Chapter 9 : Part 1 (J+L)

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Please read what's at the bottom!


Lauren's P.O.V (Joey's gf)

I swung my legs from side to side and changed the height on the kitchen stool. It was fun ok...
The phone rang which ruined the fun I was having. I ran towards the sitting room where I could hear the ringing. I always miss the phone so I decided my best option was to just grab the cushions and pull them off the couch!
My technique worked! I found the phone and clicked the green button.
"Hello, is this Mr.Tribbiani?" The caller had a deep voice which seemed intimidating but I replied.
"No, I'm his girlfriend, may I ask who's speaking?"
"Well I'm calling in regards to the New York City flight on the 25th September"
"Wait, what? New York City Flight?" What on earth was happening? Me and Joey have no time to be going on holiday and we haven't discussed anything.
"Yes, The New York City flight on the 25th of Sept-" I cut him off as I knew the next line, also I was really confused.
"Yes I got that part but I'm sorry I think you've got the wrong Mr Tribbiani"
I could hear shuffling of papers when a reply came through "uhh s-sorry for wasting your time, good bye"
The beep rang through my ear signalling that he had hung up.
Well that was really weird ... I'll have to ask Joey about it once he gets home!


I'm stuck on what to write but this is part 1 of chapter 9! I felt like I needed to get something written but I'm writing part 2 as your reading right now but I just keep editing it constantly. I keep needing to change parts of it! It will be up soon though :)

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