Chapter One-Hundred and Eight: [Maria III]

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    Maria watched him leave, looking back at Isiah. "Isiah," she whimpered. He watched Calypso before walking up towards her and stood in front of her. His eyes searched her face. Maria's breathing sharpened, heart thumping as she stared back, more stray tears rolling. "What-what are you doing? I'm sorry, whatever I did, I'm sorry." She blurted, nails pressed to her skin.
    Isiah reached down and took her hands, moving them away from her skin. He held her hands together before reaching and wiped her tears. "No llores. . ."
    She flinched a little, watching him. "Why. . . why aren't you mad at me. . . I-I. . ."
    Isiah held her cheek, eyes searching her face again as he whispered. "Porque. . . I can't be mad at the way you feel. . ."
    "But, but I'm. . . Isiah, please just be mad at me. . . please. . ."
    "Te amo, Maria. . ." He kept whispering, eyes getting glossy as well.
    "I-I said "I love you" Isiah please. . ."
    "So did I. . ." He shook his head, holding her cheek more. "I never stopped. I tried to move on but. But I couldn't. . ." Maria stared, blinking. "I never stopped loving you, Maria. . ."
    Her face scrunched as more tears rolled. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I moved on, I love you too I'm so sorry, please forgive me." She talked, voice breaking. "I love you as much as I love Cassidy, please." She inhaled shakily. He pulled her into a tight hug, holding the back of her head. She gripped him, crying into his shoulder. "I'm so sorry, please forgive me I'm so sorry." She continued to repeat in a broken voice.
    He shook his head. "Stop apologizing. You have nothing to be apologizing for."
    "You-you still, still love me, after all these years! I-I moved on. I moved on!" She broke down more. Isiah shushed her, holding her head closer as he moved to lean against the wall. She curled up at his side, hands draped lazily over him, hands tense and nails gripping.
    "Tranquilo, hermoso. It's okay. . ."
    "I love you. . . I do. . . I'm sorry. . ."
    He swayed softly, kissing her head. "I love you too. . ." He whispered, slightly digging his hand into her hair.
    Maria moved closer, guilt stung her belly. "Cassidy. . ." She said in a scared tone. "What would — what would she say? Do?"
    Isiah shook his head slowly, looking forward as he leaned his head against the wall. "I don't know. . ." She swallowed back heavy tears, inhaling soft. He frowned a bit. "I have stuff to do. . ." He whispered, looking down into his lap.
    Maria looked up at him. "Can I. . ." She quieted, looking down. "O-okay. . ."
    Isiah closed his eyes. "I'll see you later." he opened them and looked at her, nodding softly. "Just. . . don't, know when. . ." She looked back up at him, lip quivering as she looked down.
    He reached to hold her cheek, making her look at him as he shushed her softly and stroked under her eye. "Don't cry, mi amor." A small whine escaped her lips, looking into his eyes.
    "Don't cry," he reached his other hand, tucking her hair back.
    "You're leaving. I wanna come with you. . . but I don't want to leave them. . ." Maria whispered, eyes squeezing to keep the tears back.
    He presses his forehead against hers, inhaling shakily. "I know. But it's best you stay here, mi amor. With all of them. . ."
    Maria sighed. "Text me. . . okay. . .?"
    "I will. . ." He started moving. She moved off of him and up, he stood up and fixed his hoodie, looking down. She leaned and softly kissed his cheek as a goodbye, sniffling.
    Isiah closed his eyes, lightly holding around her waist. "I'll see you later. . ." He nodded, moving to look at her properly.
    Maria lowered her hands to hold him. "Can you. . . um. . . can you, come by. . . the hotel. . .? I-I can get you a, room. . ." Her voice was low, almost embarrassed to be asking.
    He examined her face, holding her hands back before swallowing and slowly nodded. "If they allow my bird. . ."
    "They allowed Macy's kitten, Spark's lizards, Bandit is allowed obviously. . . they'll allow your bird. . ."
    "Alright. . . then, I'll let you know so you can get a room. Do, you want me to pay you back?"
    She nodded, looking at him. "Pay me back. . .?"
    "Yeah. For the room. . . I know it's pricey. . ."
    She shook her head. "No, no save your-your money. . . it'll be alright. . ."
    "You sure?"
    "Yes, yes it's okay. . ."
    "Okay. . ." He reached and kissed her forehead softly, leaving his lips there for a moment before stepping back and let her hands go. She watched him. Isiah nodded to her before turning away and headed out, hands shoved in his pockets. For a moment Maria followed, then stopped, entered the room, and walked in, closing the door.

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