Chapter Twenty-One [Spark III]

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    Cassidy looked at Spark. Spark stared back at her, blinking. "Can-can I help you, Cass?"
    "Do you like her?" She asked, staring down at them. She watched Spark's eyes widen.
    "Do you like her, yes or no, Spark? Because you walking into her room with a towel kinda borders on yes. I mean did you think I was going to believe you spilled something on the carpet?" Her tone was angry, but reserved, like she wasn't trying to get mad, just wanting an answer.
    Spark listened, breathing softly. "I- I don't know, I —"
    "Yes. Or no, Spark. That is all I want." Cassidy interrupted, Spark looked back up at her, looking back down, and shrugged, staring at their lap. Cassidy stared. "How do you NOT know,"
    I do. I don't. What do I even do? Maybe? Am I just toying with her? No, no I'm not! I'm not, a-a heartless person. No I like her, but does she like me? "I think I like her, I don't know. . ." They stared at their bed, holding Leaf and Annie in their hands. "I-I want to know what she, thinks of me. . ." they continued. Cassidy stared, arms crossed before sighing and turning.
    "I'm going to see the others, please tell me when you figure it out. Okay?" Cassidy responded, voice softer, closing the door behind her.
    "Macy. . . she's gone," their voice wavered. Spark stood, putting Annie and Leaf back in their cage. Just then, the door opened again, but it was Bandit. The dog closed the door and walked over, jumping onto the bed. Spark laid down, and Bandit laid on them, getting little pets.
    Macy didn't come out. Bandit looked up, ears raised, and made her way off the bed. She trotted to the closet, nudging it open, and looked at her, sniffing. Bandit made her way in, pushing her head into her arms. Spark shuffled their way over, listening to the crying. They open the closet, finding Macy hugging Bandit as she turned her head away from the door. Bandit moved, lightly mouthing her arm, and pulled her from the closet, huffing.
    Macy shook her head, fighting against it. "No," she muttered, but the dog didn't budge, still giving a light pull. Macy let out a soft cry, shaking her head as she still fought. "Nuh-nuh-uh," she held the side of the closet. Bandit let go, turning. Macy crawled back into the closet, holding her legs up to herself. Bandit sat by Spark.
     Spark stared at the door, Bandit got up and pushed her head into Macy's arms, before pulling back and sitting, looking at Spark. Spark swallowed, moving closer.
    "Macy. . ." Macy inhaled quickly, trying to calm down. Spark reached out a hand, holding her arm. "Mouse. . . please look at me. . ." they asked.
    Macy flinched slightly before slowly looking at them as she tried to scratch her arm. Spark stared, eyes glanced before they tried to pull her into a hug. Macy leaned into them, squinting her eyes shut as she curled into them.
    Spark held her. "I. . . I'm so sorry you heard that. . . I," they swallowed, feeling their throat tighten.
    Macy wrapped her arms around them. "Not-not you. Just — I don't know I'm. . ." She hicked, putting her face into their neck.
    Spark hugged her, rubbing the back of her head, and rested their head on hers. "I-I love you. . . I hope you know that Mouse. . ." they admitted, voice quiet.
    Macy sniffed, slowly calming down but stayed there. "You've shown it. . ." her voice shook a bit.
    "I. . . I have, haven't I?" they swallowed, chuckling lightly. Macy nodded softly, now calm.
    "You. . . have clothes I can wear?"
    "They'll be a little loose, and big. . ."
    Macy shook her head. "I don't mind. . ."
    Spark nodded. "Then just pick something, okay?"
    Macy slowly moved, crawling out of the closet. Spark and their dog followed, sitting on the bed. Bandit hopped up and laid on their bed.
    Macy looked in their closet scanning all the shirts before carefully grabbing one and dropping the towel, but not before cleaning off bed face with said towel.
    Spark's head turned when they noticed something move in the corner of their eye, seeing the towel on the ground as their face flushed red. Macy slipped the shirt on, taking her hair down as she leaned her head back and shook out her hair.
