more.
    "I don't mind," Maverick spoke up, sort of hanging back in the living room, as he was the tallest he didn't want to freak her out or something.
    Macy looked at the three boys, swallowing. "Okay! I don't mind as long as you don't mind,"
    Ollie grinned, setting the stuff down. "Alright, well Macy, this is Maverick," he motioned to him. "My boyfriend."
    Maverick waved as he got up and walked over. "Hello,"
    Macy walked over, holding out her hand. "Hello," she stared up at him. "Jiminy Christmas you are way taller than the other guy."
    Maverick looked down, smiling. "You can thank my father for it," he shook her hand.
    Macy glanced at Ollie, whispering. "Are you okay? Because jeez,"
    Ollie went wide-eyed. "Macy."
    "Wwwhhaaat I was just asking,"
    Milo watched from the door, hiding his laughter. Maverick's eyes slightly widen, smiling more.
    Ollie covered his red face. "Oh my lord,"
    Maverick laughed. "Olls don't be so shy. She did ask you a question."
    "Yes I'm okay, Mouse," Ollie answered, Macy giggled.
    "Annnddd over there is Milo, my. . ." he looked at Milo, blinking. "Friend," Milo looked over.
    Macy went over and held out her hand. "Hi friend," Ollie kept looking at him, smiling faintly.
    "Well hello stranger," he shook her hand, flashing a friendly smile.
    Macy smiled softly before turning to Ollie. "So do you want me to just, chill orrr?"
    Ollie nodded. "Yeah, we'll only be a little bit," he smiled.
    "Okay," she nodded, going to sit on a chair, and looking around the apartment. Maverick was on his phone, searching for rent boxes near, or somewhere close to rent movies. Ollie got his shoes on. Milo walked to his bedroom, grabbed some clothes, and headed into the bathroom.
    Ollie walked towards the door, looking at Maverick. "Ready?"
    The door opened. Milo walked out in brown soft-ish-looking pants that fell to his ankles, converse, and a lonestar blue sweater-shirt.
    Maverick looked up, glancing at Milo before he looked at Ollie. "Yep, think I found a place close. It's by this place, called Pier Market Seafood Restaurant."
    Ollie glanced at Milo before nodding. "Yeah, okay." Macy tapped on her legs, watching them.
    Maverick walked to his bedroom and grabbed his keys and wallet, walking out. "Who's hungry? We could stop at a place and find something to eat." He said as he headed out the door and stood nearby.
    Macy raised her hand. "Me!"
    "I could eat, yeah,"
    Maverick pointed his keys at her, and then Ollie.
    "I could go for a burger," Milo spoke up.
    "You can starve." Maverick stared, then smiled. "I'm kiddin'. . . try and keep up short legs!" He called, aiming for Macy, in a joking manner of course. Macy grinned, getting up as she skipped towards the door.
    Ollie smiled softly, stepping out. Milo watched them leave, then closed and locked the door behind them. He slipped his key into his pocket. Macy walked beside Milo. Maverick slowed as he neared the elevators, looking back at them. Ollie jogged to keep up, fixing his hair.
    "Your legs okay?" Milo looked down at Macy. "Y'know, since we're all way taller."
    Macy squinted. "Yes, I'm fine." Milo smirked. The elevator doors opened.
    Macy rolled her eyes, smiling as she walked in. Ollie walked in after her. Milo headed in, followed by Maverick. Maverick clicked the first-floor button, and the elevator dinged and closed after a minute
    Macy held onto Ollie's arm, staring at the numbers. Ollie looked down at her, patting her head. Maverick leaned in a corner.
    "Blegh. I hate the way this makes my stomach feel."
    "Elevators make my feet feel weird," Maverick commented.
    Ollie smiled softly. "You'll be alright," Macy frowned, holding his arm tighter.
    The doors opened. "First floor." Macy quickly stepped out. Ollie chuckled, following behind her.
