Chapter Fourteen: [Macy II]

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    The music Enter Sandman gradually got louder and stopped as the sound of car doors opening and closing filled its silence. Cassidy opened the garage door, sighing. "We're gonna need helping hands."
    Macy came in holding her bags, huffing. "PlEaSe!"
    Sadie poked her head into view, then hurried over to help taking half of the load. "Holy fuck how much did you get?!"
    "Soooo much!"
    Ollie opened his eyes slowly to the sounds, sitting up as he rubbed his eyes and groaned a bit.
    "Shopping purge much?"
    "Not even close." Cassidy's voice rose as she and Maverick walked in, carrying the rest. Sadie and Spark hurried to help them. Macy skipped after them, standing in the kitchen. Milo nudged Olly, shuffling away, and up on his feet. Ollie looked up at him, swallowing as he blinked a few times and slowly stood.
    "Thanks Sparky," Maverick spoke as he and Spark walked into view. Maverick huffed. "Fuckin' hell man." He groaned as the two set the rest on the table. He acknowledged Ollie, smiling as he breathed. "You-you doin' okay?"
    Ollie nodded softly. "Yeah I'm fine now," he spoke quietly, holding his arm with a faint smile.
    "I got your favorite ice cream, yours too Milo," he spoke, acknowledging Milo, as well as a thing about him.
    Maverick looked away, but Mach noted that, unaware from Maverick, Milo's face flushed a dull red in surprise. Ollie walked up to Maverick, putting his face into his chest as he smiled and hugged around his waist. Maverick stared, hugging back. Macy helped unload everything, occasionally she looked at Spark.
    He's. . . is it they? I think it's they. They're kinda cute. . .
    "Did ya miss me that much hon?"
    Ollie shrugged. "Just needed a hug,"
    "Okay," Maverick replied.
    Macy went off and watched the girls and Spark put the stuff out, holding her hands behind her back and going up and down on her tip-toes. Cassidy nudged Macy's groceries to her.
    "Your ice cream is labeled and in the garage freezer,"
    Macy smiled, taking it. "Thank you," she went towards the garage, staring at it for a moment before slowly walking into it.
    Sadie was there, she and Maria. They were unloading the ice cream and cold foods into the freezer and fridge. Macy left the door cracked, sticking out her tongue as she turned to the dark room. She swallowed, flicking on a light, and hurried to get her ice cream. Maria slipped past Macy, then Sadie soon after. It was Macy now, alone in the dark.
    Macy watched them leave, hearing her own heartbeat as she opened the freezer slowly. Her breathing quickened and grew heavily, gripping the handle as she scooped up her tub.
    She heard the door fully close as her breathing picked up, her body went cold. Macy exhaled shakily, closing her eyes as she whispered to herself softly to try and call her panicked heart down as she set the ice cream back into the freezer, just going to have someone else grab it as she closed the fridge. Holding her chest, she stared around the garage as she felt her throat close up. Macy's eyes got glossy, and her jaw locked up. She breathed shakily, holding the way, and walked towards the door.
    She shakily held the handle, trying to turn it but her hand wouldn't let her open it. She cried a bit, gently knocking on the door. "Open," she whispered shakily.
    "Stupid, thing." Macy heard, moving back away from the door, still holding the wall as she looked behind her.
    Cassidy opened the door with a push but quickly pulled back so as to not hit Macy. "Macy?" She cracked the door, poking her head in.
    Macy flinched, quickly moving her hands up to hide her face as she slowly sunk down and squinted her eyes shut. Cassidy fully opened the door. No. No no please, don't. Don't hurt me, please. She begged, though the words never left her mouth.
    "Mac-" she looked at her and hurried over, kneeling. "Hey, hey hon. . ." Her soft voice spoke. Macy slowly looked up, still whispering before stopping. She examined her face before crawling into her and curled up in a tight ball.
    Cassidy sat down, pulling her into her lap. "Shh shh sweet girl, it's okay. . ." She spoke soft and gentle, holding her and running her nails down her scalp in rhythmic motions.
    Macy kept her eyes wide open, shaking like a scared dog. She whispered to her shakily. "Don-don't tell anyone. . . please." ilent tears rolled down her face.
    "Tell what, hon?"
    "About, about this." She shook her head quickly. "Don't tell," she sniffed and put her face into her arm
    "Darling I won't tell a soul. I'll just say you're afraid of the dark, okay?"