    Macy lifted her head, tucking her curls behind her ears as she turned to them. She didn't look like she did before, forcing a smile. Spark stared at her, red-faced. They glance, swallowing as they attempt to shyly shuffle their legs, putting one over the other.
    Macy's forced smiled became genuine, smiling softly, walking over. "Should. . . we say hi to the boys?" Spark stared up at her, eyes wide and face a deeper shade as she walked closer, mind buffering. They just stared at her, forgetting to even reply. Bandit, the traitor, abandoned Spark, leaving the room, leaving the door a crack.
    Fuck. Fuck she's hot. How can she be so hot? She's in PAJAMAS!
    Macy stood over them, tilting her head a bit. Spark hands twitch, staring up at her with a dumbfounded look, eyes wide and lovesick. "Sparrkkyyy. . ." She cupped their face. "Eyes up here, dear."
    "I — wh —" was all they replied, smiling and giggling at 'Sparky'.
    Macy ran her thumb along their lip. "Yes or no?"
    Spark's eyes flutter, hands grasping air near the sides of her hips. "What-what was your question?" They asked, staring up at her.
    Macy moved to sit on top of them, leaning down a bit. "Do you want to see the boys, yes or no?"
    Spark made a wounded noise, gasping quietly. Their hands dig into the bed. "Mhm," they mumbled, nodding quickly as their eyebrows furrowed.
    Macy examined their face. "You okay?" She moved up a bit.
    "Y-yes," they breathed, looking down for a moment before looking back up at her. Oh she knows what she's doing. She can feel it. . .
    "You sure?"
    They stare, eyes narrowing for a moment. "Are-are you pl-playing with me?" They ask, voice wavering and a little whiney as their legs burned in their sweats, looking down, swallowing.
    "Am I?" Macy slowly slid down, tilting her head to the side. Spark's eyes screw close, moaning loud in surprise before they slapped their hand to their mouth.
    Macy watched, quiet for a moment before whispering. "Can I?"
    "Please," they pleaded, muffled by their hand. Macy pulled her hair up into a ponytail, moved their pants down, and moved up a little, mouth curling around the tip. Spark stared, whining. Macy shushed them, looking at Spark before holding their hardened dick and slowly going down. Spark leaned back, biting their hand as they moaned loudly in pain and arousal, panting and whining as they pressed both hands to their mouth. Macy watched them, pulling the shirt down more before throwing the blanket over their face. She went slow, humming softly.
    They cried, whimpering as their legs tense. "M-Mouse. . . Macy, please! Oh go- god." Spark moaned into the blanket, a hand digging into the bed. Macy furrowed her eyebrows, keeping the speed as she started using her hand. Spark's eyes rolled, back arching.
    Macy went down on it one more time, making a face before pulling off of it and exhaling slowly. She looked at them, smiling before moving over them, slowly sitting on it. She gasped softly, covering her mouth. Spark cried.
    "Oh god." Their nails grip the blanket, eyes squeezing as their body burned, panting as the heat from their face warmed up the blanket. Macy started rocking her hips, moving to hold their hips as she groaned quietly.
    "Quiet, Spark quiet,"
    "I can-I can't, oh Macy," Macy leaned forward, holding the blanket to their mouth, and moaned quietly, looking down. Spark whimpered, mouth closing around the indent of her fingers, promptly gagging themselves as their eyes rolled, back arching more. Macy covered her mouth, moaning into her hand as she rocked more. Spark groaned, high-pitched and husky.
    She held their leg, leaning her head back as she groaned. "Fucking hell. . ."
    "Macy. . . ba — oh!"
    Macy grinned, huffing as she watched them. "Fuck. . ." Spark moved the blanket, huffing heavily. They eyed her, head leaning to the side, eyes fluttering.
    "M'gonna. . . Macy I'm gonna cum," they moaned in a high yet quiet voice, breathing heavily.