    Maverick and Milo followed behind, Maverick walked forward and walked at Ollie's side. Ollie walked with him. He walked for a moment, nearing the parking lot, when he realized he didn't hear as many footsteps as he did before, turning to look at Maverick, then behind. Maverick noticed too; Macy and Milo were off back, talking to each other and stealing glances at the couple.
    "Hey! Come on you two, or it'll be just us!" Maverick's voice rose.
    Macy looked over. "It's my little legs!
    "Making sure she ain't left behind!" Macy nodded yet the pair continued to chat before they walked over.
    Maverick looked at them. "Done gossipin'? Come on. I've already started the car." He motioned to an ivory-white 1970 Mustang, walking over.
    Macy looked up at him and then looked at his car. "Woah,"
    "It's my 17th birthday from my father, Nathaniel," he answered her exclaim. Ollie walked to the front seat, opened the car door and buckled, going on his phone.
    "It's gorgeous. . ." Ollie heard Macy say as she walked to the car, opened the door and got in. Milo got in beside Macy, buckling. Macy kicked her feet a little, looking out the window.
    Maverick closed the car behind him, doing his thing as he backed out. "Olls can you use gps for the burger bar? It's Izzy & Wooks."
    Ollie did so. "Got it."
    "Thank you hon."
    "You're welcome," he smiled softly, going back on his socials. Milo went on his phone, mostly to distract himself.
   "Doooeessss this play music?" Macy asked.
    "Yep! I made sure to get a Bluetooth speaker installed when I took it in to be fixed. Cost me a pretty penny since it's a 1970 model, but in short; yes."
    "What ya want?" Ollie asked as he opened Spotify.
    "Uhhhh I really like old pop," she wiggled her feet.
    "What kind?" Maverick looked at her. He hadn't pulled from the spot, deciding on just sitting while he waited for Ollie to find music.
    "Uhhhh, stuff like Ke$ha and, stuff."
    Ollie opened the GPS app, clicking his tongue. "You're going to take a right out of here and just keep going straight."
    Maverick raised his brows, looking at his playlist. "Oo, don't think I got her. I like old metal and such." He focused, backing from the spot and doing what Ollie said. "Ollie can look up a song though! Passenger gets to pick while the driver's driving." Ollie grabbed his phone, playing something random in that category, and turned to her.
    "This?" Ollie asked. Macy grinned, nodding quickly.
    "Never thought this old gal would have Ke$ha through her speakers but, here we are." Ollie smiled softly then turned away and looked down at his phone. Maverick took a right and went straight. "Just head straight or?"
    Ollie looked at the GPS. "Yep,"
    "Got it," Maverick headed for the burger bar.
    Ollie scrolled through his feed, glancing up at the road every now and then. Milo looked up, looking back down and texted Ollie a little hand wave. Ollie blinked softly at the message, clicking on it. He gave a thumbs up emoji.
    "Sooo, little bird told me YOU'RE poly"
    Ollie's heart dropped as he slowly looked up and swallowed, looking back down at the message.
    "Yeah, someone told me"
    "Pshhh Imao" Ollie rubbed his face, his leg starting to bounce as he closed his phone. Milo read the text, squinting. Macy looked at Milo and then at the other two, singing away.
    Maverick drove, focused on the road. Maverick did, however, lower a hand to Ollie's knee, rubbing his thumb. Ollie slowly stopped bouncing his leg, resting his hand on top of his. He opened his phone again, looking at the message as his heart raced.
    "Don't say anything, Milo."
    "I wont, I wont"
    Maverick looked at Ollie, then back at the road. "Think I see the bar,"
    Ollie nodded. "Yeah, just up here."
    "I didn't want anyone finding out. . ."
    "Secret's safe with me"
   Ollie smiled faintly. "Thanks."
    Maverick pulled into the burger place. "We're here idiots." he pulled into a parking spot, took his keys out, and unlocked the doors.
    "Can you talk later?" Ollie looked up, getting out.
    "Okay." he put his phone away.

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