    "Okay," she whispered, looking up at her as her lip quivered. "I'm sorry,"
    "Please don't be sorry hon." Macy swallowed, wiping her eyes as she exhaled slowly. "Would you like to go back inside?" She asked, Macy nodded quickly.
    Cassidy stood, walking out. She sat down near the door and went back for her ice cream "Here hon," she handed her her ice cream. Macy grabbed it, feeling embarrassed as she wiped her face again and went towards the door. Her hands were still slightly shaking but not as badly as she opened the door and walked into the kitchen
    Cassidy followed after her, the door gave trouble as she inhaled and used some strength to close it. "Really need to get a new door. . ."
    Macy set her ice cream down, facing away from everyone as she used her shirt to wipe her eyes and make them not red. She held her bowl of ice cream, grabbing her snacks and her puzzle as she made her way over to the living room and sat down on the floor. Ollie went over to get his snacks, looking at them with a smile.
    "I didn't know what chips Milo liked," Maverick spoke up as he walked into view, grabbing a can of coke and opening it. "So I got him spicy nacho doritos."
    Ollie looked up at him. "I'm sure he'll like them, everyone does!"
    "Hope so, I almost just left with only getting his ice cream. . ." He walked over, offering his drink. "Coke?"
    Macy watched them walk into view. Ollie smiled softly, shaking his head. 'Not right now, thank you,"
    Maverick nodded, hooking his waist, and pulled him in to check his forehead. "Mm, doesn't feel like a fever."
    Ollie closed his eyes. "It was just a bug, baby I'm okay now,"
    "Can't be too sure."
    Ollie chuckled. "Maverick," he looked up at him, raising an eyebrow with a smile.
    "What?" he smiled at him. "Don't want my baby being sick," Ollie reached up, kissing his cheek. Maverick chuckled. Ollie sat down on the couch. Macy flinched a little to Ollie's sudden movement before slowly exhaling and smiling at him.
    Long into the night, the group was watching the movie. The gang jumped and laughed or screamed and hid their faces. It was during a silent scene when the doorbell rang, and half of the group jumped out of their skin.
    "Food?" Ollie asked, after flinching.
    "Our pizza! I just ordered cheese and pepperoni because I didn't want to go through with the trouble of so many different toppings. Anyways it's — thank you," Cassidy talked as she opened the door and got their pizza, tipping. "I got two party boxes!" She called out. Macy exhaled slowly, closing her eyes
    "It'll be on the table!" Cassidy called from the kitchen. Macy got up, going to get food, Sadie followed her. Macy grabbed a plate, looking at the food. She examined it all.
    "What're you getting?" Sadie asked as she got a plate and put some slices on it, making space for wings.
    "Mmm. . . not sure honestly," she grabbed a slice of pizza and a couple of wings.
    Sadie shrugged. "Meet ya in there fellow redhead," she scruffed her hair, heading back to the living room. Macy smiled at her. Sunny stole some slices, smirking.
    Macy looked at the food, biting at her lip before slowly eating the pizza away from them. How long has it been since I've been in places like this? With friends and junk food. . . She looked towards Spark again, a blush creeping up on her face.
    "You're gonna miss the movie!" Sadie called.
    Macy stopped eating, looking up. "I can see it from here," she covered her mouth as she talked, looking down at her food.
    "Alright then!"
    Macy smiled softly before going back to eating. Spark got up, walking away. They grabbed a drink from the fridge, cracking it open, then they noticed Macy. Both Macy and Spark watched each other, they put the drink to their lips and took a sip. Macy sat on the floor, hugging her arms, and went back to trying to focus on the TV.
    Spark walked over, Bandit following. They sat somewhat near Macy, Bandit lying beside them. Macy glanced at Spark, exhaling slowly as she continued watching the movie.
    Spark focused on the movie. In the corner of their eye, Macy rubbed her face, looked at her puzzle, and decided to start doing it. They glanced, looking away, then back again with a confused look.
   Macy laid her on her stomach while listening to the movie and exclaims and laughs from the group, sticking her tongue out, starting to put it together. Spark watched her. Macy watched the movie periodically and was entertained. Spark focused on the movie. Ollie jumped at a jump scare, full-on throwing his hands up.
    Macy flinched a little, staring before giggling. Maverick jumped, inhaling. His reaction wasn't as severe.
    Ollie curled into Maverick. "Ah hell. . ." Macy sat up, crisscrossing her legs, and leaned forward to do the puzzle once more. "Oh fuck, Jesus CHRIST! Macy heard, laughing.
