The One With The Reunion

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Hey Friends Family, hope you enjoy this fanfic! This is my first fanfic so do not judge me!:')

Tweet me > @FriendsFamilyUK or comment :)

Adios amigos!<3

This is set in 2019





Monica's POV:

I could clean the kitchen a bit more couldn't I ? Maybe I shouldn't ..... No I have to! No I promised chandler I wouldn't clean anything for a whole day .. This is going to be impossible!


"hey Erica, you feeling better sweety ?" I spoke to Erica in a caring tone as she walked through the door.

"I'm feeling a bit better mom, thank you, could you make me something for lunch, lik-" Erica began but I cut her off with my excitement...

"Yes of course, would you like some soup" I said in an eager tone.

"Sure" Erica said whilst giggling.

She knows I cook at any opportunity I get, seen as being a chef isn't working out well for me right now. I'm hoping something will come along soon, Chandler's bringing the money in while I have to clean the house, which I don't mind because even if I had a job I'd still be cleaning this place to perfection.

Erica's face softened as she saw that I had blanked out again.

"Mom" Erica began in a soft, quiet tone. "Everything is gonna be alright soon, stop worrying"

Erica's POV:

"Everything is gonna be alright soon, stop worrying" I knew not everything was going to be alright but I have to reassure her. Dad's worried about her because she keeps zoning out, like she has a million things on her mind.

"Mom, Jack's bringing in income as well so it's not all bad" I spoke in a soft tone hopefully bringing some light on this dark situation.

Mom stood up slowly walking towards the kitchen cupboards to get the frying pan most likely.

"Erica you just don't understand do you? Jack is my son, I'm the mother, I should be bringing in the income not your brother! He's only 15, and working in a corner shop isn't even helping our financial problems" she raised her voice at me, which scared me a little because she never does that.

I stood there frozen, I didn't know how to reply, we both know that we're in danger of loosing the house but I guess we're all just trying to stay positive.


Rachel's POV:

As I twist my wedding ring around my finger which rests on my left hand, I feel overwhelmed with emotion and burst into tears. I dip my head into my hands and just cry.

I cry for what feels like minutes when in reality it was hours! It was reaching 3:30pm which meant Emma would be home soon. I wipe away as many tears as possible and I grab a few tissues from the box in front of me, hoping to get rid of the puffiness around my eyes before Emma gets back.

Crap, oh my god I can hear keys being jingled! I run into the bathroom to splash water on my face which should make it less obvious I had been crying and hopefully Emma will just buy the lie I'm about to tell her!


Thank you for reading!

I need to know if you like this so far or not ?

Should I carry on ?

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