Chapter 5 : part 2 (Chandler)

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"We could go to New York City."

I saw Monica's head lift up and with a grin on her face, she replied "yes!"

A smile grew on my face at the thought of going back to NYC, I knew it wouldn't be the exact same as it was many years ago but me and Monica always knew that when Erica and Jack left home, we wouldn't need the space, we knew that we'd go back to NYC once they'd left because we loved it there. It would be pointless having a big house with only us two living in it but right now there were still four of us and it wasn't ideal to move right now but we had no choice.

Me and Mon still need to discuss a lot, we also need to talk to Erica and Jack and we'd need to find an apartment to move to.

There isn't much time to look at many apartments because in a matter of weeks possibly we could loose the house, so I think the first apartment that's ideal we'll probably move there.

We all love this house, it's where Erica and Jack grew up but I think we'd prefer to move rather than loose everything we have and who knows maybe NYC was the place we

should've stayed all this time.

Another thing, we'd be able to see Rachel, Ross, Emma, Phoebe, Mike and Lilly more.

I miss Joey so much, I miss the manly hugs and the weird handshakes. Hopefully he'll come over here soon because right now we can't afford to fly anywhere!

I know Ross and Rachel are having problems lately but with everything going on with our financial problems we haven't been able to help them and see what the problem is. I know Monica wants to see Rach and Pheebs more, she misses them. I do as well.

Who knows it might be a good thing rather than bad to move to NYC. I guess we'll find out in a couple of weeks...


I decided to get another part up tonight because there won't be another part until the weekend so I felt bad :) hope you enjoy, vote if you like chapter 5! Thank you! Xxx

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