Chapter 4 (Chandler/Joey)

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I walked out of the building looking behind me. My job as an accountant wasn't the best but the pay was reasonable. It's not enough though, only bringing in one reasonable income to the family isn't enough. I know we might loose the house soon, it's a possibility I guess but we're staying positive.

I looked through the sea of cars to find my blue ford. I got the keys out of my jacket pocket and heard the click of the doors unlocking.

I put my foot on the brake as I slowly stopped at the traffic lights. I thought about everything, everything that was important to me. My family, the house, Monica, Erica and jack... JACK! Thank god I remembered I needed to pick him up from his work.

I turned the corner and parked just outside the corner shop.

I started getting my phone to ring jack only to pick it up, as it was ringing.

"Hi jack" I looked outside the window to see if he was walking out of the entrance.

"Hi dad, are you outside?" He sounded a bit upset which made me worry.

"Y-yes I'm outside, you ok?" I saw him walking out the entrance of the corner shop and putting his phone in his pocket. He hung up on me.

"Jack, are you ok?" I spoke cautiously because I knew sometimes he'd get defensive and would shout, only recently he's been like this though.

"I'm fine, dad. Can we just get home, I have loads of homework to do for school tomorrow." He spoke harshly.

"Sure. Do you want me to help you with any of your homework?" I put my hand on his shoulder in a comforting way. I knew he was stressed lately. We all were.

"No thanks" he shrugged his shoulders, I pulled my hand off his shoulder and put both hands back on the steering wheel, concentrating on the road.

As I was pulling up outside the house Jack had already started opening the car door. I stopped the car so he could get out without hurting himself.

He grabbed his bag and ran out the car without looking bag and ran in the house. I sighed heavily and put my head on the steering wheel with my hands still holding the wheel.

I sat back in the seat. Worried, I was worried about where we would be in a months time or even a weeks time. I just hope somehow we'd get through this...


I brushed my finger over the silver ring. I had a huge smile plastered on my face. The price of the ring couldn't even wipe my smile away. I loved Lauren, I'd do anything for her.

I looked up at the salesman and nodded with a grin still on my face.

He put the box in a very expensive looking bag, which was just the carrier bag. I did think the carrier bag was a bit pointless but just went a long with it anyway. I handed over the money and took the bag from the man and thanked him.

*back at the house in LA*

"Lauren, Lauren are you home?" I tried hiding the excitement that was building up inside of me. I knew the ring was in my pocket, I had done it, I had done what I never thought I could do without my friends. I miss them so much, I haven't had a chance to speak to them in awhile with all this stuff going on, with the new sitcom going on to the second season, I haven't had time. I loved my job though. I finally got the acting job I'd been waiting for. The sitcom is called 'Life with friends'.

Lauren was an incredible fashion designer. I know she would've got on with Rach really well, but they've never met.

"Hey joey, how was your day?" Lauren spoke in a caring tone as she leaned in for a hug. Of course after a long days work I wanted more than a hug from my hopefully soon to be fiancé... I pecked her on the lips after our hug.

"My day was great thank you, how was yours?" I looked straight into her beautiful ocean blue eyes. Not only did I love her but I trusted her.

"Awwhh I'm glad, my day was great thanks, I finished the design on the dress today!" She said with a huge smile on her face.

I mirrored her smile and looked straight back into her eyes.

"Lauren that's great, I'm so happy for you!" Excitement was running through me as I picked her up and kissed her on the lips.

"Lauren, I love you!" I gently put her feet back on the ground so I could see her face again.

"Joey, I love you so much."

I knew exactly where I wanted to take her for the proposal, where she grew up, New York City. Once I've proposed to her I'd hopefully try and meet up with the whole gang. It'll be hard to get everyone together though, by the whole gang, I mean EVERYONE, the 6 of us together again and all the children. I miss them and I know they would love Lauren. I smiled to myself thinking about the fact that we could all be together again for the day.


I'm so sorry that it's up slightly late but I went out shopping for the day and to the cinema. Thank you so much for all your support so far. If you like this story so far then PLEASE VOTE! It would mean so much to me, I love all the comments you've left on twitter or on here. I love your support, so thank you so much <3 xxxx

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