    "I knew he'd be scared!"
    Maverick snickered, moving Ollie's head so he couldn't look. "Here big ba — HOLY, GO —" Macy couldn't stop laughing, Spark chuckling. Maria chuckled.
    "Just look away hon,"
    "I AM!" Ollie bit back, Macy snorted, covering her mouth. "Maccyyy!" Ollie whined.
    "I'm sorry I'm sorry!"
    "Don't bully the baby." Maverick laughed, hand on the back of Ollie's head.
    "Not helping!"
    Maverick laughed. "Poor man," he taunted and then jumped. "GA —"
    Macy watched the movie and did her puzzle while Ollie stayed hiding.
    "He alright?"  Macy heard Cassidy ask Maverick.
    "Fine as a scared baby deer," he continued to tease, looking back at the movie. "I think we're near the end, but I'm not sure."
    "I HOPE!"
    "You'll be okayy." Yet Ollie watched the movie from behind his arm. Maverick watched the movie. Spark hid their laughter decently, though smiling and glancing at Macy's puzzle, not even close to being done with the puzzle. Macy then sat up, now fully watching the movie. This group is weird. . . I like them!!
    Spark and Macy made their way to the living room. Ollie just fully hiding. Maverick threw a blanket over Ollie, Cassidy was a human blanket for her girls, and Milo had his legs over Ollie. The movie ended after a little, Milo uncurled his legs.
    Macy looked at her almost-done puzzle. "That was a good movie!"
    "Yep!" Maverick chuckled. "It did scare me, but not as much as it scared Mr. Jumpy," he nudged Olly as he stood.
    Ollie sat up. "Oh quit! You jumped too!"
    "Not as much as you!"
    "Still!" Ollie hissed as Maverick rolled his eyes, Ollie smiled at him.
    Cassidy chuckled. "I got a guest room if y'all need to let off steam." Maverick turned around and looked at her, eyebrows raised. Ollie turned to her, doing the same.
    Macy turned to them. "Let off steam?"
    Cassidy looked at them, frowning. "Idiots." Sadie and Sunny headed upstairs, Maria went off to a hallway on this floor, and Cassidy followed her. "It means sex hon!" She called out. Macy side-eyed Ollie and Maverick. Ollie looked at him and smirked. Maverick looked at him, reading that smirk.
    "We're not fucking in my friend's house." He frowned, then looked at Macy. "I'm sorry you're hearing this."
    "All-all good,"
    "Weeellll then let's go," Ollie smiled. "Juuustt for a little and then we can come right back." He tilted his head.
    "Where?" Maverick tilted his head as well. "Where Ollie?"
    Spark slowly pulled Macy away from the two. "Upstairs, the guest bedroom you can stay in. Second door on your left," they whispered. Macy stared up at them before slowly nodding and grabbing her stuff. Spark snuck over and then whacked Maverick upside the head.
    "Oh? OW!" Maverick turned.
    Macy stood up. "Uh, see you, three later," she made her way up slowly, swallowing. Ollie chuckled. Spark turned and walked over, looking at her before heading back into the kitchen. Milo was, also in the kitchen.
    "Night Mouse!" Ollie called.
    Macy opened the guest door, staring into the dark room as she slowly walked in and flicked the light on. The room was on the smaller side, the room in the middle of the only wall with the window, a large window. There was a closet to the left of her, a desk beside it. She laid her stuff on the bed, rubbing her arm as she went to the closet to see if they left something in there for something to wear. Cassidy knocked on the door as if by magic summoning.
    Macy flinched, turning as she looked at the door. 'Come in!"
    Cassidy opened the door. "You're staying the night I see."
    'Yeah. . ." She rubbed her arm again. "Is that okay?"
    "Oh honey yes, it's okay,"
    Macy smiled softly. "Okay cool. . ."
    "I can find a shirt of mine to wear to bed, okay? I don't think we have anything in that closet anyway."
    Macy nodded. "Okay, thank you. . ." Her clothes? I'm going to wear her clothes?! I'm going to wear her clothes that's like, relationship basis! Am I her new girlfriend? This is cool, being liked like this.
    Cassidy nodded. "Call if you need me or my girls, or Spark, okay?"
    Macy nodded again. "I will," Cassidy smiled, heading to her room to find something, leaving the door open, halfway cracked.
