Chapter Thirty-One: [Spark VI]

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    Spark smiled softly, listening to the rain on Cassidy's jeep's leather roof drummed with rain patter. Ollie was full on sleeping on Milo now, snoring softly. Macy leaned on Spark, hugging their arm. Milo was half asleep, trying to stay awake. Macy kissed their forehead lightly, smiling softly.
   They maneuvered their body, watching them stretch out and lay their head in her lap, softly caressing her leg. Macy looked down at them, smiling as she ran her fingers through their hair. Spark turned to look up at her, smiling soft and sweet. She gently caressed their cheek, examining their face as Spark held her wrist gently, kissing her palm. Macy smiled still, tilting her head.
    Spark fully turned their body, laying on their back and staring up at her. Macy took in her view of this majestic boy, grinning as she ran her finger along their face gently. They closed their eyes, reaching up and softly stroked her cheek.
    "God you're beautiful. . ."
    Macy leaned into their hand, closing her eyes. "Thank you. . ." Spark smiled, doing a puffy laugh before turning, body facing her as they slip their arms around her, sighing heavily while Macy held their head, looking out the window as she ran her nails up and down their back. Spark breathed softly, listening to the rain, eyes closing.
    "Do you wanna dance with me?" She whispered softly, looking down at them.
    Spark nodded, face squished against her belly and staring up at her. "Always. . ." They nearly drifted off while Macy tapped her fingers against their head like a little drum, humming softly.
    Macy tapped Spark, looking down at them. Spark looked up at her, sitting up and yawned. Macy grabbed her bag, putting it over her shoulder.
    Spark looked around, yawning. The girls had waken themselves, Ollie rubbed his eyes, moving his face into Milo more. Milo woke to the stirring of people around him, feeling weight and turned, looking at Ollie, who had fallen back asleep. Cassidy got out and headed for the front door.
    "Ollie hey. . . we're at Cassidy's. . ."
    Ollie inhaled deeply, wrapping his arms around him and groaned a bit. "I'm comfortable. . ." He mumbled into his shoulder.
    "We gotta get inside Olls, then you can sleep. . ." Ollie exhaled softly, nodding.
   "Can you help with my stuff pleaseeeee?" Spark heard Macy ask, turning to look at the girls. "Thank you," she looked back Ollie before smiling and went to open the door.
    Cassidy made an appearance, the garage door opened as motioned for Maverick to get in the driver's seat. "We're going in the garage for tonight," Maverick said, getting I to the driver's seat. Spark watched him drive into the garage and parked, the door shutting behind them.
    "Alright, now we can get out safe and dry." Spark got out, Macy right behind them, fixing her dress as she inhaled softly.
    Bandit wasn't too far behind, the service dog didn't wear her vest as she ran around, tail wagging, and then leaped at Spark, who caught her with a soft laugh as Bandit licked around Spark's face, tongue lolling and smiling.
    Bandit wiggled to reach for Macy, sniffing, and kissed her too. Macy laughed softly, taking Spark's arm. "Come on, before it stops," she grinned. Spark smiled, setting Bandit down.
    I've never got to dance with someone in the rain before! Oh this is exciting!
    Macy guided them towards the house, Spark followed her with a grin. She opened the garage door, grinning as she looked back at them. Cassidy eyed them.
    "Where are you two going? Forgot your stuff." She motioned. Macy turned to her, grinning still.
    "I'll come back for it!" she pulled Spark into the house, giggling as she laid her bag onto the counter and raced outside.
    She's not coming back for it.
    Macy unlocked the front door, letting go of their hand as she kept giggling, opening the door and ran out into the ran. Spark they watched her, Bandit staring out. Spark then chased after her, laughing. Macy ran out into the street, laughing as she was already getting soaked.
    God I love the smell of rain. . . Spark grinned, lifting her into their arms and spun her around, their hair going dark brown and the streak a darker red. Macy laughed, holding their face as she lifted a leg a little. Spark stared up at her, hands placed on the underside of her thighs, smiling at her.
