The Legacies of the past and prophecies of the future

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Harry awoke in an unknown place, filled with greenery and luster. He rubbed his eyes, trying to shake off the remnants of sleep. As his vision cleared, he was struck by the breathtaking beauty of his surroundings. Lush green fields stretched out before him, framed by majestic mountains in the background. A sparkling river wound its way through the landscape, its waters shimmering in the sunlight.

In the distance, he spotted a magnificent twin manor, their towers reaching toward the sky like sentinels of an ancient world. Harry instinctively reached for his wand but found it missing. Panic surged within him, and he tried contacting Cosmos telepathically, but there was no response. He took a deep breath, calming himself, and decided to observe his surroundings more closely.

The land around him was alive with magical creatures. Forest elves darted between the trees, their laughter like music on the wind. Nymphs and spirits danced along the riverbanks, their ethereal forms glistening in the sunlight. Griffons and hippogriffs soared above, their powerful wings casting shadows on the ground.

A majestic white-scaled dragon, a species Harry didn't recognize but decided to call a "Luminous Dragon," lay sunbathing on a rocky outcrop. Its scales sparkled like gemstones, and its eyes glowed with an otherworldly light. In the distance, Harry saw centaurs roaming in small groups, their bows slung across their backs. Unicorns grazed peacefully near the river, their silvery coats glistening. Far off, he could see a dwarven den nestled in the mountainside and, in the opposite direction, a goblin den carved into the earth. Merpeople swam gracefully in the river, their voices rising in hauntingly beautiful songs.

Some creatures appeared domesticated, adding to the sense of harmony in this magical realm. Harry recalled the lessons on magical creatures taught by Dahlia Potter's portrait at the Potter Manor. Her teachings flooded back to him, providing a sense of calm and familiarity.

Suddenly, a hippogriff and a griffon landed before him, their eyes locked onto his. Remembering Dahlia's lessons, Harry kept eye contact and bowed deeply. The creatures regarded him for a moment before allowing him to pet them, their feathers and fur surprisingly soft.

Feeling more confident, Harry moved forward, his eyes set on the twin manors. Just as he was about to reach them, the Luminous Dragon flew down and blocked his path. The dragon stared into Harry's emerald green eyes, its gaze intense and searching. Harry felt as though the dragon was probing his very soul, seeking something deep within him.

Time seemed to stretch on as they stared at each other, but in reality, only three minutes passed. Finally, the dragon moved away, satisfied with whatever it had found. Harry felt a strange sense of approval from the creature as it allowed him to continue on his path to the manors.

As he approached the grand entrance of the twin manors, Harry's mind raced with questions. Where was he? Why was he here? And what was the significance of this place filled with such magical wonder? Determined to find answers, he steeled himself and stepped forward, ready to uncover the mysteries of this place.

The twin manors stood proudly amidst the lush greenery, their stone facades adorned with intricate carvings and ivy-covered walls, giving them an air of ancient grandeur. Though not as large as the Potter Manor, these manors exuded a timeless elegance. They were mirror images of each other, connected by a grand archway that added to their symmetrical beauty. The windows were tall and narrow, each with stained glass that cast vibrant patterns on the ground as the sun shone through.

As Harry walked up to the majestic, beautiful, and ornate wooden doors, he couldn't help but be mesmerized by the intricate carvings. The doors depicted mythical creatures and enchanted forests so lifelike that they seemed to move under his gaze. Before he could knock or push them open, the doors swung inward of their own accord, inviting him inside.

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