    Macy looked at the door, walking over slowly to close it. Spark walked into view and went down a hallway, Bandit right behind them. They looked ready for bed, even Bandit had a little blanket.
    Macy stared, exhaling slowly, and quietly closed the door, stepping away from the door, that creeping blush returned. She looked at the bed before walking to the window and making sure it was locked.
    Macy started to scratch her arm but stopped herself, squeezing as she slowly sat on the bed, listening quietly to all the little sounds. There was a knock at the door. Macy turned her face to the door. "Come in!"
     Cassidy walked in, wearing an old shirt of hers and some boxers. "Here doll. I got some options," she gave her various old band merch tees, some from a different college. A university; Texas A&M.
    Macy took them carefully. She's from Texas? "Thank you," she stood, taking a shirt and examining it. Macy grabbed a shirt, turned, and took off her shirt and bra, hearing feet she turned and saw Cassidy had turned around. She laid both down, slipping the shirt on as she turned and grinned at her. "Okay, you're good." Macy said, Cassidy smiled.
    "Looks cute on you."
    Macy blushed a bit and looked down. "Thanks," she chuckled softly.
    "Want company or alone? You've been skittish since the garage incident, I just want to be sure you can handle sleeping."
    Macy took out her hair, messing with it before sitting back down on the bed. "Uh. . ." She blinked slowly. "Um," she looked down at her nails. "Company. . ."
    "Me? One of my girls? All of us? Spark?" She shrugged, giving options.
    Macy shrugged softly. "I just want company," she nodded quickly. Cassidy nodded, moving the shirts to a nearby dresser as she made her way onto the bed.
    "We can move all this stuff into the closet. Hey wait, don't you have a dorm?"
    Macy moved her stuff to the floor, looking down at it. Cassidy lay there. "No I uhm. . . I don't, live at the college." I love with my dad. . .
    "Forgot how comfy this bed is,"
    Macy looked back at her before slowly laying next to her. "My bed isn't this comfortable. . ." She spoke quietly, smiling.
    "Aww, I'm sorry," she turned her head to look at her. Macy examined her face, swallowing before looking up at the ceiling.
    "Y'know, I sleep with Maria every night. I have a feeling she'll come in and join us,"
    "Really? If you want to go lay with her, that's okay,"
    "Or you could come with me, instead of me leaving you since you want company."
    Macy whispered softly, frowning. "But I don't want to intrude. . ."
    "It's alright dear,"
    Macy inhaled before nodding. "Okay,"
    Cassidy sat up, looking at her. "Come on," she jerked her head, getting up. Maria, perfect timing, appeared. Cassidy smiled and did a finger-turn motion, pointing. Maria turned and sped off.
    Macy got up, tucking her long hair back as she made her way to the door and downstairs. Cassidy walked, Maria, waiting at the doorway of a bedroom, going up and down on her tiptoes. Macy looked at Maria, smiling softly. She was almost as tall as Maverick, maybe just slightly shorter.
    Maria wore one of Cassidy's shirts, she smiled as Cassidy got closer, and pulled her in. "Bedtime come onnnnn!"
    "We got a guest dear, don't be so persistent," she laughed. Macy looked around their room, holding her arms.
    Maria jumped into the king-sized bed, smiling when Cassidy joined her. "C'mon Macy!" Macy went over, crawling into the bed and sat down near them, smiling softly. She crisscrossed her legs, putting her hands on her knees as Cassidy made her way into the covers, opening her arms.
    Macy tilted her head softly before crawling under the covers with her. Maria laid against Cassidy, pulling Macy in. Macy stared at them before slowly wrapping her arms around Maria's arms, being placed between the two women, Maria hugging her back and Cassidy facing her.
    "I've, never done this before," she whispered softly.
    "Never cuddled someone?" Cassidy asked, putting her arms around them both. Macy shook her head, getting comfortable.
    No. Never. . . not since my mother passed. She answered mentally, sighing. I missed this.
    "Well, we're good cuddlers," Maria giggled, breathing softly. Macy looked back at her with a soft smile then looked at Cassidy. Cassidy looked at her, smiling softly.
    Macy breathed quietly, slowly closing her eyes she sniffed softly. "Thank you for letting me stay. . ."
    "You're welcome," Cassidy replied. Macy squeezed Maria's arms a bit, furrowing her eyebrows as she rested her head against Cassidy. Maria drifted off to sleep hugging Macy, breathing softly against her back. Macy started drifting off to sleep, feeling safe. Cassidy listened to them falling asleep.

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