    Macy yelled over the rain. "I've only ever seen this in Hallmark movies!" Her makeup began to run as she kept laughing. "I never thought I would be recreating that!"
    "Me too!" They yelled, lowering to kiss that smile of hers. Macy held their face more, kissing back. Spark smiled, lifting a hand to pull her hair back from her face, kissing deeper as Macy pushed her tongue through a little, wrapping her arms around their neck. Spark inhaled, sighing into the kiss as they curled their tongue with hers.
    Macy hummed softly, slowly pulling away. "I love you!"
    Spark stared at her, smiling. "I love you too!"
    Macy smiled a bit, taking their hands. "You know how to dance?!" She talked over the heavy rain.
    "Not, good, at dancing. . ." They admitted, setting her down.
    "Let me teach you." She tilted her head.
    Spark stared. "R-really?"
    "Absolutely! I danced for the longest time," she chuckled, putting their hands on her hips. "You're gonna hold here, okay?" Spark let her puppet them, watching.
    Macy wrapped her arms around their neck, smiling up at them. "Now. . . sway. . ." She started swaying. Spark looked at her, looking down to watch their feet, following. It didn't take them long to get the rhythm, smiling. Macy grinned. "There you go. . ."
    I'm dancing! Spark thought, giggling.
    Macy turned her head, laughing. "Bandit!" Spark turned, yelping as their dog rushed at them, barking and skipping around. Spark set her down, Macy was still laughing. Bandit reared up on Macy, absolutely ecstatic in the rain, licking her face before jumping off and running as Spark chased her around.
    Bandit skid, bowing as her and Spark danced around the other, Spark leaned with their arms outstretched a little. The chase is on once more.
    Macy couldn't stop laughing. "Run Bandit!" Macy sat up, holding her stomach as she slowly caught her breath. Spark smiled, charging as Bandit bows and jumps at them, then turns and runs for Macy, zipping past her with Spark not far behind. The man caught their dog, lifted her to the sky with a victorious laugh.
    Macy grinned, staring at Spark. "If you catch me, I'll let you kiss me as much as you want."
    "You challengin' me shorty?" They taunt.
    "Absolutely, beanstalk." She continued to grin before booking it. Spark's eyes widen as they chased after her, Bandit not fer behind as they listened to her scream and laugh, running as fast as her little legs could go. They studied, whistling a sharp whistle as Bandit ran forward, at Macy's side and barking, nipping her calf.
    Macy yelped, running to the side. "Hey! That's cheating!" She laughed harder.
    "Not if Bandit's doing what she was bred for!" Spark laughed, calling. Bandit charged forward in front of Macy and twisted into a bow before her, eyes trained on her.
    Macy skid, trying not to step on her as she went wide eyed. Bandit kept her eyes locked on her, body stiff and low to the rain-soaked street, stalking forward. Macy stared, quickly turning but Bandit met her, barking as she went in a half-bow pose, body angled to fully face her.
    Macy breathed heavily, stepping back before turning to run off again. Spark watched, silent on their feet before charging and scooped her up with a laugh as she tried to run off. Macy yelled before laughing.
    "Damn it!"
    "Haha! Now I get those kisses!" They laughed, body angled to trap her while they kissed around the sides of her face and neck, laughing more. Bandit sat, watching with raised ears. Spark whistled. "Bandit, home!" Their dog ran towards Cassidy's.
    Macy kept laughing, reaching to hold their head. "That tickles!" Spark pushed at her arms, kissing more with a smile. Macy now just grinned, moving her head to the side as she breathed softly. Spark's grip tightened, kissing deeper against the skin of her neck, breathing quietly.
    Macy leaned her head back into them, closing her eyes as she hummed softly. Spark lifted, pulling their lips from her neck and stared up at with a familiar sly smile.
    "I think we should head inside and dry off before we catch a cold." Macy examined their face with a smirk.
    "I agree. . ." Spark carried her inside. I'm about to fuck her senseless.

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