    Macy raised her eyebrows, leaning forward. "Cum then." Spark stared at her, growing louder as they reached their climax, slowly losing the force to try and stay quiet, hands digging into her thighs. Macy closed her eyes, humming as they kept rocking her hips. Spark panted, heart pounding as they pressed their hands to their mouth, moaning very loudly as they reached climax and came heavily, legs tensing.
    Macy groaned a bit, slowing to a stop. "Man you're, very loud. . ." she giggled softly. Spark smiled up at her.
    "Thanks. . ." They murmured. Macy leaned down, kissing them. Spark kissed her back, exhaling as she stroked their face.
    "I love you," she whispered against their lips. Spark's face burned against hers, gulping.
    "I love you too. . . don't think we need to see the others after what they probably just heard. . ." Spark said with a chuckle.
    "Mmm yeah, probably," she nodded. "And I don't really. . . want them to see me with all these bruises and such,"
    Spark nodded. "I could find some sweats, roll them up so they'd fit." Macy nodded, slowly getting up as she hummed a little.
    Spark watched, smirking. "Am I gonna have to eat you out again? My tongue's not complaining." Macy paused, slowly turning as she smirked. Spark grinned, arms against their head, body flat to the bed.
    Macy slowly turned to them. "Are youuuuu offering?"
    "Mm, noooo, now uh. . . we were going to have to get you Plan B. . . y'know, unprotected sex," they smile, giggling.
    "Alright! Bein' a teen mom didn't fit me either ways, 'specially after my first time having sex." She grinned, turned around again, and grabbed some sweats. Spark watched her, biting their lip as they pulled their sweats back up, tying. Macy slipped on sweats, happy. Spark stood near their bed, looking at her.
    Macy looked up at them, smiling. "You like?"
    "I wanna get on my knees and eat you, so bad. . . of course I like," they answered with a sly grin, turning and heading for the door. "I hear 'em outside, c'mon," Macy nodded, rolling up the pajama pants a little before making her way to the door. Macy stepped out as they closed their door, walking. She followed after them, smiling softly.
    The group was chatting and laughing. Spark opened the door for Macy, looking out.
    Maverick looked up, smiling, and waved. "Hi, Macy,"
    Ollie sat up, grinning at her. "Hey there you,"
    Macy smiled softly, waving a bit. "Hey,"
    Ollie smirked at Spark. "And Sparkles,"
    They looked at them, frowning a bit but waved. "Hello," they sat down near her and Sadie. Sadie eyed them, smirking, and looked away to talk with Sunny.
    Peanut jumped onto her lap, swishing her tail. Ollie screeched. "Kitten." Macy flinched, staring at Ollie as she swallowed.
    Cassidy looked over, taken back. "Uh — y-yeah. . . that's Macy's kitten. . . Peanut." There seemed to be no ill tone in her voice, more calm, but also surprised at Ollie.
    "Oh. . . my. . . gosh," Ollie spoke. Peanut jumped down, trotting towards Ollie, and jumped in his lap, staring, before swatting at his nose. Ollie smiled, happy. Maverick and Milo looked at Ollie, surprised, before smiling.
    Macy giggled softly, holding her arms. "Oh, I was talking to Ollie earlier and, there's a fair coming up next week," she nodded. "We all wanna go?'
    "Don't mind," Spark replied. Macy glanced at Spark with a soft smile then looked at everyone
    "Ooo I love fairs!" Sadie smiled.
    "Sounds fun, I'm in," Cassidy smiled, and Maverick nodded.
    "You heard us on the phone, so you've got our agreement," Maverick added.
    Macy nodded. "Cool," she ran her hand through her hair, looking down at the fire pit.
    "Oh, Macy, I just noticed your hair. I didn't know you were a curlyhead," Sadie grinned.
