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"You're playing a G, not an F, Brady."

When his mother said that to Brady initially, he hated it, but now, he wanted to hear it more than ever.

As he was thinking this, her coffin was being lowered- ever so slow, it seemed. It was the best he could afford: mahogany with iron designs of roses on the sides and top. Brady thought that if she were alive, she would have loved it... which didn't help stop his seemingly endless stream of tears running down his face.

Normally, he would be ashamed of it, but now, he didn't care. He didn't care if anyone saw him vulnerable and weak because he was. He was vulnerable and weak. His mother was dead. How else was he supposed to feel?

A few hours later, the burial was complete. All Brady could see of his mother was a large patch of dirt where the coffin was buried and a tombstone. The tears didn't stop.

You'd think by now I lost all the water in my body... Brady thought.

Once the tears finally stopped, he sat down next to the tombstone and looked around. The graves near him all had some flowers on them. This made Brady feel guiltier.

"Aw, damn," he muttered. "I'm sorry, Ma."

I'm worthless- can't even heal my own ma in time, much less pick out some damn flowers. Can't use proper grammar. Can't play a violin. Can't be a son his ma was proud of.

The graveyard suddenly became dark. Brady looked up. Dark clouds were looking down on him menacingly.

"Crap," he said. "Sorry, Ma, but I'd better go."

With that, Brady left the cemetery, leaving his mother's grave in the rain.

(AN: Sorry for any mistakes or the short length. I wanted to get this one out today since I recruited Brady in-game today. ^-^;; So, I thought "Wouldn't that just be loverly?" [Someone please get that reference.])

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