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Nah sighed and sat down. All the chores were done- though no one told her to do any- and no one took note of it.

Whatever, Nah thought. They don't even want me here.

She looked at the ring on her finger- her mother's. More than anything, she wanted them back. She knew they must have loved her. They didn't leave her here on purpose, right?

A shriek came from downstairs- her foster mother's. Nah ran downstairs to see an axe through the front door. A Risen. Possibly more outside. Nah pushed the door outwards so it hit the attacker. While he was trying to regain his sluggish composure, Nah took the opportunity and ran outside.

There, she pulled out her perfectly smooth, gem-like dragonstone. It felt warm in her hands. Taking a deep breath, Nah concentrated and found herself in a curtain of giant flower petals. Taking only a few seconds to transform, she emerged as a terrifying, red beast- a divine dragon of Naga. This was the gift of the manakete bloodline.

Three Risen charged at her from different directions. Nah dug her claws into the ground and opened her mouth, releasing a blast of fire onto the Risen. They ran about, still on fire, until they finally fell down defeated. Nah transformed back into her human form and collapsed. Another death evaded.

Once she got enough energy back, Nah headed back to the house. Her foster family continued on with their days, as if nothing happened. As if Risen never attacked. As if Nah didn't defeat them. As if she didn't just save their lives.

Nah didn't let it bother her though. Whether Risen attacked or not, this was everyday. After all, they didn't want her here.


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