    Macy looked up. "Mm? Oh, I — thanks. . ." Macy turned to Spark a bit, smiling faintly. Spark looked at her, narrowing their eyes in confusion but smiled faintly back. Macy turned her head. Spark realized, squinting at her. Macy shook her head, chuckling softly.
    "What're you chucklin' about over there shorty?" Sadie asked, head leaned back on the backporch couch to stare at her.
    Macy looked up at her. "Oh I. . . just. . . uhm," she fiddled with her fingers, looking down at her hands. "A book I've started reading."
    Spark eyed Macy, rolling their eyes before looking down, humming. "So, uhm. . . what's for dinner?" They asked. "Because I am HUNGRY."
    "Yes, I could eat a whole cow!"
    "Pizza?" Ollie offered.
    "Mm, I want burgerssss," Sunny replied, laying on Sadie.
    "I could go for burgers too!" Maria replied.
    "Burgers sounds yummy!" Macy agreed.
    Ollie squinted. "Okay, fine burgers,"
    "Yes!" Maverick did an air-five with Maria, laughing. Ollie looked at them, rolling his eyes.
    "Aww, come on Ollsss, don't roll your eyes,"
    "I'm nOt!"
    "Yes, you areee," Maverick replied, smiling as he leaned closer. Spark hid their laughter in their hands, watching them and the others.
    "I saw you!"
    Ollie pouted. "Did not!"
    Maverick raised an eyebrow. "Don't you start pouting,"
    "Oh, I'm gonna start."
    Ollie raised his chin. "Maverick."
    Maverick moved, sitting up. "Alright." He got up, picked up Ollie, and carried him in.
    "Not hearin' it."
    Spark stared at them, walking in and looking at Macy before looking away and decided to steal Maverick's seat. Spark rested their legs on the armrest, leaning back and curling up. Macy looked over at Spark, smiling softly as Spark glanced at her, matching that smirk.
    Cassidy went on her phone, going through and putting her burger on her cart. "What y'all want?"
    "Just a cheeseburger with pickles, no tomatoes please," Macy said.
    "Quartpounder with cheese," Spark replied.
    "Sunny and I can share a twenty-piece nugget,"
    Cassidy listened, carting their orders. "Anyone know what those two want?"
    "Oh! I'm sure Ollie would want just a double cheeseburger with zero veggies,"
    "Cass you know Mav likes Big Macs," they smile, looking back at her. Cassidy eyed them with a smirk.
    Cassidy put their orders in, hitting pay, and sighing. "Now we wait," Macy moved closer to the fire, holding her hands up to it. Spark watched her, hands tucked close to their body, curled up. They stared, moving to sit up when he saw Macy look fearful of the fire and moved away from it.
    "You alright?" Sadie asked.
    Macy blinked a few times. "Yeah, just. . . got hot," she giggled, looking at Sadie.
    Sadie stared, looking worried but slowly nodded. Spark went to wave their arm, but pulled it back, eyeing the other three, then thought of a better idea and grabbed their phone, texting Macy.
    "You alright?"
   Macy grabbed her phone, looking down at it as she inhaled slowly and texted them.
    "Just had a flashback, I'll be fine"
    "Always here if you need comfort <3"
    Macy smiled softly. "❤️"
    Spark smiled, looking up at her, and did the tiniest finger heart to her. Macy looked at them, smiling more as she did it back. Spark smiled big, and Macy grinned, looking down. Spark's eyes widened as they grabbed their phone, texting quickly.
    "Omg, can I do your tattoo rn instead of tomorrow?"
    Macy turned, staring. "Yes,"
    Spark smiled, got up, and headed inside. "Come on come on!"
    Cassidy eyed them, squinting. "Halt, where're you two going?"
    Spark turned, smiling as their hands spaz. "I get to do a tattoo on her!" they squeaked, Cassidy smiled.
    Macy grinned at her. "My first one,"
    "Make me proud you two," she laughed. Macy giggled, running inside. Spark giggled too, running after her, rushing to their room.

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